MATRIXSYNTH: NAMM: Fairlight iPad App Pricing

Thursday, January 20, 2011

NAMM: Fairlight iPad App Pricing

YouTube via productionroom | January 20, 2011 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes
.1 percent of the original cost of a Fairlight: 50 AUD, 50 USD, 25 EUR
Will you be picking it up?
iPad prices on eBay

"NAMM 2011: - Fairlight CMI30A iPad APP

In the 1980s, Fairlight Instruments turned the music industry on its head by developing the first commercial instrument based on sound sampling. See the history page for more background. That company was wound up at the end of the eighties. Fairlight's successor, Fairlight.AU, is now the world leader in professional audio editing, recording and mixing.

In 2009, Peter Vogel, one of the founders of the Fairlight of the '80s, re-established Fairlight Instruments with the objective of developing musical instruments utilising the latest audio technology developed over the last decade by

Although Fairlight Instruments is independently owned and operated by Peter Vogel, there is close cooperation between the two companies. has been contracted to supply key technology, including its groundbreaking Crystal Core media processor and develop the specialist audio software required.

For more information contact Production Room on 0113 246 7985 or email"


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