MATRIXSYNTH: trouby modular

Thursday, April 14, 2011

trouby modular

via this auction
Video at the auction and here.

"more informations to the modules:

- masterclock generator: gives out a precision clock w/ lookahead tempo table for 8th, 16th, 32th.
- digital buffer & quint inverter
- math trigger sequencer: a unique pseudo-random trigger sequencer for 16 outputs based on an 4bit ALU, contains NEW operand switches
- trigger sequencer: 1 bar seq. for triggering something (narrow switches)
- trigger decay: a simple decay envelope generator
- LED FUZZ: a fuzz effect based on 2 green LEDs...
- black plate: will replaced w/ another trigger sequencer (wide switches) soon

- power supply: 90-260VAC, internal +-12V
- digital level is 3,5V at high, is incompatible to the TTL of vintage machines but works fine w/ LS-TTL & CMOS how you see in the video.
shipping is $100 from germany."

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