Showing posts with label New Modules in 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Modules in 2017. Show all posts
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Vintage Synth Lab : D-ENV
Published on Dec 31, 2017 Vintage SynthLab
"The D-ENV is two modules in one. A utility and effect, for both module functions. A standard exponential analog envelope generator (AR/ADSR), plus a Delayed Gate / Trigger & Gate-Hold with independent access to all both module functions, yet linkable via the push of a front panel switch--in order to route either a Delayed Gate or Delayed Trigger to the inertial AR/ADSR as initial EG triggering or additional "re-trigger" of the AR/ADSR function."
Saturday, December 30, 2017
New Leploop Bongo Eurorack Module
|_/ Bongo |_| Module \_|
New euro rack module Bongo.
Bongo It's LEP design for Bongo\Tom sounds.
Same as Cassa with an octave higher pitch range.
Available in two version, Normal and CV.
Bongo as Cassa and Piattino accepts different type of signal Trig, CV, Audio.
Thursday, December 28, 2017 MIDI2CV 5U MIDI CV/GATE/TRIGGERS Modular Interface
via this auction
Some details in Googlish via
"This module is articulated around an arduino with a home integration. Four CV output, six gate / trig outputs, one clock input. All inputs / outputs are protected. The CV outputs work between 0 and 8 volts to cover a range of 8 octaves.
The whole electronics comes on a 90x90mm PCB mounted perpendicular to the facade.
The software allows to play fluently in all situations of games (related notes, quilts, outfits, etc.). All the notes supported are played immediately and all the notes are buffered and put in a FIFO type buffer.
For MIDI2CV functions to interface keyboards, sequencers or other MIDI system, it is possible to use this module in mono, polyphonic 1 channel and 4 separate channels but also a dual mode where you can play two right hand notes and left hand arpeggios if you have a keyboard with the split function or if you connect two keyboards. The Sustain MIDI pedal if it is connected to the keyboard (s) is managed according to the modes.
For the arpeggiator, four arpeggios are proposed clocked on the sixteenth note midi-clock if it is available or on an external clock. There are also several modes: fixed hold or pedal sustain, or free.
The MIDI2TRIG can send either trigs of a few milliseconds or Gates of the duration of the pressing of the keys on the outputs Gates in 0 / + 5V or on the outputs CV whose level will depend on the velocity of the note played . It is also possible to have 8 keys assigned to have 8 gates. The keys played are defined by default or assignable by a learning mode.
The CLOCK mode allows you to have the BMP midi at / 4, / 3, / 2, x1, x2, x3, x4. If the midi-cock is not available, then the external clock will also be available at the same reports. That is, divisor and also clock multiplier.
The MIDI2CC allows you to have the cutoff, and other main controls commands (CC) available on the outputs. CCs are defined and directly modifiable in the code.
Whatever the mode of use of the module, the signal of the midi clock (MIDI_CLOCK) will always be available on a dedicated output in x24 as well as the commands of stop / continue / stop on another dedicated output."
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
New River Creative Technology Marble & Dendrites
Published on Dec 27, 2017 River Creative Technology
"Marble - Dual spectral tilt tone control
dual channel tone control
optionally stereo-linked, and CV controlled
switchable between spectral tilting (3dB/oct) and mid-range bell EQ
feedback control and soft saturation
designed with discrete transistor OTA cores
Dendrites - A multi-character multimode VCF / phaser
16 filter/phaser modes (4 LP, 4 BP, 2 HP, 2 phaser, and 4 mixed modes)
3 distinct resonance characters: Q-comp, Vintage, K-style
switchable organic sounding overdrive
linear and exponential FM
CV control over modes, resonance and frequency
designed with discrete transistor OTA cores
pleasantly saturating input stage with level trim and LED indication
envelope and modulation inputs with independent attenuvertors
Marble: EU: DIY Kit €195, Built €215, Outside EU: DIY Kit: €161,16, Built: €177,69
Dendrites: EU: DIY Kit €290, Built €325, Outside EU: DIY Kit: €239,67, Built: €268,60
* prices exclude shipping
** prices exclude shipping and customs duty/tax (if applicable in your country)
Both modules can be ordered now via, first units will be shipped on February 1st, 2018. Both modules are available in ready-made and DIY versions (partially assembled with SMD)."
Saturday, December 23, 2017
FX Capacitor Demo by SSL
Published on Oct 24, 2017 Doug Slocum
You might remember Atomic Shadow's pic of his FX Capacitor posted yesterday here. the above is the official demo by SSL. Below you'll find additional details on the module.
"Demonstrates the 15 awesome stereo audio effects produced by the FX Capacitor module from Synthetic Sound Labs.
It's 100% compatible with the MU style."
via SSL
"What has your synth been missing all these years? Effects – damn it!
At last, an MU module that delivers 15 near studio-quality effects – All in just 2 MU width. Oh Yeah! Very sweet!
Reverb 1
Reverb 2
Sci-Fi Shimmer
Space Shimmer
Stavely Springs
Infinite Freeze
Reverse Reverb
Pitch Shift
Slocum Phaser
Frequency Shifter
Select your effect using the Program knob, and the convenient LCD display will show the currently selected effect and it’s parameters. Up to three parameters (depending on the selected effect) that can be adjusted from the INIT controls on the front panel or voltage control them by using the CV-A, CV-B & CV-C inputs.
The FX Capacitor is built around the awesome Spin Semiconductor FV-1 chip (Spin Semiconductor). The FV-1’s seven built-in effects are already awesome, but SSL just couldn’t stop there. Oh no. We had to add 8 more carefully chosen effects that will expand your sonic palette.
Space Shimmer is the brain-child of Gary Worsham. Shimmer is a type of reverb that applies upward pitch shifting (usually by octaves) into the feedback loop for some really ethereal sounds.
Stavely Springs is courtesy of Don Stavely. Don has figured out how to accurately model some of the original dual spring reverb units from the 1970’s. They sound great. If you pulse them, they even “sploing”. The only thing they can’t do is react to physically kicking your module to shake the springs.
The Flanger and Slocum Phaser have a cool feature that allows the Depth knob and CV input to have manual control when the Speed knob is fully counter-clockwise. You can also select between 4, 6, 8 or 10 phase stages on the Slocum Phaser.
Some programs have stereo inputs, some are summed L + R to mono before hitting the effects, and some have different effects on the L & R channels. Play, play, play – and enjoy!
Since effects and feedback settings can conspire to overload the 1350 module, there’s “CLIP” LED on the front panel. Depending on the signal source, a bit of input attenuation might be required to keep things from getting out of hand. Here’s a trick you can use to control the input level – Plug your audio input into the FB_IN inputs instead of the SIG_IN. You can then use the FEEDBACK control as an attenuator. Cool, huh?"
Locked Sample and Hold 5Y DIY Module by
Published on Dec 23, 2017 PortamentoFr
"Vidéo de démonstration sommaire d'un module créé DIY pour synthétiseur modulaire permettant de générer des séquences aléatoire bloquées.
Brief video demonstration of a DIY module for modular synthesizer for generating random and locked sequences."
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Published on Dec 21, 2017 Møffenzeef Mødular
Bus Mult alløws yøu tø passively distribute signals thrøughøut yøur system using a twø pin jumper cable øn the back øf each mødule. Bus Mults can either be daisy chained tø øne anøther in an endless cascade ør cønnected directly tø the cv ør gate bus øn yøur busbøard. This distributiøn methød alløws yøu tø save a sløt øn yøur mult that nørmally wøuld be reserved før linking twø mults tøgether. It is nøw alsø pøssible tø have øne signal be distributed løng distances thrøughøut yøur system withøut the need før løng cables. Each mødule cømes in a pack øf three, with a øne føøt twø pin Dupønt jumper cable. Lønger cables can be built ør purchased frøm cømmøn electrønics suppliers. This mødule døes nøt need pøwer, sø yøu can grab a bunch and scatter them thrøughøut yøur case withøut wørrying abøut current draw. Get rid ø' dat spaghetti bra!!!"
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
New Intellijel Mixup - Compact Mono/Stereo Chainable Mixer Eurorack Module
Published on Dec 20, 2017
"The Intellijel Mixup is a high quality compact audio mixer module for Eurorack. You can connect up to two mono inputs and three stereo inputs for a total of eight possible audio channels. Level controls and muting switches are available for the first three sets of channels. It also offers the handy ability of being chainable so that you can link more than one module to create an even bigger mixer."
"Mixup is a versatile, expandable audio mixer for eurorack format. It has eight front panel inputs and two outputs. Inputs 1 and 2 are single-channel mono inputs, each with its own mute switch and level control; Input 3 is a dual-channel stereo input with a shared mute and level control; and input 4 is an auxiliary unity-gain, non-mutable stereo input.
Using bus connectors on the back panel, you can chain multiple Mixups together in series, giving you the ability to mix together even more inputs, or to create sub-mixes for routing around larger systems.
Because Mixup is designed specifically for audio (and not for CV mixing), it uses AC-coupled circuitry (which reduces the potential for ‘pops’ when muting and unmuting audio), and it uses audio-grade, logarithmic attenuators for a smooth, even response across the entire volume range."
BARD Synthesizers - IVAN (Phosphor/Vacuum Tube Overdrive/Distortion) @
Published on Dec 20, 2017 eightball
"BARD Synthesizers - IVAN is phosphor/vacuum tube asymmetric overdrive/distortion module for eurorack modular synthesizers.
IVAN's heart is Russian vacuum tube IV-15 which can act like soft/hard clipper, saturator, wave procesor."
'Ivan is an overdrive unit that uses tiny Vacuum Fluorescent Display to process incoming audio signals (yes, because it’s a triode!). It accepts DC coupled signals as well allowing it to operate as cool and nice indicator (still with useful AC coupled output). It offers a plenty of gain and hot 10V peak-to-peak output of asymmetrical triode-diode clipping.
Controls (from top):
Audio input level
3HP / 30 mm depth without connector
current needs: +12V: 50mA, -12V: 10mA
generates little of heat"
New in 2017,
New Makers,
New Makers in 2017,
New Modules,
New Modules in 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
New Paraphonic Synth Module from Radikal Technologies in the Works
via Jörg Schaaf of Radikal Technologies.
"Nothing compares to this special moment, when you assemble a new frontpanel with knobs, LEDs and buttons for the first time."
Looks 3hp, so likely a new eurorack module. Paraphonic implies polyphonic through one filter, shared envelope, etc. You can take a look at some of the controls in the pics. It appears to be a mini synth module with Mod, Mixer, VCF, ADSR, VCA, and FX sections. The OSC section is likely offscreen to the left.
Monday, December 18, 2017
PM Foundations FK24 VCF YT
Published on Dec 18, 2017 Randy Piscione
"Here's a demo of the FK24 voltage controlled filter from PM Foundations. Gets more odd as things progress. Around 2:30 it started making some interesting vowel-ish noises. This stuff is nice, check it out."
Sunday, December 17, 2017
New Intellijel Module Demos & Eurorack Cases
Published on Dec 16, 2017 intellijel
1. Intellijel 1U Pedal Interface
The Intellijel 1U Pedal Interface makes it easy to integrate your eurorack system with your effects pedals. It offers inputs and outputs, along with knobs to control send and return levels as well as your wet/dry mix.
The module is made up of two parts, the Interface Control, and Interface IO. The Interface Control module is able to connect directly to the IO jacks on our 7U cases to save your HP!
In this video we used our modules with the following pedals:
Strymon Bigsky, Boss, SD-1 Super Distortion, Elektron Analog Heat, Electro-Harmonix Memory Boy, Moog MF-105M MIDI Murf, and the Proco Rat.
2. Intellijel Audio Interface II
This module allows you to interface your Eurorack modular system to the pro balanced line level world (+4dBu). You can send and return to rack mount/desktop fx units, patch to external line level instruments like synths and drum machines, interface to a DAW and much more.
2 x Balanced TRS 1/4″ to Eurorack modular level input paths
2 x Eurorack modular level signals to Balanced TRS 1/4″ output paths
4 x six stage led VU meter to monitor all inputs and outputs simultaneously
Uses high quality THATCorp balanced line drivers and receiver ICs.
Input path has up to 20dB of gain which allows you to patch in low level consumer level signals and boost them. 0dB = 10Vpp (nominal Eurorack level)
Output path steps a nominal Eurorack level (10Vpp) down to +4dBu with up to +6dB gain.
Skiff friendly
3. Intellijel Line Out 1U
Line Out 1U - Eurorack level to Balanced Pro Line Level Ouput Shifter in 1U
This module allows you to interface your Eurorack modular system to the pro balanced line level world (+4 dBu). You can send audio out to rack mount/desktop FX units, patch to external line-level instruments like synths and drum machines, interface to a DAW, and much more.
1 x Eurorack modular level signals to Balanced TRS 1/4″ output path
Uses a high quality THATCorp balanced line driver IC
Output path steps a nominal Eurorack level (10 Vpp) down to +4 dBu with up to +6 dB gain.
4. Intellijel Line In 1U
Line In 1U Balanced Line Level Input to Eurorack level Shifter in 1U
This module allows you to connect balanced line level audio (+4 dBu) into your Eurorack modular system. It is a compact and easy way to patch in a rack mount/desktop FX units, external line-level instruments like synths and drum machines, outputs from your DAW, or many other line level sources.
1 x Balanced TRS 1/4″ input path to Eurorack modular signal level.
Uses a high quality THATCorp balanced line receiver IC
Input path boosts a -10dBV or +4dBU balanced line level signal to Eurorack modular signal with adjustable gain.
5. Intellijel Headphones 1U
High quality headphone amp capable of driving consumer and studio grade heaphones with excellent bass response and loud levels.
This module can also be used as a line level stereo output.
6. Intellijel Audio IO 1U & Jacks
This module allows you to interface your Eurorack modular system to the pro balanced line level world (+4 dBu). You can send and return to rack mount/desktop FX units, patch to external line-level instruments like synths and drum machines, interface to a DAW, and much more.
2 x Balanced TRS 1/4″ to Eurorack modular level input paths
2 x Eurorack modular level signals to Balanced TRS 1/4″ output paths
4 x two-stage LED VU meter to monitor all inputs and outputs simultaneously
Uses high quality THATCorp balanced line drivers and receiver ICs.
Input path has up to 20 dB of gain which allows you to patch in low level consumer level signals and boost them. 0 dB = 10 Vpp (nominal Eurorack level)
Output path steps a nominal Eurorack level (10 Vpp) down to +4 dBu with up to +6 dB gain.
This module connects to the Audio I/O JACKS module via ribbon cable. The same ribbon cable can be used to connect to the rear-mounted audio jacks of the 7U performance cases.
7.Intellijel Cases
Intellijel has a range of sleek and well engineered cases to give your Eurorack modules a worthy home. In 4U we offer 42, 84, and 104HP models, as well as 7U cases in 84 and 104HP. They all ship with threaded rails, and high capacity, studio grade power supplies with plenty of connections for your modules.
Our cases all feature a 1U row, which allows you to install a number of useful utilities to suit your needs for the stage or studio, while freeing up valuable 3U rack space.
Our cases are the perfect solution to house, power and protect your system with no compromises.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Tubbutec µTune autotune Teaser
Published on Dec 15, 2017 tubbutec
"First promising results while developing the new autoTune feature for Tubbutec µTune"
via Tubbutec
"Tubbutec µTune is a tool designed to serve all needs that may arise when dealing with microtonal scales in a modular context. But of course you can also use in a normal, not microtonal way.
Main features
Two channel microtonal Midi to CV/Gate interface with various voice assign modes
A two channel microtonal quantizer / mapper
Two channel CV/Gate to midi conversion sends microtonal midi
A built in scale editor to conveniently edit, load and save scales from an SD card
Midi router/merger to route midi note and clock data independently between USB, DIN midi and µTune
Freely configurable inputs and outputs. Can detect if input is plugged in and change behaviour accordingly which makes the module extremely flexible
10 point VCO calibration to linearise VCO CV response
High precision 16 bit outputs, resolution about 0.15mV / 0.2cents with a voltage range of 10V
Built in two channel tuner with a wide pitch range
V/Hz mode with adjustable precission
Peripherals: 2x analogue in, 2x analogue out, 2x digital in, 2x digital out, Mini USB B device midi in/out, DIN midi in and out
Also features: Midi monitor, various alternative note notations, midi note on and off velocity mapping, adjustable midi base notes, transpose and shift scales via CV, pitch bend in, scale masks, and much more…
An extension module to add more channels is in developement
Designed and made in Germany
Comes with: SD card with pre-installed scales, USB Cable Mini B to type A, Eurorack power cable
Available as completely assembled module and DIY version"
Wednesday, December 13, 2017 AUTOPILOT introduction
Published on Dec 13, 2017 TheEndorphines
" - AUTOPILOT: 4 hp auto-tuner module.
Do you remember the days when tuning the synthesizer was an issue?
We are happy to introduce you the AUTOPILOT - innovative dual tuner module.
Here is a detuned two voice sequence. We play A note on both oscillators.
Single button press enables the tune function to the nearest A note. Long hold press disables the tune.
Now we are in perfect tune.
We even advanced tuning algorithm with dynamic rate response, and added alternative 4-32 Hz scale, by long hold both buttons press.
Tune your oscillators instantly, just apply the Autopilot in between the pitch CV and apply the reference waveform.
Thank you for watching"
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
SYNTH-WERK Introduces SW 912 Envelope Follower
"The SW912 Envelope Follower produces two functions, which can be used separately or in conjunction. The follower circuit signal input presents a control voltage output (DC) proportional to the average amplitude of the AC input signal. The second function, a Schmitt trigger, generates a V-trigger above a threshold voltage (comparator), when a slowly varying or DC voltage is introduced at the control input jack. The normalling of the control output of the follower circuit to the control input of the Schmitt trigger circuit allows both control voltage and trigger to be generated from a single variable source.
THe SW912 Envelope Follower is an extremely useful module for interfacing external sources with the many functions of the synthesizer, which require both control voltages and triggers to function. Filter or amplitude variations can be achieved by routing the audio signal to both the processing modules and the Envelope Follower. The control voltage of the follower circuit can raise or lower the cutoff frequency of a voltage controlled filter. At the same time, the Envelope Generator can be triggered by the V-trigger output of the follower, causing a VCA to gate the original signal above a certain amplitude. This latter operation can be very useful as a noise gate, closing down an audio signal when the level drops below a nominal setting. One further use involves generating random triggers from the Envelope Follower by utilizing white noise or pink noise as a signal input and carefully setting the threshold level to achieve a speed of trigger selection."
Monday, December 11, 2017
LepLoop Announces New Piattino Hi-Hat Eurorack Module
via LepLoop
"Piattino |_| Hi-hat |_| Module
We are happy to announce new euro rack module Piattino.
Piattino It's LEP new design for Hat sounds
a kind of Cassa with an injection of white noise.
A new type of Hi-hat sound, punchy attach
two release envelope with dedicate
trig in, many type of signal accepted."
Cool artwork below.
Thursday, December 07, 2017
New Gibran Curtiss Tube Control Eurorack Module
Published on Dec 7, 2017 Gibran Curtiss
New Analog Tiles from SYINSI
"New tiles now available. VCO, VCA, VCF, LFO, EG, CV and audio mixers, mults and shift/scalers — enough tiles to build a complete modular synthesizer out of just tiles!
VCO Classic
The classic analog saw oscillator.Fine tune on the front as well as the V/Octave offset and scaling trimmers.
Two inputs: V/Oct, and CV.
Covers 8 octaves. Matched transistors for low drift.
Wednesday, December 06, 2017
Joranalogue - Compare 2
Published on Dec 6, 2017 DivKidVideo & Joranalogue Audio Design
"Here's the absolutely killer Compare from Joranalogue. It's a compactor, but not a normal one, a dual window comparator, a 4 output logic section, CVable window size and position, NOT / inverted output ... it's a magic voltage controlled voltage controlling toolbox! :) Check out the various patches processing audio, CV gates and making all sorts of stuff. It's really great at "getting more" out of other modules."
Joranalogue - Compare 2
Compare 2 - Chaotic Envelope Looper
Compare 2 - Dynamic Depth Oscillator Sync
Compare 2 - Multi-Pulse Width Modulation
Compare 2 - Complex Rhythm Generator
Joranalogue Switch 4 Compare 2 Mix 3 Select 2 Test 3 @ Ginko Modular Fest 2017
via Joranalogue
The window comparator is a very useful circuit building block that is common in general electronics, but rarely found in modular synths. While a regular comparator activates when the input signal voltage is higher than a threshold level, a window comparator checks if the voltage is between two levels (these form the 'window').
Compare 2 combines two such comparators and a logic section in 8 HP. The result is an advanced tool for extracting gates and pulses from analogue signals in Eurorack synths.
The detection windows are defined by the shift and size parameters, which can be varied using the knobs and CV inputs. Complementary gate outputs are available, with big three-colour LEDs showing each comparator's status.
All inputs are normalised from the left section to the right, but the two comparators can also be used completely independently. On the bottom, the outputs from both comparators are combined in various ways by the logic section, which also features LEDs.
You'll find a use for this truly multi-functional module in practically any patch, processing either CV or audio: complex rhythm generator, dual pulse width modulator, frequency multiplier/divider with PWM, digital ‘ring modulator’ with PWM, dynamic depth VCO synchronizer, voltage controlled swing, logic function array with adjustable thresholds... and many more applications waiting to be discovered!
Two independent analogue window comparators with voltage controlled parameters.
Multi-colour LEDs show status at a glance.
Normalisation between comparators simplifies common patches.
Complementary gate outputs for each comparator.
Logic section which combines the comparator outputs into AND, OR, XOR and flip-flop ('FF') signals, with LEDs.
Precision-milled 2 mm anodised aluminium front panel with high-resolution, non-erasable graphics.
Bullet-proof design: polarised power header and MOSFET protection circuit.
Includes 16-to-10-pin Eurorack power ribbon cable.
Premium mounting hardware: black screws, black nylon washers and matching hex key.
High-quality components and assembly; designed and made in Belgium."
New in 2017,
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New Modules in 2017,
synth tutorials
Tuesday, December 05, 2017
New Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Micro Sequence Eurorack Module
Published on Dec 5, 2017 Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers
1. Lifeforms Micro Sequence | Slider Integrated Mute
The channel sliders control the output voltage of both the quantized pitch output and the analog CV output. Placing the slider in the down position enables the channel mute functionality for the quantized output. When a muted channel is active, the gate output does not trigger and the quantized pitch output does not change from the previous active channel. The output of the analog CV jack is not affected by the mute functionality and will output a voltage corresponding to the position of the slider.
2. Lifeforms Micro Sequence | Modulation Gate Input
The gate in mode button assigns the external gate input jack to one of four modulation destinations.
Reset - The sequence resets to step 1 when the incoming gate signal goes high.
Hold - The sequence pauses on the active step while the incoming gate signal is high.
Reverse - The sequence direction reverses when the incoming gate signal goes high. The sequence returns to normal when the gate goes high a second time. If the direction mode is set to random 1 or random 2, reverse mode enables the sequence to play forward.
Ratchet - The sequence gate output triggers 4 times per clock cycle while the incoming gate signal is high.
3. Lifeforms Micro Sequence | Quantized Scale Modes
The scale button sets the quantized pitch output scale. Press once to show the current scale. Press again to cycle through scale options.
Micro - Fine grained access to 250 note intervals per octave.
Chromatic - 12 step scale with note intervals at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Major - 7 step scale with note intervals at 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11.
Minor - 7 steps per octave scale with note intervals at 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10.
Blues - 6 steps per octave scale with note intervals at 0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10.
Phrygian - 7 steps per octave scale with note intervals at 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10.
Lydian - 7 steps per octave scale with note intervals at 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11.
Dorian - 7 steps per octave scale with note intervals at 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10.
4. Lifeforms Micro Sequence | Assignable Sequence Length
The length button assigns the number of steps in the sequence. Press once to show the number of steps. Press again to cycle through and assign the number of steps in the sequence. When Transpose Direction Mode is active, the length button sets the number of steps in the bottom transposing sequence.
5. LIfeforms Micro Sequence | Assignable Direction Modes
The direction button determines the direction mode of the sequencer. Press once to show the selected direction. Press again to cycle through direction options. After selecting a new direction mode, the change takes effect on step 1. The first step of the cycle.
Forward - The sequence steps between channels 1 to 8 in order. Channel 1 represents step 1.
Reverse - The sequence steps between channels 8 to 1 in reverse order. Channel 8 represents step 1.
Pendulum - The sequence steps between channels 1 to 8 then reverses direction. Channels 1 and 8 are triggered twice to create a 16 step sequence length. Channel 1 represents step 1.
Stagger - The sequence steps between channels 1 to 8 in order with a 25% chance that the sequence will stagger back 1 step or ahead 2 steps. This creates a sequence that staggers back and forth as it steps between channels. Channel 1 represents step 1. Step 1 may be staggered past on any given cycle.
Skip - The sequence steps between channels 1 to 8 in order, skipping a subsequent channel each cycle. This creates a complex sequence of 56 steps. The first time through channel 1 is skipped, the second time through channel 2 is skipped, and so on. Channel 2 represents step 1 because Channel 1 is skipped on the first sequence cycle.
Transpose - Transpose splits the sequencer into two sets (channels 1-4 and channels 5-8). The top sequence (channels 1-4) is transposed by the bottom sequence (channels 5-8) running at 1/4 the rate as the top sequence. Channel 1 and channel 5 active represents step 1.
Random 1 - The active channel is selected randomly. There is no step 1 tied to random. Program changes happen immediately.
Random 2 - The active channel is selected randomly with the chance of a rest. There is no step 1 tied to random. Program changes happen immediately.
6. Lifeforms Micro Sequence | Introduction
Hands-On Sequencing
With a simple, performance focused interface, the feature set of the Lifeforms Micro Sequence module speaks for itself. Eight sliders with integrated channel mute. Eight quantized scales. Eight sequencer direction modes. Sequences up to 8 steps. Four external modulation functions. Integrated tap tempo clock. Eight step external clock divider. Run/Stop transport button. Sequence reset button. Dedicated analog CV output. And more....
New in 2017,
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Pittsburgh Modular Confluence
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