Showing posts with label Analog Labs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Analog Labs. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Moog Style Mixed Modular System with Gristleizer in Clear Acrylic Case

via Bryan Benting on Facebook

Top Row left to right: dual phaser, CV Cluster, Gristleizer, MOTM 420, 8ch Sequential Switch, MOTM 420, MOTM 480, MOTM 490, Steiner, Triple Lag and Multiples.

Middle Row: Dotcom VCO, Triple Soft Sync, (3) Dotcom VCO's, 8ch Mixer, STG Sea Devils Filter and STG Post Lawsuit LPF, MegaOhm Audio Delta Filter, STG Wavefolder, Multiples, STG Triple VCA

Bottom Row: Trouby Math Sequencer, Analog Craftsman Arcade (joystick), (2) CGS Dual Universal Slope Generators, Corsynth VC LFO, Envelope, VCA, Dotcom Quantizer, MegaOhm Audio Dual LFO, SSL Segwencer, SSL Tap Tempo LFO, SSL Double Dekka VCO (sliders draw the waveform for both VCO's)

And to the right also via Bryan on Facebook

Top cabinet (left to right): STG Trigger Mini Store, Signal Processor, STG Trigger Mini Store, (2) STG Voltage Mini Stores, STG Shift Manager, Dotcom Q960, Moon 4 Step Sequential Switch, Corsynth Frequency Multiplier and Divider, Signal Processor.

Next shelf down: (All Roland) SH-101, SH-2, TR-909, TR-707 Next Shelf down: TR-808, Ibanez Analog Delay AD-202 with an Analog Labs X32 (32 ch EMS clone vocoder) and a Korg Poly Six.

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