Showing posts with label Cat Full of GHOSTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cat Full of GHOSTS. Show all posts
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Quick and Dirty TV Jam
Cat Full of GHOSTS
"A quick Jam looking at the possibilities of using both CRT video feedback and direct video feedback."
Wednesday, November 04, 2020
Cat Full of GHOSTS Live Video Jam: Shapes XL
Cat Full of GHOSTS
"Live video jamming with V4, Panasonic mx10, Video Equaliser and black and white video synth."
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Cat Full of GHOSTS Music Jam #1
Published on May 23, 2020 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"Jamming on Ableton + MFOS Soundlab Ultra + Cassio PT-80 + Korg Volca Beats + AO modular synth rack."
Friday, March 13, 2020
Cat Full of Updates #6
Published on Mar 13, 2020 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"A quick update on the Synth.BT product that is currently shipping!
#audio #video #synthesisers #eurorack #update #kickstarter"
Thursday, January 02, 2020
Synth.BT (modular synthesizer tools) 2020 Kickstarter video
Published on Jan 2, 2020 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"Link to project:
Your HP is sacred, you shouldn’t waste it on things like multiples, attenuators and gate combiners.
Synth.BTs packs together a bunch of super handy passive synth tools into one neat kit that is as simple to build as it is useful.
Put one of these packs in your cable bag and always be ready to solve those synth routing problems live, or in the studio.
Product Description:
Synth.BTs are a beautiful matt black PCB with gold ENIG finish. Reminiscent of a model plane kit, you build up the board, solder it and then cut out the different components to create:
2 X 4 way multiples
2 X touch pads
1 X 3.5mm to ¼’ adapter
1 X 3-in-1 out gate combiner
2 X attenuators with mute and stutter
Synth.BTs is available as a bare PCB, kit or a pre-built PCB with jacks and other components already soldered.
What are you waiting for? Grab yours today."
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
Cat Full of Updates #4
Published on Dec 4, 2019 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"Monash Mini Maker Fair and robot joint v2 now with locking. #joint #mini #maker #fair #tech #robot #diy #3dprint #print #ee"
Cat Full of GHOSTS
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Published on Dec 19, 2017 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"Here is a direct out from the headphone jack of the Yowler.
As well as it being used with a cv sequencer and a eurorack setup."
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Published on Dec 11, 2017 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"A Quick look at some of the posiblitys with the Yowler noise synth"
See this post for some details on the YOWLER.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Aries & ETI Maplin Re-boot Announced at Tokyo Festival of Modular & Australian Modular Scene
A peek into the Australian Modular scene @ Tokyo Festival of Modular 2017
Published on Nov 20, 2017 cuckoomusic
"Having a chat with with the lovely chaps from Australian Modular, about the Australian scene, about how they feel about their geographical location and also getting a brief overview of some of the modules coming out of Australia."
Metro Modular at 9:45 states they are going to reissue the Aries modular system and the ETI Maplin.
Published on Nov 20, 2017 cuckoomusic
"Having a chat with with the lovely chaps from Australian Modular, about the Australian scene, about how they feel about their geographical location and also getting a brief overview of some of the modules coming out of Australia."
Metro Modular at 9:45 states they are going to reissue the Aries modular system and the ETI Maplin.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Published on Jun 17, 2017 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"A Quick walkthrough of the 'Video Equations' eurorack model.
The Video Equations Euro is a eurorack character based video synth that creates its visuals by manipulating complex exuations.
25hp wide (35.5mm depth)
7x CV in (0-5v with protection)
BUILT IN SCREEN AVAILABLE ON REQUEST (+$100AU this will be a built in display that has an external rca that can be used to monitor other video signals)
RCA composite video out with ac coupling and esd protection
Power use: 12v = 430ma max, 5v= 0ma, -12v = 0ma
Improvements between what you see in the video and what you will get:
higher contrast on the lettering on the wood
a reset button on the front panel
possibly a switch to change between NTSC and PAL from the front panel (we are working on it now and it looks promising."
Sunday, June 18, 2017
QUICK LOOK: MFOS Sound Lab Ultimate
Published on Jun 18, 2017 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"A Quick look and play with the MFOS Sound Lab Ultimate: a 3 osc modular synth with a ton of cool features."
Thursday, June 01, 2017
Cat Full of GHOSTS LIVE VJ Reel 2017
Published on May 31, 2017 Cat Full of GHOSTS
"My Vj reel of live work. Thanks to Ben Willis and Square sounds fest for much of the footage of me."
Friday, April 28, 2017
Resonant - Featured Artist Series (Cat Full of Ghosts)
Published on Apr 27, 2017 brassmonkey
"We caught up with Robert Jordan aka Cat Full of Ghosts in another of our Featured Artist Series interviews who is performing at our next Resonant show on the 7th May 2017 in Melbourne, Australia."
Friday, December 02, 2016
Cat Full of Ghosts YOWLER Kickstarter Campaign Opens Design to Supporters
"The Kickstarter video for a synthesizer that the buyers help design."
"About this project
Low epic throbbing halls, rasping vocal choruses, burning thick churning waves of static. The Yowler is waiting.
The Yowler is a versatile little noise/drone synth, don't let it's size fool you, it is packed with features most small synths don't have:
External trigger + decay: trigger the Yowler from external gear, use it as a drum synth
Built in speaker + mono/stereo output: means you can use it with mono gear like guitar pedals or a modular synth, or stereo gear like mixers, headphones etc...
Pitch knobs + light dependent pitch control: get crazy sounds from the three oscillators by shining light on them
If the minimum successful funding amount is raised, you get the Yowler as you see it in the video, with all the features described. BUT, once we reach the funding goal backers will be able to contribute to the design and development of the final product. How? Read on.
Ever $1,000AU above the fully funded amount unlocks a bunch new options for features that the backers get to vote on having included in the final design. Some of these upgrades are aesthetic, like better knobs and buttons, others are extra features like a filter or the design becoming open-source, or Eurorack compatibility, and others are design improvements, like a case, a thicker PCB, or rubber feet.
The idea is that as a community the backers will steer and shape they Yowler through their choices. The more people who support the Yowler the better it gets.
When each voting milestone ($1,000AU over the funding goal) is reached, I will send out a survey to backers to decide between two new features. If enough voting milestones are passed then features are passed over will return for a second chance of inclusion. If your favourite feature missed out early on, with enough backers, it may still end up in the final product!
Cat Full of GHOSTS,
New in 2016,
New Sound Machines,
New Sound Packs in 2016
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Video Equations: Colour Video Synthesizer
Video Equations: Colour Video Synthesizer from Cat Full of GHOSTS on Vimeo.
The Video Equations video synthesizer is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter here. This is a project by Cat Full of GHOSTS' Roberto Jordan, who I am happy to say, happens to be a supporting Member of MATRIXSYNTH. See the kickstarter campaign for additional details including the different reward levels.
"The Video Equations system utilises the power of mathematics to yield rippling lo-fi seas of colour, acid trip roguelikes, glitching fractals, visions of an 80's techno dream and worlds of crashing computer programs, all from a single, beautiful unit.
Equally at home in the studio, lab or on the road this colour video system is ready for take off!"
Some additional details via the Kickstarter campaign here
16 colours, hundreds of characters and symbols
20+ different equation archetypes each with two modifier sliders and a colour depth control for literally millions of unique stable or evolving visuals
colour and character offset knobs for even more control and variation of output
4+ variable size masks, each with an invert function and mask fill options
9v battery or wall wart operation (wall wart not included)
7 X 0-5v CV inputs for modular control of all sliders and knobs
picture mute and equation hold functions for expanded live use
composite NTSC output (PAL users can buy a NTSC to PAL converter to integrate it into their PAL system. There is a cheap one for sale here.) The jack on the synth is BNC but comes with an RCA adapter.
Kit and build options:
Available as a fully built and tested unit or as a DIY kit with all the components (all thru-hole components). Both kit and built unit come with a rugged acrylic and plywood base."
Cat Full of GHOSTS,
New in 2016,
New Tools,
New Tools in 2016,
Video Processing
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
HellSynth by Cat Full of Ghosts Electronics
Published on Dec 1, 2015 Robert Jordan
Product Description
The 'Hell Synth' is a palm sized experimental synth you can buy prebuilt or as a kit. Little noise synths are often limited in the scope of their sound, either they grind aggressively like dive-bombing aeroplanes, or drone in massive arrays of humming square-waves.
THIS HELL SYNTH IS A LITTLE DIFFERENT! The range of sounds that come out of this little box will keep you twiddling for hours. There are oceans of glass, lightening fast arpeggios, swarming notes that dance in and out of phase.
This is the fifth version of this synth design and the tenth version of the software. I've been working to make sure it is fun to use while being full of awesome sounds.
So far there are THREE programs I have written for it including:
FROM HELL!!! V2: This is a hard-core noise synth with six digital wavetable oscillators, tons of glitch, modulation and waveforms. It also has midi out.
ARP BOX V2: A cute little arpeggiator with both audio and MIDI out, capable of everything from Casio-style acid crazy to bleepy-bloops.
Zsynth: Space radio, slow warping, phasing sweeps, pulsing beats and hums. MIDI out coming soon."
Sunday, March 08, 2015
Cat Full of GHOSTS' Hell Synth
Hell Synth: ARP BOX1 from Cat Full of GHOSTS on Vimeo.
"A cute little arpegiator with both audio and midi out, capable of everything from Casio style acid crazy and bleepy bloops."
Hell Synth: "FROM HELL!!!" CHIP from Cat Full of GHOSTS on Vimeo.
"This is a hardcore noise synth with 6 digital wavetable oscillators and tons of glitch, modulation and waveforms. has midi out."
Friday, October 31, 2014
100 in 1 MIDI MASTER first test (prototype)
100 in 1 MIDI MASTER first test (prototype) from Cat Full of GHOSTS on Vimeo.
"here is me patching together a fader for filter cutoff and an LDR for noise volume"
Update: some additional info from the creator: "I've been working on a modular synth that outputs midi, rather then audio. Its called the "100 in 1 Midi Master", the idea is you can build midi controllers on the fly, its got a ton of logic chips on it so you can build everything from sequencers, to chaotic random midi machines."
Friday, May 02, 2014
Cat Full of Ghosts Cat Vi$$ion Video Synth
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"Its a one of a kind PAL, composite video synth, that is small, awesome looking and runs of 5-9v DC
It makes a but tone of crazy strobing, morphing and glitching B&W video.
it may look crazy but it has hyper stable sync output meaning you can run it into a projector or video mixer with no fear of signal loss or instability.
Controls include (from left to right):
stability (how quick the frame refreshes, this creates strobes, static images, and slow morphing opacity effects, range: 0ms to 4ms)
clear type (how the frame refreshes: none, black out, white out, invert rand, invert always)
direction (direction to offset the image: up, down, left, right, diagonal 1, diagonal 2, diagonal 3, diagonal 4, glitch apart 1, glitch apart 2, random)
offset (the distance the screen image is offset)
shape type (the shape being generated then effected by the synth: none/black, circle, square, tri, tri2, lines, dots, lots of circles, 80's logo thing)
output: RCA composite video
input: DC power 5-9v (wall wort not included)
Anyway here is a video!!!!!!"
CAT VI$$ION VIDEO SYNTH!!! from Cat Full of GHOSTS on Vimeo.
via this auction
"Its a one of a kind PAL, composite video synth, that is small, awesome looking and runs of 5-9v DC
It makes a but tone of crazy strobing, morphing and glitching B&W video.
it may look crazy but it has hyper stable sync output meaning you can run it into a projector or video mixer with no fear of signal loss or instability.
Controls include (from left to right):
stability (how quick the frame refreshes, this creates strobes, static images, and slow morphing opacity effects, range: 0ms to 4ms)
clear type (how the frame refreshes: none, black out, white out, invert rand, invert always)
direction (direction to offset the image: up, down, left, right, diagonal 1, diagonal 2, diagonal 3, diagonal 4, glitch apart 1, glitch apart 2, random)
offset (the distance the screen image is offset)
shape type (the shape being generated then effected by the synth: none/black, circle, square, tri, tri2, lines, dots, lots of circles, 80's logo thing)
output: RCA composite video
input: DC power 5-9v (wall wort not included)
Anyway here is a video!!!!!!"
CAT VI$$ION VIDEO SYNTH!!! from Cat Full of GHOSTS on Vimeo.
Saturday, April 05, 2014
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
HELL SYNTH MINI DEMO from Cat Full of GHOSTS on Vimeo.
"I shrunk my hell synth down to micro size but packed in some more features, its got 6 osc's, 7 knobs and make an endless array of noises."
via this auction
"One of a kind noise synth, with manual!
6 osc
6 waveforms
6 different oscillator interactions
knobs for: pitch, waveform, rules, random rules, random pitch, pitch scale and oscillator spread/detune.
runs on usb, different led's for each different mode of the synth.
this is not one of those noise boxes or drone synths that has just one sound, it will take you days to find all the different noises this thing is capable of.
Check out the link!! to se what it can do,
HELL SYNTH MINI DEMO from Cat Full of GHOSTS on Vimeo.
"I shrunk my hell synth down to micro size but packed in some more features, its got 6 osc's, 7 knobs and make an endless array of noises."
via this auction
"One of a kind noise synth, with manual!
6 osc
6 waveforms
6 different oscillator interactions
knobs for: pitch, waveform, rules, random rules, random pitch, pitch scale and oscillator spread/detune.
runs on usb, different led's for each different mode of the synth.
this is not one of those noise boxes or drone synths that has just one sound, it will take you days to find all the different noises this thing is capable of.
Check out the link!! to se what it can do,
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.