MATRIXSYNTH: Wavemakers Site Update - Terry Kincaid Studio Panorama

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wavemakers Site Update - Terry Kincaid Studio Panorama

Vintage Wavemakers equipment photos have been added to the Wavemakers history page, including a panoramic photo of Terry Kincaid's impressive basement studio.

1 comment:

  1. I worked with Terry from time to time here in Edmonds, WA. I was friends with his brother Mike - we were both guitar players. I heard Terry's work he did for his PhD - he sent a real to real tape home of his synth compositions he did for his graduate degree. Wow! You had to be in the right frame of mind - we were. I last saw Terry right before he died. I could barely recognize him he had lost so much weight. So sad - he was such a workaholic and his diet was terrible. It was hard to watch. He died working. Wouldn't even stay home or get hospitalized because a schedule had to be met... Sad. Very sad.


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