MATRIXSYNTH: The Packrat - December - May

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Packrat - December - May

Looks like the last Packrat I posted was back in November. Here's December through May. You can find previous episodes going back to Frebruary, 2005 here. BTW, if you scroll down the right side of MATRIXSYNTH you'll find a custom Packrat for the site by Dave.

"Can Packrat learn from his nightmares? Does earwax float? Wait, I don't know the answer to that, either."

"Packrat's new invention ushers in an invention of my own: a continuing plotline!"

"At the 1939 World's Fair, Packrat meets the inventor of the 'Voder.'"

"Packrat appears in 1955, where he gets some scientific advice from a certain learned sage."

"Packrat meets Dr. Hugh LeCaine, inventor of the first voltage-controlled synthesizer."

"Dr. Lecaine helps Packrat complete part of his time-traveling journey home."

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