Showing posts with label New Modules in 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Modules in 2015. Show all posts
Sunday, November 19, 2017
quicco Mi.1e Flexible Bluetooth Eurorack Module - TFoM2017
Published on Nov 19, 2017 cuckoomusic
"This flexible Bluetooth module with its accompanying iPad app really caught my attention on the Tokyo Festival of Modular 2017. It can do CV, gate and LFO, all controlled and sequenced from the iPad app.
More about the Mi.1e will be available shortly on Quicco Sound's web page:"
New in 2017,
New Modules in 2015,
New Modules in 2017,
Quicco Sound,
Tokyo Festival of Modular
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
intellijel Noise Tools Overview
Published on Jul 11, 2017 intellijel
"Noise Tools 1U
Clock, Random Pulse, Analog Noise, Sample and Hold, and Slew
Noise Random Tools comprises a collection of useful utility blocks that you could use in many of your patches.
Clock and Random pulse source with adjustable rate
Analog pink and white noise source with very accurate spectrum
Analog sample / track and hold with very low droop
Analog slew with adjustable slew rate.
Noise Tools got it's first mention back in May here.
New in 2017,
New Modules,
New Modules in 2015,
synth tutorials
Monday, December 19, 2016
Introducing the – Grand Terminal ✈ - Grand Terminal ✈ overview
Published on Dec 19, 2016 TheEndorphines
" – Grand Terminal
✈ Life is a trip ✈
- 26 HP, 1” in depth – super slim and Shuttle friendly
- Dual multi-mode filter (ladder, diode, vactrol, state-variable lp/hp/bp and comb) in dual, stereo and serial modes
- Dual AD/ASR/looping envelope generator that acts as band-limited oscillator when cycling at linear slopes
- Stereo “Cabin Pressure” processor with different ambient effects: from shimmered halls and reverberations to a spring simulation over tape/ping-pong delays to a chorus
- Separate mono modular level output and stereo line level output for direct line recording or driving the headphones.
- Easy firmware update via USB
- And of course fully compatible with GatewayT_XP
- I/O: 48 kHz 16 bit audio"
Published on Dec 19, 2016 TheEndorphines
" – Grand Terminal
✈ Life is a trip ✈
- 26 HP, 1” in depth – super slim and Shuttle friendly
- Dual multi-mode filter (ladder, diode, vactrol, state-variable lp/hp/bp and comb) in dual, stereo and serial modes
- Dual AD/ASR/looping envelope generator that acts as band-limited oscillator when cycling at linear slopes
- Stereo “Cabin Pressure” processor with different ambient effects: from shimmered halls and reverberations to a spring simulation over tape/ping-pong delays to a chorus
- Separate mono modular level output and stereo line level output for direct line recording or driving the headphones.
- Easy firmware update via USB
- And of course fully compatible with GatewayT_XP
- I/O: 48 kHz 16 bit audio"
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
GOLT! Acid House with 2 RLD Sequencers and TR-707
Published on Jul 20, 2016
"Two Red Light District eurorack sequencers and a TR-707. RLD is a eurorack modular sequencer I designed and built myself."
I created a new maker channel label for GOLT! moving forward.
New Makers,
New Makers in 2016,
New Modules,
New Modules in 2015,
Thursday, December 31, 2015
InsWorks MOAS SE01 controlando el InsWorks Esencial
Published on Dec 31, 2015 Carlos Alberto Gutiérrez Vera
"El MOAS es un modulo multifuncional que cuenta con: sección de offset, mezclador, splitter y amplificador invertido.
El Offset cuenta con control de voltaje negativo a positivo, control de escala, entrada para CV y salida invertida.
El Mezclador cuenta con 4 entradas y una salida invertida.
El Splitter tiene una entrada y 4 salidas
El Amplificador invertido cuenta con entrada y salida
Adicionalmente el circuito dispone de un selector para seleccionar si se va a usar una salida normalizada para el mezclador o el offset, aun así si se desea otra salida normalizada solo seria cosa de usar la salida invertida del mezclador o el offset a la entrada del amplificador invertido."
"The MAS is a multifunctional module that includes: offset section, mixer, amplifier splitter and invested.
The Offset control has negative voltage to positive, scale control, input and inverted output CV.
The mixer has 4 inputs and an inverted output.
The Splitter has one input and 4 outputs
The amplifier has invested in and out
Additionally, the circuit has a switch to select whether to use a standardized mixer or output offset, yet if someone would only thing standard output is desired to use the inverted output of the mixer or the offset to the amplifier input invested."
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Eurorack Modular Synthesizer - New Module: eawave spacebug
Published on Dec 30, 2015 Petri Kauppi
"Testing my DIY-kit module eaware spacebug! [some info on the spacebug below]
Pittsburgh Modular SYNTHESIZER BOX Fully Patchable Synthesizer Voice
Pittsburgh Modular Mix Mult (Mk. II)
Pittsburgh Modular MIDI 3
Pittsburgh Modular Outs (Mk. II) Stereo Headphone Amp and Line Outs
Doepfer A-143-3 Quad LFO
Dave Smith Modular DSM01 Curtis Filter Resonant Low-Pass Filter
Doepfer A-132-1 Dual linear VCA
Doepfer A-140 ADSR Envelope Generator
Doepfer A-138u Dual Micro Mixer (2x3)
Doepfer A-160 Clock Divider
Doepfer A-124 Wasp 12db/oct Multimode Filter
Doepfer A-110-2 Basic VCO
Doepfer A-118 Noise and Random Voltage
Waldorf NW-1 Wavetable module
Turing Machine Random Sequencer
MvH Golden Multi
100m LPF with Multi
Doepfer A-115 Audio Divider
Doepfer A-116 Waveform Processor
Doepfer A-156 Dual Quantizer
Circuit Abbey TICK Clock
Ladik D-010 Twin-T drums
Eawave Spacebug delay"
via eowave
"ID: stereo analog-like delay
Spacialization and delays are essential parts of the music making process. But have you ever experienced the spacialization power of an analog delay ? The SpaceBug is an analog-like delay featuring an additional LFO with variable speed and depth parameters as well as regeneration capabilities. With the SpaceBug, you will master space and time with only five knobs: space and time to set the delay, speed and depth for LFO modulations, and regen to regenerate the sound. SpaceBugs are great for live applications with their small size, their easy-to-use interface and their powerful unique sounds. With their analog warmth and modulation capabilities, SpaceBugs cannot be compared to other delays. It's more than that, it's a SpaceBug.
Note that SpaceBugs are not produced anymore!!!
Technical specifications
Delay Time
Feedback regeneration
Mix wet/dry
Space right/left
Variable triangle LFO with depth & speed parameters
Bypass switch
AC 12 V powered
audio demo 1
audio demo 2
audio demo 3
audio demo 4
download the manual"
New DIY,
New DIY in 2015,
New in 2015,
New Modules,
New Modules in 2015,
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Iron Ether - Pithoprakta - Trigger / Gate Sequencer
Published on Dec 29, 2015 simon
"Here's an overview of the soon to be released Pithoprakta by Iron Ether, the renowned purveyor of stunning effects pedals.
This is Iron Ether's first foray into making Eurorack modules... and it's a belter.
Please note, this video features the pre-production panel, it will look different to the finished article.
I kept everything pretty simple throughout so that it's easy to tell what's going on, and for the main part I just used it to trigger the drums of my old Syncussion DRM-1.
0:00 - Triggering drums.
2:48 - Triggering drums, with CV control over Probability.
3:06 - Triggering drums, with CV control over Probability, and CV control over Looping.
4:10 - Triggering envelopes for Akemie's Castle, and CV out to Akemie's Castle.
4:58 - CV out to oscillator.
5:45 - CV out to oscillator, and triggering drums.
6:57 - Gates mixed, quantised and sent to Oscillator.
7:54 - Gates mixed, quantised and sent to Oscillator, and CV out to filter cutoff.
9:00 - Clocked at audio rate with 8 outputs sent to a 8 way switch.
11:30 - END"
"Pithoprakta is a probabilistic gate/trigger sequencer, able to create 8 channels of gates or triggers whose probability/density can be defined by the panel controls and/or CVs. The looping function will loop up to 64 steps, the loop length being CV-controllable in powers of 2, and an external gate signal can be used to enter/exit looping seamlessly.
The Probabilities of Channel 1 and 8 are defined directly by the panels controls/respective CV inputs. The other 6 channels' probability levels are interpolated from these two values, so if channel 1 is at 10% and channel 8 is at 80%, channel 2 is 20%, channel 3 is 30%, etc. The thinking behind this is that it allows you to have 8 channels with different probability, or the same if you choose, which can be controlled by just two modulators, rather than requiring a separate modulator for each channel - good for smaller systems or if you just don't want to tie up a ton of modulation sources just to control this one module.
Div mode clocks the 8 outputs, each with a different division of the input clock - divide-by-two down to divide-by-sixteen. The upper 4 channel outputs are "on beats" and the lower 4 channels are "off beats," allowing the user to easily create drummer-like rhythms which evolve over time or improvise infinitely.
Once loop mode is active, the Probability controls become "probability of change," in other words they control the likelihood that a given step of the loop will be overwritten, rather than whether that step is on or off. To keep from deleting the loop as soon as one enters looping mode, the probability controls are ignored when entering loop mode until the user turns them down to 0% and back up.
Ideas for usage
Create rhythms that sound like an improvising human drummer, without resorting to preset sequences. Beats can evolve over time in a way you control.
New nonlinearcircuits fk1t VCF
Published on Dec 29, 2015 cirtcele
"This filter is based on the korg Fk-1 pedal. It shared the same topology as the other Korg filters found in the 800dv and 700, but used 4 vactrols........oh!
Probably good to wear headphones or listen to this thru a good set of speakers, this filter has a LOT of character.
This recording was made from the very 1st time I tested this PCB, so haven't yet tweaked any values to get optimal CV ranges and Q response."
New in 2015,
New Modules,
New Modules in 2015,
Monday, December 28, 2015
Bastl Instruments grandPa has an update !!! the v 1.1
Published on Dec 28, 2015 Bastl Instruments
"for more information about the upgrade go here
for details of upgrading please refer to this video [embed below]
So ! what is the upgrade about?
-adds new feature to change the sample by CV
-the threshold for changing samples corresponds to 1 semitone of quantized voltage
-if CV changes the sample is changed at the threshold or is changed only at the rising gate signal (depending on the mode)
-minor UI bug fixes
-more stable
-improved stability when functioning with SPA"
How to update grandPa /or other module
Published on Dec 28, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Disassembled Record Player for module (prototype)
Published on Dec 24, 2015 Dani Dögenigt
"Want to make a compact and simple upright record player for my modular system. This is a very early prototype without speed control or stabilization."
This is pretty interesting. Imaging using various LPs for CV control. New interpretations of classic tracks. Would would Hendrix, the Beatles or even Aphex Twin bring? Another interesting thing to think about is if you made an album using CV control of another album would it be considered copyright violation?
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
River Creative Technology Crux and Nucleus Eurorack Modules
Two new eurorack modules from new eurorack maker River Creative Technology.
Crux Dual voltage controlled amplifier with discrete OTA core:
"dual VCA around discrete transistor OTA core
switchable linear or exponential VCA response
switchable between Audio (AC) and CV (DC) use
starts to pleasantly saturate beyond levels of 10Vpp (clips at 20Vpp)
envelope (unipolar) and modulation (bipolar) CV inputs
smart normalization of unused envelope inputs to allow for full-range bipolar modulation
Design overview
After overlooking VCAs for many years, I began to appreciate the huge range of functions they can serve up. They’re really everywhere, in simple loudness contouring circuits, tremolo effects, tone controls, filters, overdrives, mixers, amplitude modulators, panners, cross-faders, and CV performance controllers. I also learned that VCAs put their subtle signature on the overall sound of an instrument.
The VCAs in the Crux are built around newly designed operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) circuits, built from discrete transistors. If you need a super-accurate VCA, this is not for you. However, if you appreciate the warm and lively nature of discrete electronics, the Crux will serve you well.
A phrase often used among modular musicians is “you can never have enough VCAs”. Probably followed by “I need more rack space”. That’s why the Crux is a compact module, simple and straight, a short signal path, and no frills. As there are no frills, there’s little fancy text here. It can do what a VCA does. It can do it twice. It can do it linearly or exponentially, and does it on audio or CV. And that’s it!"
Nucleus Voltage controlled filter with discrete OTA core:
"designed around discrete transistor OTA cores
switchable resonance character with optional ‘Solid bass’ behaviour.
switchable filter slope: 12 or 24dB/Oct
pleasantly saturating input stage and resonance with higher levels
linear and exponential FM options
envelope and modulation inputs with independent attenuvertors
soft-touch knobs and quality hardware (mostly Alps)
Design overview
After discovering analog synths, modulars and the beautiful original and cloned analog filters of Moog, Korg, Roland, Sequential, and the likes I felt I wanted to try something a little different and see if I could come up with something that sounds unique and musical in its own right, rather than being a retake on proven circuits from the past. Furthermore, I was hoping to overcome dependency on (nearly) obsolete components, and benefit from the quality of modern components.
The core of the Nucleus contains a newly designed operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) circuit, built from discrete transistors. While there are technically superior alternatives, a discrete circuit excels in providing a warmer and more lively sound.
My wish was to make the sound of the Nucleus as versatile as possible. After studying many different filters to identify the key to their unique sound, I decided to include a filter slope switch (12 or 24 dB/oct), and a resonance character switch with three distinct modes (see box).
In each of these modes, the low-frequency resonance behaviour can be further tailored with the ‘Solid bass’ feature, cleaning and firming up the low-end, or leaving it to boldly resonate.
Resonance character:
Neutral – Classic resonance, reminiscent of vintage 4-pole designs. Inherently with a loss of low-end at high resonance.
Q-comp – Similar to neutral, but compensated for loss of low-end. Providing a firm and stable resonant sound, with slightly different saturation character.
K-style – The beefiest of all modes, with a thick mid range and fat low-end, and an aggressive resonant sound.
Concluding the design, I added a variety of modulation options for linear and exponential frequency modulation (FM), envelope modulation, and keyboard tracking (1V/Oct)."
Crux Dual voltage controlled amplifier with discrete OTA core:
"dual VCA around discrete transistor OTA core
switchable linear or exponential VCA response
switchable between Audio (AC) and CV (DC) use
starts to pleasantly saturate beyond levels of 10Vpp (clips at 20Vpp)
envelope (unipolar) and modulation (bipolar) CV inputs
smart normalization of unused envelope inputs to allow for full-range bipolar modulation
Design overview
After overlooking VCAs for many years, I began to appreciate the huge range of functions they can serve up. They’re really everywhere, in simple loudness contouring circuits, tremolo effects, tone controls, filters, overdrives, mixers, amplitude modulators, panners, cross-faders, and CV performance controllers. I also learned that VCAs put their subtle signature on the overall sound of an instrument.
The VCAs in the Crux are built around newly designed operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) circuits, built from discrete transistors. If you need a super-accurate VCA, this is not for you. However, if you appreciate the warm and lively nature of discrete electronics, the Crux will serve you well.
A phrase often used among modular musicians is “you can never have enough VCAs”. Probably followed by “I need more rack space”. That’s why the Crux is a compact module, simple and straight, a short signal path, and no frills. As there are no frills, there’s little fancy text here. It can do what a VCA does. It can do it twice. It can do it linearly or exponentially, and does it on audio or CV. And that’s it!"
Nucleus Voltage controlled filter with discrete OTA core:
"designed around discrete transistor OTA cores
switchable resonance character with optional ‘Solid bass’ behaviour.
switchable filter slope: 12 or 24dB/Oct
pleasantly saturating input stage and resonance with higher levels
linear and exponential FM options
envelope and modulation inputs with independent attenuvertors
soft-touch knobs and quality hardware (mostly Alps)
Design overview
After discovering analog synths, modulars and the beautiful original and cloned analog filters of Moog, Korg, Roland, Sequential, and the likes I felt I wanted to try something a little different and see if I could come up with something that sounds unique and musical in its own right, rather than being a retake on proven circuits from the past. Furthermore, I was hoping to overcome dependency on (nearly) obsolete components, and benefit from the quality of modern components.
The core of the Nucleus contains a newly designed operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) circuit, built from discrete transistors. While there are technically superior alternatives, a discrete circuit excels in providing a warmer and more lively sound.
My wish was to make the sound of the Nucleus as versatile as possible. After studying many different filters to identify the key to their unique sound, I decided to include a filter slope switch (12 or 24 dB/oct), and a resonance character switch with three distinct modes (see box).
In each of these modes, the low-frequency resonance behaviour can be further tailored with the ‘Solid bass’ feature, cleaning and firming up the low-end, or leaving it to boldly resonate.
Resonance character:
Neutral – Classic resonance, reminiscent of vintage 4-pole designs. Inherently with a loss of low-end at high resonance.
Q-comp – Similar to neutral, but compensated for loss of low-end. Providing a firm and stable resonant sound, with slightly different saturation character.
K-style – The beefiest of all modes, with a thick mid range and fat low-end, and an aggressive resonant sound.
Concluding the design, I added a variety of modulation options for linear and exponential frequency modulation (FM), envelope modulation, and keyboard tracking (1V/Oct)."
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New Modules in 2015,
River Creative
nonlinearcircuits aries 329 phase clone
Published on Dec 23, 2015 cirtcele
"1st play with this module. Still a bit of tweaking of the trimpots to do and adjust some signal level, but it seems to sound pretty good!
Circuit is based on the Aries 329 phase/Flange, which is not the same as but shares some similarities with the Arp Quadra phaser and the Tau pipe Phaser. This version is nearly all smd and uses BCM847 matched transistors"
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New in 2015,
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New Modules in 2015,
Friday, December 18, 2015
Published on Dec 18, 2015 Malekko HeavyIndustry
"The VARIGATE 4 is a 4-channel, 8-step gate sequencer with parameter per-step control of PROBABILITY, REPEAT AND DELAY as well as GLOBAL parameter controls. CLOCK INPUT allows for external clocking to progress sequences and RESET gate input sets all steps to 1. Varigate 4 also includes RANDOMIZER functions for both REPEAT and DELAY. The additional ability to save presets make this compact module perfect for live performance.
DSP Synthesizers Rhythm Wolf Eurorack Module
via DSP Synthesizers
"If you can do Roland TR/CR/DR and Drumulator, why not AKAI and rhythm wolf?
It's the same chip and PCB.
Just a different panel and algorithm.
By the way 50 of the first batch CR-4 are shipping now.
Pretty cool drums in a 6HP format."
New Plankton Electronics Arrhythmia Eurorack Module
via Plankton Electronics
"A programmable clock generator for the creation of complex rhythms and patterns. Infinite possibilities to design swing patterns, organic rhythms, weird loops or chaos. Very usefull to trigger step sequencers, envelopes, logic gates or sync inputs (e.g. The Jellyfish).
- Analog clock combined with a digital step counter.
- 2 to 16 steps.
- Rates from 24,5 msec to 8 sec.
- Step by step time configuration.
- 20 soft-tact knobs, 16 buttons, 30 leds, 2 ins & 2 outs."
Published on Dec 18, 2015 Plankton Elec
"New eurorack module from Plankton Electronics. 2 to 16 step clock generator. With clock out, Step 1 out, Rate CV in and Reset in."
A night in the forest
Published on Dec 18, 2015
"Justen listen and look carefully"
Panel Details:
1. STEP KNOB: Sets the duration of each step. On its minimum position it follow the RATE assigned tempo. Turning it CW you add more time to each step.

3. LAST STEP SWITCH: Sets the last step.
4. LAST STEP LED: Indicates the last step selected with 3.
5. RATE: Sets the master rate on the analog clock. From 24,5 ms/step to 8 sec/step when no CV is applied to the CV in. When a CV is applied to the CV in it can cross the audio rate.
6. STEP RANGE: Sets the range of the step knobs. On its minimum position the step knobs only add a small portion of time at each step. When turning it CW each step knob have a bigger range of action. Useful when playing at different clock rates and different kinds of rhythms.
7. RATE CV ATT.: Attenuates the RATE CV input.
8. GATE LENGTH.: Sets the duration of the pulse out. From 2 to 16 ms. When the clock is pushed below a lower wave length of the pulse it is shrinked to the half of the clock length.
9. RATE CV (INPUT): Modulates the clock rate.
10. RESET (INPUT): Resets the clock to the step 1. Very useful for creating complex patterns. Accepts control signals (0-5V).
9. STEP 1 (OUTPUT): Sends a pulse each time the step 1 is activated. Use it to trigger step sequencers, envelopes, or whatever you want. The signal is 0 – 5V.
10. CLOCK (OUTPUT): The clock master output. The signal is 0 – 5V.
New in 2015,
New Modules,
New Modules in 2015,
Plankton Electronics,
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
A Little Play With ADM15 Spectre...
Published on Dec 16, 2015 Audio Damage, Inc.
"Just having a bit of fun with Spectre. It is in the lower-left-hand corner of the Euro case. In the first half of the video, I'm manually triggering it. In the second, I just mult the snare trigger. It is in Infinite Mode in this demonstration, and I switch back and forth between bin shift and pitch shift.
Kick and snare are 2 x ADM12 Neuron + ADM07 Mad Hatter, driven by ADM06 Sequencer 1. The delay I occasionally play with (directly to the right of Spectre, with the same panel config) is an alpha version of a clocked delay we are working on. Synth stuff is from WMD/SSF set."
Audio Damage,
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New Modules in 2015,
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The Harvestman Stillson Hammer II Sequencer
Some details via The Harvestman
"This should answer a few questions. This is posted as a courtesy now that the device has been seen in public more than once. We will turn the parts over to manufacturing soon, and it should be available after NAMM.
STILLSON HAMMER MARK II is a 4-track control voltage sequencer for realtime music performance. Four CV/gate tracks directly control your collection of oscillators and percussion. Seven pages of parameters determine your musical performance, edited in realtime with a bank of 16 sliders. A series of hotkeys immediately generate or modify sequences or individualised parameters across all four tracks, with no menu diving whatsoever. Two CV inputs and large manual controls mutate any number of sequence parameters, with programmable modulation amount per step. 32 preset slots are provided for your storage of sequencer data. The keypad, rotary encoder, CV modifiers, LED feedback (on all buttons, sliders, and numerical display) and slider bank work in harmony to allow astonishingly fast music creation across all four tracks, in an ergonomically valid user interface uncommon in modular synthesis. It is possible to quickly generate and meaningfully manipulate a full 4-track sequence with minimal slider interaction.
Dedicated hot keys for instantly intitialising or randomising parameter or track data.
Intelligent slider catch allows one row of sliders to program a number of different pages, with visual feedback
4-digit numerical display provides feedback about currently edited parameter
Nonvolatile preset storage of 32 sequences
Delay, burst, and slide times track tempo changes
Internal clock generator or external input
Manual or trigger controlled start/stop/reset (reset trigger output provided)
Per track (4 tracks total):
1v/oct calibrated CV output (8V max)
Gate output (10v)
Mute function
Quantizer scale (off, 12-tone, roots and fifths, minor/major triads, sixth and sevenths, all seven modes with selectable root)
adjustable track length (each track may differ, all tracks follow the reset signal, preset changes happen at the end of track 1’s length)
Parameters per step (maximum 16 steps per sequence):
CV value (0-8V at full scale, 0-5V, or selectable 2-octave ranges)
Gate length and offset/delay
Burst rate and repetition count per step
All step parameters may be modulated by two external CV channels. Each CV input can be assigned to any combination of parameter pages, with the attenuation of the CV input programmable per sequencer step. The two manual controls are large and playable.
MSRP: $666 (US)."
Monday, December 14, 2015
New Paper Synth PS-301 Wavefolder Demonstration & Upcoming Workshop
Published on Nov 13, 2015 Antti Pussinen
"Paper Synth PS-301 Diode Wavefolder demonstration video for Paper Synthesizer workshop series by Antti Pussinen & Wolfgang Spahn
The input waveform is saw wave."
Additional details including info on the upcoming workshop:
"In this episode of paper synthesizer workshop, we are building a diode wavefolder, that sounds a bit like a resonant filter, but has a very unique sound.
PS301 Diode Wavefolder is a dynamic waveform processor module, that changes the color and the overtones of a sound, while keeping the same base note. The design is originally Jürgen Haible's take on “Serge Wave Multiplier, middle section”. Yves Usson of YuSynth added an exponential VCA to the design, making voltage control possible, and we modified the circuit further to fit our design requirements.
The module takes in a 10VPP sine, triangle or saw wave and folds this waveform back into itself up to 7 times at the crossover point of the wave.The effect sounds a kind of mix of frequency modulation and mid resonance filtering.
The Controls Include 'CV attenuation', 'Fold Range' (which can also be contolled with 0-5v control voltage) and 'Fold Amount' which changes the amount of folds. Inputs and outputs conform to eurorack standards of 10Vpp, and it runs on eurorack +-12v power supply, and even with +15v power supply from Frack Rack or MOTM synthesizer systems.
ll the tools and materials will be provided.
The faceplate is not included!
The workshop will be held in German and English.
Material and further informations:
The costs are 60,00€ for the materials.
Please register at:
The workshop will be held at: Mülhauserstr. 6. Hofgebäude 1. OG
A Workshop by Antti Pussinen & Wolfgang Spahn"
Some details from Paper Synth:
"Ps301 Diode Wavefolder is a dynamic waveform processor module, that changes the color and the overtones of a sound, while keeping the same base note. The design is originally Jürgen Haible's take on “Serge Wave Multiplier, middle section”. Yves Usson of YuSynth added an exponential VCA to the design, making voltage control possible, and we modified the circuit further to fit our design requirements.

The Controls Include “CV attenuation”, “Fold Range” (which can also be contolled with 0-5v control voltage) and 'Fold Amount' which changes the amount of folds. Inputs and outputs conform to eurorack standards of 10Vpp, and it runs on eurorack +-12v power supply, and even with +15v power supply from Frack Rack or MOTM synthesizer systems.
Theory of operation
A PS-301 Wavefolder adds overtones to a waveform, a bit like a distortion unit or a resonant filter. But instead of clipping or ringing, when the waveform peak goes over a certain limit, it folds back and creates a new odd harmonic component. Jürgen Haible had a really good explanation of the process on his site, and since its impossible to know how long the legacy site is kept up, i copy it here:
'A string of diodes is driven with the amplified and level shifted input signal. After each diode there is a “tap” with a resistor that will contribute positive or negative to the output of a two-opamp subtracting amplifier. There are two virtual GND nodes for these summing and subtracting operation. By feeding these virtual GND nodes alternately from the taps of the diode string, you can have the output voltage increased when one diode drop voltage is reached, and have the output voltage decreased again when the next diode in row starts conducting. The number of valleys and peaks is only determined by the length of the diode string, and not by the number of opamps. It turned out that choosing equal resistor values results in an almost regular pattern of the voltage transfer function.'"
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Paper Synth
Sunday, December 13, 2015
DSP Synthesizers CR-4 - DR-55/CR-4 6HP Eurorack Module & DIY Kit
via DSP Synthesizers where you'll find order links.
"A kit with PCB, panel and all the components are now available.
The kit is $99. Prebuilt is $150.
You can buy just the PCB for $30 and just the panel for $30.
It’s the same PCB used in all my 6HP drum modules (including the dsp-D4)."
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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