Showing posts with label Trouby Modular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trouby Modular. Show all posts
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
analogue synthesizer demo 4
Published on Jul 25, 2017 Synthe_64
"This demo is another example of what can be produced using vintage and new analogue synthesizers and modulars trough connection of CV and triggers. The vintage synthesizers are the incredible Moog Minimoog Model D and Roland vocoder VP 330 plus, the Roland SH2 and Korg Polysix . You will also hear the RMF Elsita drumsynthesizer, the Arturia Microbrute and Korg Monotribe. A Pittsburgh modular with some additional modules from Doepfer and Trouby complete the sound.
Mixing and FX is done by two Behringer mixers, an Alesis Microverb 3 and a Small Stone phaser. The used mike for the vocoder is a Shure PG57.
I don't use midi. No prerecording used.
I invite you to also check my former 3 videos." [posted here]
Pittsburgh Modular Confluence,
Trouby Modular
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Analogue Synthesizer Demo 3
Published on Feb 21, 2017 Synthe_64
All parts here.
"This is my third demo created with analogue vintage and new synthesizers. You will hear the Minimoog model D ( 1973 ), Korg Polysix, Roland SH2 , Pittsburgh Modular, Trouby masterclock, Doepfer Dark Time and Dark Energy II, Arturia Microbrute, Korg Monotribe and Akai Rhythm Wolf. Stereo reverb comes from Alesis Microverb III and stereo delay from my Behringer Xenyx 1202 FX. The phasing effect is done by EHX small stone. Mixers are Behringer 1202 FX and 1002.
Everything is taken in one track; no post production.
Devices are connected via Control Voltage and Triggering.
There is no Midi used .
If you have any questions about the demo, feel free to ask via
I invite you to watch my former 2 videos aswell."
Pittsburgh Modular Confluence,
Trouby Modular
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Barton CV Arpeggiator and Trouby Trigger Sequencer
BartonCVArpTrouby16 Published on Mar 31, 2015
"Barton CV Arpeggiator and Trouby Trigger Sequencer with 16 Led Mod and Clock out Led by SJB"
New in 2015,
New Modules,
New Modules in 2015,
Trouby Modular,
Monday, February 02, 2015
New Trouby Modular Filterbox - Demo Videos
Published on Feb 2, 2015 therealtrouby
trouby modular filterbox vermona claviset200
trouby modular filterbox vermona ET6 flute filter
trouby modular filterbox gdr guitar filter
trouby modular filterbox russian perle2 filter
trouby modular filterbox vermona to10 filter
Thursday, August 14, 2014
trouby modular - 8 channel trigger sequencer demo
Published on Aug 14, 2014 therealtrouby
"a simple analog techno beat"
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
"Percussion Work 4" - Delptronics LDB 1e & 1x
Published on Aug 5, 2014 Strange UFO Music
"Here is how the Delptronics Little Drummer Boy modules sound with the Doepfer A101-2 (in VCA mode) and some different effect colors changed in places. My impression of the delptronics is it is a great value and space saving, ideal for smaller modular setups like mine. With both the main module (an 8 piece drum kit!) and the expansion together, only take up 10hp. My ideal enhancement would be to add a 4hp snare drum module.
This piece is reminiscent of groove etudes I've played (when I played drums). My drumming has now transitioned from using drumsticks and pedals to using switches and a clock divider. As in this piece, I used a very special switch from Trouby Modular (from Germany) called Switch 8. This allows for lightening fast switching in any combinations. In this work, the bass and snare play a polyrythmic ostinato, while the hihat plays a 'melodic solo' with accents playing other polyrhythmic ratios. Of course, the clock divider is the 4ms Rotating Clock Divider. The toggles were set in place and not changed in this piece. The effects were from the Zoom HD8 multitrack. Actual patching shown. (did not use dual trigger delay even though that's pictured patched).
Hope you enjoy, thanks for watching/listening!"
Friday, March 07, 2014
trouby modular - tube fuzz - ecc82 12au7
Published on Mar 7, 2014 therealtrouby·118 videos
"fuzz demo. tube heated w/ -12V & runs at +12V..."
Saturday, September 07, 2013
1st Prototype Trouby Modular - masterclock generator
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction - learn how to sell on eBay here
"Fully functional and tested prototype Trouby Modular Master Clock module.
Two sets of timing pulse outputs, with divisions at quarter, eighth and 16th notes.
Three start/stop pulse outputs for syncing external devices such as sequencers.
Beat and power status lights. Stop start switch. Very solidly built. Thick aluminum panel, quality parts."
"Fully functional and tested prototype Trouby Modular Master Clock module.
Two sets of timing pulse outputs, with divisions at quarter, eighth and 16th notes.
Three start/stop pulse outputs for syncing external devices such as sequencers.
Beat and power status lights. Stop start switch. Very solidly built. Thick aluminum panel, quality parts."
Monday, July 29, 2013
Trouby Modular triggerseq demo
Published on Jul 29, 2013 therealtrouby·117 videos
Audio starts around 1:12. Drum trigger sequence.
Audio starts around 1:12. Drum trigger sequence.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
trouby modular demo videos
trouby modular sale demo
Published on Jun 12, 2013 therealtrouby·116 videos
"masterclock, trigger sequencers, led fuzz, organ filter"
Drum sounds on the trouby modular
trouby modular - G.D.R. E.Q.
Published on Jun 12, 2013
"a subtractive 6-channel gdr equalizer. frequencies are: 70, 200, 2k, 5k, 10k, 20 khz. made as eurorack, too."
Published on Jun 12, 2013 therealtrouby·116 videos
"masterclock, trigger sequencers, led fuzz, organ filter"
Drum sounds on the trouby modular
trouby modular - G.D.R. E.Q.
Published on Jun 12, 2013
"a subtractive 6-channel gdr equalizer. frequencies are: 70, 200, 2k, 5k, 10k, 20 khz. made as eurorack, too."
Thursday, May 02, 2013
trouby modular - green filter - gdr guitar filter
Published on May 2, 2013 therealtrouby·114 videos
"passiver RC filter selector für gitarren. Sound incl. pur: logan string melody 2"
"passiver RC filter selector für gitarren. Sound incl. pur: logan string melody 2"
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
"Corridors of Time"
"Corridors of Time 1" - (Instrumental)
Published on Dec 18, 2012 by TimeSynthis
"Chamber music for electronic orchestra.
MFOS Sound Lab and DS-7 clone play percussion, controlled by Trouby Modular. Other instruments played on an Ensoniq SD-1. Red Square used only for multiple patching from the Trouby to the DS-7 clone."
"Corridors of Time 2" - (Instrumental)
Published on Dec 19, 2012
"Part 2
MFOS Sound Lab and DS-7 clone play percussion, controlled by Trouby Modular. Other instruments played on an Ensoniq SD-1. Red Square used only for multiple patching from the Trouby to the DS-7 clone.
Settings changed (from pictured) Master Clock 72, second multiple used to add 2nd trigger to MFOS Sound Lab.
Here the ending glissandi here (3:05)"
"Corridors of Time 3" - (Instrumental)
Published on Dec 23, 2012
Published on Dec 18, 2012 by TimeSynthis
"Chamber music for electronic orchestra.
MFOS Sound Lab and DS-7 clone play percussion, controlled by Trouby Modular. Other instruments played on an Ensoniq SD-1. Red Square used only for multiple patching from the Trouby to the DS-7 clone."
"Corridors of Time 2" - (Instrumental)
Published on Dec 19, 2012
"Part 2
MFOS Sound Lab and DS-7 clone play percussion, controlled by Trouby Modular. Other instruments played on an Ensoniq SD-1. Red Square used only for multiple patching from the Trouby to the DS-7 clone.
Settings changed (from pictured) Master Clock 72, second multiple used to add 2nd trigger to MFOS Sound Lab.
Here the ending glissandi here (3:05)"
"Corridors of Time 3" - (Instrumental)
Published on Dec 23, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
trouby modular - led fuzz eurorack
Published on Nov 20, 2012 by therealtrouby
"bass drum, snare & hihat fuzz demo"
Published on Nov 20, 2012 by therealtrouby
"LC present & low pass with light treble boost. the fixed version. frequencies:
6000, 4000, 3500, 3000, 2500, 2000, 1500, 900, 600, 400, 300, 200.
sources: logan string melody, tr- 77, keynote rhythm"
"bass drum, snare & hihat fuzz demo"
Published on Nov 20, 2012 by therealtrouby
"LC present & low pass with light treble boost. the fixed version. frequencies:
6000, 4000, 3500, 3000, 2500, 2000, 1500, 900, 600, 400, 300, 200.
sources: logan string melody, tr- 77, keynote rhythm"
Sunday, November 11, 2012
ETI 603 Sequencer and Friends: " Modular Lounge "
Published on Nov 11, 2012 by djessay101
"Trouby Modular Masterclock ( Master ), Roland DC-50 ( Space Effect), ETI 603 Sequencer + Korg MS-10 ( Bass ), DotCom Modular + Q119 Sequencer ( Beat + Sound ), Jupiter 4 ( Pad ), Jupiter 6 ( Arpeggio with Glide ), Fender Rhodes Mark1 88 with EH Holy Grail + Yamaha NE-1 Preamp + Roland SPH-323 Phaser, Pearl Syncussion SY-1 ( Sound )"
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
trouby modular - vermona ET6 flute filter
Published on Oct 30, 2012 by therealtrouby
"passive RC lowpass selector - 6 octaves a 4 inputs makes 24 filters... contains styroflex capacitors, 19" 1U device in progress. played on logan string melody 2"
Monday, October 29, 2012
trouby modular - ionika filter
Published on Oct 29, 2012 by therealtrouby
"LC resonant filter selector based on the 50s GDR tube organ 'ionika'.
12 frequencies: 9k - 4k - 3,5k - 3k - 2,5k - 2k - 1,5k - 900 - 600 - 400 - 300 - 200.
below 1k its a lowpass, above a presence filter.
demo with logan string melody, roland tr-77 keynote rhythm w/ original sounds."
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Moog Style Mixed Modular System with Gristleizer in Clear Acrylic Case
via Bryan Benting on Facebook
Top Row left to right: dual phaser, CV Cluster, Gristleizer, MOTM 420, 8ch Sequential Switch, MOTM 420, MOTM 480, MOTM 490, Steiner, Triple Lag and Multiples.
Middle Row: Dotcom VCO, Triple Soft Sync, (3) Dotcom VCO's, 8ch Mixer, STG Sea Devils Filter and STG Post Lawsuit LPF, MegaOhm Audio Delta Filter, STG Wavefolder, Multiples, STG Triple VCA
Bottom Row: Trouby Math Sequencer, Analog Craftsman Arcade (joystick), (2) CGS Dual Universal Slope Generators, Corsynth VC LFO, Envelope, VCA, Dotcom Quantizer, MegaOhm Audio Dual LFO, SSL Segwencer, SSL Tap Tempo LFO, SSL Double Dekka VCO (sliders draw the waveform for both VCO's)
And to the right also via Bryan on Facebook
Top cabinet (left to right): STG Trigger Mini Store, Signal Processor, STG Trigger Mini Store, (2) STG Voltage Mini Stores, STG Shift Manager, Dotcom Q960, Moon 4 Step Sequential Switch, Corsynth Frequency Multiplier and Divider, Signal Processor.
Next shelf down: (All Roland) SH-101, SH-2, TR-909, TR-707 Next Shelf down: TR-808, Ibanez Analog Delay AD-202 with an Analog Labs X32 (32 ch EMS clone vocoder) and a Korg Poly Six.
Analog Craftsman,
Analog Labs,
Steiner Parker,
Trouby Modular
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
ΞuRo-ʞɔɐɹ-L♥vΞ :)
via Mpad Electronix on Facebook
Love the look of the Din Sync & Atomo Synth clear acrylic modules in this one.
Sunday, April 08, 2012
trouby modular - piepvogel
YouTube Uploaded by therealtrouby on Apr 8, 2012
"trouby modular synth controller analog drums"
Friday, November 11, 2011
A wigglebeat
YouTube Uploaded by dudeohyeahable on Nov 11, 2011
"Adventures in pure modular drum machine patching over morning coffee"
Modcan & Trouby Modular
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.