Thursday, December 02, 2010

SE7000 VST RS7000

YouTube via zamisers7k | December 02, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

"A Sneak peak at what I've been working on ..Made with Synth Edit. Design and concept inspired by the Yamaha RS7000, hopefully to be a VSTI plugin Virtual Analog software synthesizer as a companion for the RS7000 or use by itself inside your choice of softstudio that accept VST plugins.

I've had to build the Amp, Filter, Pitch switch that crosses over between the LFO and the first EG's ADSRs. Also the Pitch ADSR was really wonky compared to how the RS's acts, but I actually got it to pitch both ways, rare from what I've seen on all the synth edit examples to have a decent working Pitch EG."

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