Showing posts with label New Makers in 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Makers in 2017. Show all posts
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
BARD Synthesizers - IVAN (Phosphor/Vacuum Tube Overdrive/Distortion) @
Published on Dec 20, 2017 eightball
"BARD Synthesizers - IVAN is phosphor/vacuum tube asymmetric overdrive/distortion module for eurorack modular synthesizers.
IVAN's heart is Russian vacuum tube IV-15 which can act like soft/hard clipper, saturator, wave procesor."
'Ivan is an overdrive unit that uses tiny Vacuum Fluorescent Display to process incoming audio signals (yes, because it’s a triode!). It accepts DC coupled signals as well allowing it to operate as cool and nice indicator (still with useful AC coupled output). It offers a plenty of gain and hot 10V peak-to-peak output of asymmetrical triode-diode clipping.
Controls (from top):
Audio input level
3HP / 30 mm depth without connector
current needs: +12V: 50mA, -12V: 10mA
generates little of heat"
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New Modules in 2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
EBM Бас "Звуковой Объект №5" / Analog synthesizer "Sound Object N5"
Published on Dec 19, 2017 Evgeny Gurov
New Soviet DIY synth. Link to the workshop:
EBM Бас "Звуковой Объект №5" / Analog synthesizer "Sound Object N5" EBM Bass
Жирный Бас "Звуковой Объект №5" / Analog synthesizer "Sound Object N5" Fat Bass
Жирный Лид "Звуковой Объект №5" / Analog synthesizer "Sound Object N5" Fat Lead
Небольшой обзор аналогового синтезатера "Звуковой объект №5"
Some pics:
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Tuesday, December 05, 2017
OSCILLOPLASM aether machine modular synth wiard 300
Published on Dec 5, 2017 DavidH
"welcome Oscilloplasm :)"
Not to be mixed with VBrazil's Aether System, this appears to be the first post to feature aether machine.
via aether machine
"Two analogue oscillators optimised for use as an FM pair. On the left is a very high purity sine/cosine core, with additional second harmonic (twice frequency) outputs.
The right variable harmonic oscillator is based around a totally unique complex VCO core which allows fluid control of it’s harmonic content, changing the resonant path of a tuned feedback loop, generating a multi frequency output waveform. The most simple analogy for the circuitry is that it is a fully analogue implementation of a wavetable oscillator, where, instead of accessing stored waveshapes from a look up table, they are computed directly in real time. The reason for pursuing this method was primarily sonic curiosity but it yielded several other musical advantages. One is that the possible output waves are not limited to only the settings that someone else has considered to be musically useful. The mathematical equation generating the output is also capable of many inharmonic settings, including those that do not generate a strong or consonant oscillation, or those just outside of consonance where beating, phasing responses are possible. The other big advantage is that the harmonic control can accurately respond to changes according to 1v/oct.
Front panel jacks are TT (bantams), with impedance balanced outputs and inputs. Balanced signalling along with studio practice in harmony with the laws of physics will ensure trouble free integration straight from the module into studio and live environments.
Chassis earth and 0V separated in accordance with AES48.
Price £725"
aether machine,
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New Makers in 2017,
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New Modules in 2017,
Saturday, December 02, 2017
Trueno: New Hardware Digital Analogue Hybrid Synth on a USB Stick
via Trueno:
"Trueno (from the Spanish for thunder) is a 3 oscillator analogue synthesiser in a USB stick. With the same oscillator circuits found in modular monstrosities and its wild, aggressive filter; Trueno does not compromise on sound quality.

Now you can add the raw, powerful analogue sounds you’ve been craving for the same price as a plugin.
We can’t wait to hear what you’re going to do with it!
What does it do?
3 VCOs
Great oscillators are essential in any analogue synthesiser worth its salt. Trueno has three highly stable digitally controlled VCOs with automatic tuning. Recreate all your favourite sounds and make electrifying new ones with saw, pulse, triangle and noise* waveforms, as well as a powerful digital mode.
*osc 3 only
AM, PWM & Filter FM
A wealth of modulation options, unheard of in any analogue synthesiser at this price point. Oscillator AM, PWM as well as filter FM. You can even use digital wavetables as a modulation source.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Roland CMU-800R w/ Radio Junkbox MIDI-IF Box & CV Out x 8
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Published on Nov 28, 2017 Owen D RhythmDial
"Radio Junkbox midi box makes the CMU easily run by MIDI as shown here run by my Zaquencer. Drums from CMU run thru Vestafire distortions, synth parts just EQd and swept in Allen&Heath mixer, SpartaDelay and ZOOM reverb used in spots too."
The CMU-800R normally requires software and a vintage Apple II to work. The Junkbox MIDI-IF Box replaces that.
via this auction
"Nice condition vintage Roland CMU-800R and a MIDI-IF box from Radio Junkbox out of Japan that plugs into the weird super wide SCSI style original CMU cable and gives this unit great functionality by MIDI.
Individual audio outputs and main mix output.
Faders for audio levels work well for main mix adjustments.
Synth parts controls work well (decay, sustain)
8 channels of CV/Gate output based on MIDI channel inputs.
Power is 117v US power.
MIDI-IF box is awesome, includes its own 5V mini wall wart power supply, also sends out DINsync from incoming MIDI clock. Manual included for MIDI-IF box.
Sounds great too! Drums are very TR-606 like in circuitry and sound. The bass part is nice and full, deep and solid. The melody and chord part are similar sounding but chord part can play 4-note polyphony on its own. The synth parts are weak in their adjustment vs synths like the classic juno-106 but I’ve found adding fx like ring mod or resonant filters to them in eurorack or various rack units livens these parts up very well."
Published on Nov 28, 2017 Owen D RhythmDial
"Radio Junkbox midi box makes the CMU easily run by MIDI as shown here run by my Zaquencer. Drums from CMU run thru Vestafire distortions, synth parts just EQd and swept in Allen&Heath mixer, SpartaDelay and ZOOM reverb used in spots too."
The CMU-800R normally requires software and a vintage Apple II to work. The Junkbox MIDI-IF Box replaces that.
via this auction

Individual audio outputs and main mix output.
Faders for audio levels work well for main mix adjustments.
Synth parts controls work well (decay, sustain)
8 channels of CV/Gate output based on MIDI channel inputs.
Power is 117v US power.
MIDI-IF box is awesome, includes its own 5V mini wall wart power supply, also sends out DINsync from incoming MIDI clock. Manual included for MIDI-IF box.
Sounds great too! Drums are very TR-606 like in circuitry and sound. The bass part is nice and full, deep and solid. The melody and chord part are similar sounding but chord part can play 4-note polyphony on its own. The synth parts are weak in their adjustment vs synths like the classic juno-106 but I’ve found adding fx like ring mod or resonant filters to them in eurorack or various rack units livens these parts up very well."
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Radio Junkbox,
Monday, November 27, 2017
homemade synthesizer playing Tchaikovsky. SDIY
Published on Nov 26, 2017 Gregory Stephens
"'Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy'
homemade synthesizer SDIY polyphonic"
Curious what the SYN-1 module is based on. I will post back if I hear back.
Update via Gregory Stephens:
"It has 4 voices, I am using an Arduino as a NCO with 4 independent saw outputs with gate/trigger for each. from there it is analog-..voices have SAW to PWM, EG and VCA. the VCF is shared by all voices . i am still learning. i 3D printed the face plates. Schematics mostly from"
Gregory Stephens,
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New Makers in 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
VFE Pedals Klein Bottle multipath + multiband looper/mixer on Kickstarter
Published on Nov 21, 2017 Knobs
via Kickstarter where you'll find additional details.
"The Klein Bottle was designed for the noise makers, soundscape artists, endless tinkerers and tone wizards. This epic pedal starts by splitting the input signal into three FX loops. Each FX loop has dedicated controls for pre-gain, HPF/LPF (bandwidth filters), and main mix level. This allows you to send different parts of the signal to different effects, and blend them all back together to create new tones out of your existing pedals.
But wait, there's more! The magic happens when you use the independent feedback controls to send the signal from one FX loop into another...and then back again! Keep your existing tone intact with the DRY knob, while layering a cornucopia of sonic goodness on top."
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New Synth Effects in 2017,
Monday, November 20, 2017
Bit Beat Bot - 1 line code synth
Published on Nov 20, 2017 TheJesterN
Note this is the first product from JesterN. Previous posts featured various performances from JesterN.
via Etsy
"Bit Beat Bot is a Expressive, Portable and Inexpensive sound engine.
It uses one line code formula to generate music/sounds that encompass: drone, noise, ever changing melodic patterns, rhythms, sweeps, video game scenarios etc.. All with the distinctive digital distortion sound. Game-boy like.
It has a power inlet, that can be powered via mini-usb cables (computer or phone charger).
And has 5 pots to control the sound generation:
-the code formula
-the pitch/speed
-parameter 1 of the formula (if included in the formula)
-parameter 2 of the formula (if included in the formula)
-parameter 3 of the formula (if included in the formula)
It is open software so you can put your favourites code formulas or experiment and customize your Bit Beat Bo with new code.
Ships as is, without cables or chargers."
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New Sound Machines in 2017
Aries & ETI Maplin Re-boot Announced at Tokyo Festival of Modular & Australian Modular Scene
A peek into the Australian Modular scene @ Tokyo Festival of Modular 2017
Published on Nov 20, 2017 cuckoomusic
"Having a chat with with the lovely chaps from Australian Modular, about the Australian scene, about how they feel about their geographical location and also getting a brief overview of some of the modules coming out of Australia."
Metro Modular at 9:45 states they are going to reissue the Aries modular system and the ETI Maplin.
Published on Nov 20, 2017 cuckoomusic
"Having a chat with with the lovely chaps from Australian Modular, about the Australian scene, about how they feel about their geographical location and also getting a brief overview of some of the modules coming out of Australia."
Metro Modular at 9:45 states they are going to reissue the Aries modular system and the ETI Maplin.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Centrevillage C Quencer DLX - Tokyo Festival of Modular 2017
Published on Nov 19, 2017 cuckoomusic
"I found the C Quencer DLX to be particularly lovely. For more information, watch this video ;-) and then go to:"
This is the first Centrevillage post on MATRIXSYNTH. They also have a non DLX C Quencer module, and one named Trigger HaCker pictured below.
DLX C Quencer DLX
DLX C Quencer
"It is a special phrase generator combining Euclidian rhythm and arpeggiator.
Demo sound source: C_Quencer Demo Tracks (Using some external oscillator, filter module, delay effect)
Documents, source code etc are in github.
centrevillage / C_Quencer
(Invisible story)
Originally, the board of this module was a jacket for coterie music CD. (The height of the euro rack panel is about 13 cm, which is almost the same size as the CD jacket)
The released album is still being distributed on bandcamp."
Trigger HaCker
This module is under prototype phase 5x5 matrix trigger sequencer
Friday, November 17, 2017
Matrix II Homemade Analog Synthesizer
Published on Nov 17, 2017 Sbranvlztronics
"Matrix II Homemade Analog Synthesizer brief description, showing the front panel with its 64 potentiometers, 100 jacks patch matrix, and listing the 24 modules.
3 VCOs, 4 dual VCAs, 2 moog ladder VCFs, 2 LFOs, 3 ADSRs, VC Phaser, VC Delay, Divider, Sample & Hold, CV Lag, 2 Inverters, 4 channel mixer, Ring Modulator, Noise generator,
Welcome to Sbranvlztronics"
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Loud Objects 8-bit Chiptune Synth
via this auction
Largest switch to board synth?
via the listing: "Very cool .. Needs new battery Rocks ! LOUD OBJECT"
Loud Objects,
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New Sound Machines in 2017
Monday, November 13, 2017
Rakit Disintigrated Cracklebox
Published on Nov 2, 2017 Rakit
"A fun little noisemaker kit based on the famous cracklebox synth."
via Rakit
"Our disintegrated cracklebox kit is inspired by Michel Waisvisz’s Cracklebox and his use (and abuse) of one of the earliest examples of an integrated operational amplifier. The original used the LM709, an old (and obsolete) chip by today’s standards. So in our kit we have effectively taken the integrated circuit of the operational amplifier and dis-integrated it, allowing it to live on forever in kit form.
What Is A Cracklebox?
The disintegrated cracklebox is a noise maker type instrument where the player becomes part of the circuit by interacting with the touchpads. Experimentation really is key to getting the most out of it, using fingers spread over multiple touchpads to get new, interesting sounds."
Crackle Box,
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New Sound Machines in 2017,
Valpower Arp-Sync
Published on Nov 13, 2017 snolan1990
"A quick demonstration of the features and functionality of the Valpower Arp-Sync."
via Valpower on Tindie:
"module to perform the oldschool Rimshot trigger trick on Analog Synth
What is it?
This module its based in the old trick of hooking the Roland TR-808/909 rimshot to sync the ARP.
This time , you need no expensive material , only your DAW and usb connector.
It allows synchronize the ROLAND Juno 60 Arpegiator with Ableton (or any other DAW) via USB/midi.
Is fully assembled and ready to use, just plug to your synth and ready to go.
Tested under windows 7 64 bits and Mac and Roland juno 60 , needs no driver.
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Sequential Circuits,
Sunday, November 12, 2017
DIY Virtual analog synthesizer
Published on Nov 12, 2017 devoxxxide
"Nord Drumみたいなのが作りたかった"
"I wanted to make it like Nord Drum"
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New Makers in 2017
Thursday, November 09, 2017
New North Coast Synthesis MSK 007 Leapfrog VCF
And we have a new maker featured on the site.
via North Coast Synthesis Ltd.
"Not Your Grandmother's Synth Filter (Yet)
There are hundreds of analog synthesizer VCFs, but only a few core designs. You've got your Moog transistor ladder and imitators that use diodes or other substitutes; you've got your two-pole state variable filter, maybe cascaded to get additional poles; and that's about it. Your grandmother was making electronic music with these designs in the 1960s, and not much has happened since. There are a few more options available in digital and semi-digital (such as switched-capacitor) architectures, but most analog designers have given up trying to create really new filters. Instead, they compete on how well they can imitate or clone specific "vintage" filters.
The North Coast Synthesis MSK 007 Leapfrog is new and different, with a sound all its own. The fifth-order "leapfrog" core topology, with five integrators and multiple feedback loops, originates in scientific work more recent than the 1960s and as far as we know never before available in a modular synth VCF. The near-elliptic response curve has an extremely sharp cutoff, with ripple in the passband and nulls in the stopband at frequencies chosen to be musically relevant.
Sweep the cutoff and hear each harmonic pop into existence and wobble around before the next one arrives. Choose a timbre, and the temperature compensated volt per octave tracking will keep it consistent across the frequency range. Change it up with exponential and linear frequency modulation. There's even a built-in VCA, because you can never have too many VCAs.
The MSK 007 is available as a pre-built 16HP Eurorack module, a DIY kit, or as bare boards. It's the perfect gift for Grandma or any other electronic musician in your life.
All-new design, not a clone or imitation of anything else
Ultra-sharp five-pole near-elliptic low-pass response, 61dB/octave at the least steep part of the main cutoff slope, with peaks and nulls at musically relevant frequencies
Built-in VCA switchable to feedback or output modes from the front panel - no jumpers
Temperature compensated V/octave tracking
Through-hole for easy hand construction and maintenance
Connectors between boards, and panel controls mounted on a board - no flying wires
No compromises on component quality: real aluminum panel, not PCB material, with colour printing; nickel and gold plating on the circuit boards; smooth-touch conductive plastic panel potentiometers rated for one million operations; polystyrene integrator capacitors; close-tolerance metal film fixed resistors; multiturn trimmers.
Fully open design - no lock-in
16HP Eurorack synthesizer module, 58mm deep including mated power cable.
Maximum current requirements in normal use: 70mA +12V, 65mA -12V. Reverse-connection protected.
Build difficulty: intermediate to advanced, because of the number of parts and adjustment steps. All through-hole. Multimeter and dual-trace digital oscilloscope are recommended for adjustment, with other options possible."
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North Coast Synthesis
Monday, November 06, 2017
Introducing the X-Bay Ultimate Synthesizer & Patchbay by Anatal Electronics
The X-Bay Ultimate Synthesizer by Anatal Electronics is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter. Note you can find a banner link to the X-Bay campaign in the top right banner section here on MATRIXSYNTH, so you can get back to the campaign anytime.
In short the X-Bay is an analog modular synthesizer and patchbay in a 4U rack mount enclosure.

Nothing virtual, genuine vintage analog sound with famous synth chips from the 70's and 80's.
Completely modular with cable-less analog patch matrix.
Patch cable-less with analog switching chips and software, full digital control.
Without AD/DA conversions between matrix input and output for 100% analog signal path and true zero latency.
Option to function partly or fully as cable-less patchbay for all external devices too.
Option to cable-less patch and control other 3th party modular synths too.
Total analog recall, switch between cable-less wiring configurations instantly. Option to work with downloadable presets too.
Extendable cable-less patch matrix with switching cards, can grow to your needs and desires.
Extendable sound with vintage module cards.
Compact and robust 19" enclosure with optional custom front plate for enclosure pledges that fill up our goal.
Xtreme price break, affordable automated analog audio matrix (search ebay on "64 audio matrix" and see for yourself).
Hard gold plated pcb's assembled in Europe, build to last a lifetime.
We from Anatal Electronics worked for many years on an extendable analog patching matrix that works with chips and software. Upon that patch matrix we build a modular synthesizer with real analog sound that can be controlled with chips and software instead of cables. All analog settings and patch configurations can be saved and restored. For your reference it can be seen as a real analog Nord Modular, an extendable polyphonic Arturia Matrix Brute or a modular Omega infinity with up to 256x256 modulation matrix size.
X-Bay works with cards for extending the matrix and also for adding more of our our vintage modules. The matrix can be extended from 32x32 to 256x256 IO.
Affordable quality
Because every aspect can be controlled digitally there is no need perse for physical buttons or sliders, they are optional not mandatory. This saves a lot of development time and production costs and is the reason why we don't need to compromise on quality for an affordable price. We use ddr pc memory connectors for all extension cards because they are around for decades and many are familiar with their ease of use. Another benefit of not having physical knobs or sliders is that they cannot wear out and cause noise.
The price of components and connectors often depends on how many are sold. Because the connectors we use are in every pc they are affordable and reliable.
Our offer is so generous compared to comparable products that one might wonder if it can be any good. Our pricing is partly business strategy but for the greater part the result of having the right group of people get together at the right point in history. Over a century of combined experience in electronics, software development and vintage synthesizer technology, ignited with passion and the desire to make a difference, can cause a true genuine revolution in a significant industry. We did it because we can and now we need you to make it happen. Be part of something majestic!
Proven technology and components
The underlying concepts for the switching modulation matrix is like other networking technologies, complex but around for many decades. The audio signal switching chips we use are in production for more than 25 years. Our effort made it possible to have such a matrix in a small enclosure so that it will fit in a 19" rack.
The synthesizer modules are implemented with reissued, cloned or original chips from Curtis Electronics and SSM. By many considered as the best choice and many well known vintage synthesizer from the 70's and early 80's are implemented with these chips.
How to play
Connect a midi keyboard or midi software like cubase and control it like any other midi device. Modular connections and analog settings can be applied with our software that runs on devices with internet browsers. Also over WIFI for phones and tablets. Separate mouse and touch interface is provided. It does not mean that X-Bay cannot be controlled by knobs or sliders. It is even remarkably easy to make a true analog controller with direct contact pots. Mind you many, if not most, synthesizer have encoding controllers which is basically digital control and differs not much from a midi controller that you can already use since X-Bay is midi controllable. For sure in the near future an analog controller will be provided by either us or 3th parties."
Anatal Electronics,
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Saturday, November 04, 2017
DIY synthesizer by pepofication
Published on Nov 4, 2017 pepofication
"Korg SQ-1 VCO, VCF, AD, VCA
The VCF isn't properly working yet."
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Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Published on Nov 1, 2017 COLOR MY SOUND
"This is a review of MIXER + VCA manufactured by JORANALOGUE ( The review also appears in November (2017) issue of "Estrada i Studio" - biggest Polish monthly magazine devoted to music production and studio equipment."
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synth tutorials
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
ELECTRIC TONE Synthi Biscuit Tips Tutorial Review
Published on Oct 31, 2017 Robotopsy Robotopsy
"The Synthi Biscuit is a multi-fonction 16hp packaged module for the Eurorack system.
It offers 16 different algorythms in 3 similar sub-modules. A sub-module consists of 2
variable parameters, a gate input, an analog output, a display and a selection
A new make on the site featured on Halloween!
"Designed to give a lot of fonctionalities into a small package(16HP). The Synthi Biscuit incorporates the usual needed fonctions (LFO, sample and hold, random noise, sequencer ect...) and more. It offers 10 different algorythms into 3 sub-units to sauce up your travel into the modular world. A sub-module consists of 2 parameters, a gate input, an analog output, a display and a selection button.
No magic trick, no special button combo. To access the different fonctions, click the algo button to browse through the algorythms. The parameters knobs allow changes in the fonctions you're using, they have different roles depending on the mode (speed lfo, gate time, random factor ect...).
synthi-biscuit responds to all Eurorack criterias on power supply(12V/0V/-12V), power connector (2X8), and signal levels."
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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