MATRIXSYNTH: New Synths in 2015

Showing posts with label New Synths in 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Synths in 2015. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2016

Dreadbox Introduces the Murmux 2 Limited Edition Analog Semi-Modular Synthesizer

via Dreadbox

$1499 MSRP


Full Analog Paraphonic Synthesizer
Extremely Limited Edition to 50 pieces.
Hand-soldered, Handcrafted , Through Hole Components
Handmade piece-of-art Wooden Enclosure (by Black Science)
Designed for aggressive sounds but not limited to these.
50x eurorack patchpoints for an ultimate modular experience
3x standard VCOs + 1x Sub Oscillator
1x hyper VCO (consisted of 6 sawtooth vcos)
White Noise Generator
The classic 4-pole Murmux VCF improved with 1V/oct tracking.
High Pass and Low Pass or Notch function
3x Envelope Generators (2x ADSR and 1x AD)
3x LFOs (one of which is voltage controlled)
2x VCA (one patchable)
OTA Drive circuit
Hybrid Voltage Controlled Delay
Sample and Hold circuit
2x Passive Attenuators
2x 2 in 1 or 1x 4 in 1 Mixer
Audio Inputs and Outputs in various stages
Includes a Special 5-Year Warranty (excluding the enclosure and panel)"

Saturday, December 26, 2015

New ZV-10 AR-Mini Hardware Synthesizer by Synth Restore In the Works

AR-Mini synthesizer sound FX audio clips.

Published on Dec 26, 2015 Muse on Film

"Here's a selection of audio sound FX from the AR-Mini analogue synth, from Synth Restore.
The synth has 3 VCO's, and a built-in echo, plus some very powerful modulation features, demonstrated here.
The synth is in design stage, and will be released into the public domain in Spring 2016.
Audio is copyrighted, and commercial use is forbidden."

AR Mini lead

Published on Dec 26, 2015

"Here's a selection of audio clips from the AR-Mini analogue synth, from Synth Restore.
The synth has 3 VCO's, and a built-in echo, plus some very powerful modulation features, demonstrated on our other video.
The synth is in design stage, and will be released into the public domain in Spring 2016.
Audio is copyrighted, any commercial use is forbidden."

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Percussa announces beta version of SYNTHOR: digital modular synthesizer for AudioCubes

"Los Angeles, CA (USA) December 10, 2015 - Percussa announces the launch of the beta version of SYNTHOR, the digital modular synthesizer application for AudioCubes, its successful modular hardware interface for electronic musicians.

Using SYNTHOR, existing AudioCube users are no longer required to use additional software to make sounds with the AudioCubes, and musicians who haven’t discovered AudioCubes yet now no longer have to MIDI-map synthesizers to the AudioCubes to take advantage of their possibilities.

SYNTHOR is the first software digital modular synthesizer in the world with a dedicated hardware interface, allowing users to patch wirelessly by placing AudioCubes next to each other, and to change synthesis parameters simultaneously, while changing distance between AudioCubes.

SYNTHOR lets you create different configurations of synth modules, which can be saved, recalled and shared with other musicians. Imagine being able to switch modular synth configurations for every song you play live, something that is impossible to do with traditional modular synths.

In SYNTHOR, each AudioCube can be assigned to a synthesizer module (such as oscillator, sampler, LFO, step sequencer, etc). When AudioCubes are placed next to each other, connections between modules are automatically made. For example, by placing 4 AudioCubes around a 5th AudioCube, 4 connections can be instantly made. The more cubes are placed next to each other the more connections are made, all without needing real hardware patch cords.

Distance between the cubes is automatically linked to amplitude of modulation signals. By moving cubes closer to each other or further away from each other or by slightly rotating them relative to each other, the amplitude of the modulation signals can be changed. Additionally, it’s possible to sense distance from the cubes to your hands and use that distance information to change sound synthesis parameters in the modules.

Last but not least, the user automatically receives colour feedback from the cubes when assigning modules to the cubes. For example, an oscillator cube can be yellow while a noise generator can be cyan. The signal outputs of all the modules can also be linked to the brightness of the light of each cube for additional feedback, and it’s possible to mix your own colours and override the default colours.

The SYNTHOR beta is available for download in the download section of the Percussa website, and works with the recently released Percussa Wireless AudioCubes PRO as well with the older Percussa Wireless AudioCubes. SYNTHOR runs inside the MIDIBridge application for AudioCubes and requires no drivers to access the AudioCubes hardware interface. SYNTHOR and MIDIBridge are available free of charge for Mac OSX and Windows.

Percussa is working closely together with artists who provide feedback on this beta version of SYNTHOR, continuously adding more modules and rapidly releasing new versions, all in preparation of the release candidate version which is planned to be announced in the first quarter of 2016. Visit to download the software and participate in beta testing.

About Percussa

Percussa makes the AudioCubes, a professional electronic musical instrument and modular MIDI sensor system. AudioCubes are smart wireless cubes, capable of sensing each other’s location, orientation and distance, between each other and to your hands and fingers. In addition to its sensing capabilities AudioCubes feature fully mixable 12 bit colours through their built in RGB LEDs. AudioCubes come with freely available and powerful MIDI control, generative sequencing and digital modular synthesis software inside the MIDIBridge host application.

AudioCubes are being used by professional artists and educators all around the world for sound design, composition, live performance, music (STEM) education, interactive installations and other creative projects. More information about Percussa and AudioCubes at"

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Smiley SM-01 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer

Published on Dec 4, 2015 Found Sound

No word if this is a one of synth. The details follow. It built by a Jim Smiley. This is the first post to feature him on MATRIXSYNTH, so not only do we have a new synth, but we also have a new maker on the site.

"Fully discrete 6 voice fully polyphonic analog polysynth.

12 oscillators, 6 filter envelopes, 6 VCA envelopes, based on a vintage monosynth, but updated with precision components.

LFO mod individually assignable to voices and filter.

Each oscillator individually detunable for huge vintage polysynyth sound.

Entirely handbuilt in recycled redgum by Jim Smiley.

Visit Found Sound & the SM-01 virtually via"

Thursday, December 03, 2015

New Roland Boutique TR-808, TR-909, and TB-303 in the Works?

In case you missed it, see the last question in this recent interview with the developers of Roland's Boutique line of synthesizers.

In all-caps, in the answer?


Tojo:Yes, I think so too. I think we will be getting a lot of feedback after this release, so we'd like to listen to what our customers have to say and decide on what to do next."

So if you want them, let Roland know. :)

Maybe we'll see them at NAMM next year? It would be interesting considering the overlap with the TR-8 & TB-3 if the synth engines are the same, but would they be, and if not, what would that say about the TR-8 & TB-3? Aside from the engines, there is something to be said about the physical designs of the originals, albeit in Boutique format. It also makes you wonder if any of the Boutique engines will make it to the System-1/m and/or if any of the System-1m engines will make it into the physical Boutique hardware form.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

New FATCORE Semi-Modular Synth & CY-CLONE Sequencer by EnsureSound

Semi modular synth FATCORE sequencer CY-CLONE by Ensure Sound

Published on Oct 14, 2015 Ensure Sound


Details captured for the archives.


Nowadays many studios use computers with special software for generate melodies, sequences and patterns. But only analog synthesizer will help to create really intricate repetitive, pulsating, and truly unique melodic patterns. And we offer a unique solutions - FACTOR and CY-CLONE, which are produced by famous techniques of the analogue synthesizers and sequencers (MOOG, ROLAND, KORG, ARP etc.) and used as a single system. They have got similar capabilities in creating of sounds and music sequences, and excellent analog sounding and has low cost. They are collected in standard RACK 19” case for installation in a studio rack."

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Vagabond Prototype First Wiggle

Published on Nov 25, 2015 Randy Piscione

"One of the people who attended the Toronto Sound Festival brought a prototype of a synth he had developed called the Vagabond. It is all analog, very small form factor and has some interesting features. He loaned it to me for a few days to see what I thought of it and I told him I would gladly buy the prototype. I hope he continues with its development."

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Roland Introduces White Special Limited-Edition JD-Xi Interactive Analog/Digital Crossover Synthesizer

The JD-Xi is now available in white.

"Now available in an all-white body while supplies last, the compact JD-Xi synth is powerful, versatile and fun.

The JD-Xi has become one of the best selling synthesizers in the U.S. by offering a unique crossover sound engine with the warm, smooth response of classic analog, and the clarity and versatility of modern digital. Players can enjoy fat, warm analog bass and lead tones with ample controls for hands-on tweaking, plus polyphonic PCM essentials like electric piano, brass, guitar, and many others — all in one keyboard.

Equipped with 37 mini keys, the JD-Xi features a true analog synth engine along with a wide selection of Roland’s acclaimed SuperNATURAL digital sounds. This affordable instrument also comes packed with many extras for self-contained music creation, including built-in drum kits, a four-track pattern sequencer, and a gooseneck mic for using the synth’s Vocoder and AutoPitch effects.

For more information on the features and specs, visit

Additional synth sound libraries are available here and here.

The Collidoscope Prototype Double Granular Synthesiser

Crazy Synthesizer Demo Published on Nov 19, 2015 Doctor Mix

"Meet The Collidoscope, a prototype double granular synthesiser by researchers Fiore Martin & Ben Bengler. More instruments and gear on

This hybrid keyboard is a combination between a sampler and a supercollider synth engine, designed to be played by two performers at the same time."

Update: some additional info & pics via Doctor Mix follow. Note it is currently a prototype and not for sale. If it does end up being produced for purchase they do not have an estimate of how much it might cost.

Update2: You'll find the website for Collidoscope at Note the Collidoscope is not by DoctorMix. They only featured it and of course made the video above. The Collidoscope is an independent project.

"The Collidoscope is a prototype synthesiser designed by researchers Ben Bengler & Fiore Martin.

Based on a granular synthesiser engine the instrument can be played by two performers at the same time (as they stand opposite one another on the sides of the unit) using the 2 built-in sets of keyboard, gooseneck microphone, colour display and controllers.

The Collidoscope samples from the microphones (or line inputs) and displays in real time a waveform of the sample and allows it to be played back instantly. The main sliding knob positioned below the waveform allows for the visual selection of a portion of the sample to be played (by moving it horizontally), and for the modification of the size of the portion being looped (through rotating the knob).

Two additional sliders allow for the high passing of the sound and for the extension of the boundaries of the loop being played to its neighbouring audio material, fading in more of the audio sample without changing the rhythm of the loop.

There are also two backlit octave selection buttons and a sturdy metal button next to the microphone base to start sampling.

The Collidoscope is revolutionary for the way in which it changes the relationship between the performer and sampling process, allowing a seemingly infinite way of manipulating the sound without interrupting its flow."

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Soulsby Synthesizers Odytron Special Edition Preview #1

Published on Nov 18, 2015 Soulsby Synthesizers

"Here's the first look at the Odytron Special Edition of the Atmegatron.
It comes bundled with programmer cable and 3 overlays (including classic Atmegatron).
This is strictly limited to a run of 150 units, so email if you would like to reserve one!
This will be part of a series of videos."

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Obscura, an Arduino-compatible MIDI 8-bit Chiptune Synthesizer

Published on Nov 4, 2015 Arcano Systems

"Obscura is an Arduino-compatible 8-bit synth for creating Nintendo, Commodore 64, and Amiga-style chiptune music. Back the Kickstarter campaign to receive the synth as a reward."

via the Kickstarter campaign:

"Obscura is an Arduino-compatible 8-bit synthesizer that allows you to create NES, C64, and Amiga-style chiptune music by simply connecting a MIDI device.

No programming is required. This monophonic MIDI synth comes programmed with software that includes 16 preset patches.

Patch 0: 12.5% duty-cycle pulse waveform

Patch 1: 25% duty-cycle pulse waveform

Patch 2: 50% duty-cycle pulse waveform

Patch 3: sawtooth waveform

Patch 4: 8-bit sine waveform

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

KORG Introduces New Volca Sample OK GO Edition

Published on Nov 3, 2015

"A powerful partnership between KORG and OK GO - a special edition of the volca sample.

Packed with 100 carefully selected audio samples from 'Hungry Ghosts,' the latest album from OK GO, the limited edition OK GO volca is now here. You can freely edit their numerous iconic sounds, such as the vocal line from "I Won't Let You Down" or the bass from "The Writing's On the Wall," and arrange them to create your own music. Use the content to create your own version Ok GO’s infectious tunes, mix and match content with your own samples create remixes, or create entirely original sample-based music using the simple, step-based recording layout of the volca sample."

via Korg:

"100 different OK GO sounds are built-in

One hundred guitar, bass, drum, synthesizer, and vocal phrases that were actually used on "Hungry Ghosts," the latest album from OK GO, are built-in as preloaded samples (*). First you'll want to listen to these samples and enjoy the signature sounds of OK GO.

You can also edit the samples intuitively as you would expect on the volca sample. You can create completely new sounds by turning the knobs to adjust parameters such as length, pitch, and level.

Just as OK GO has given us songs, music videos, and performances that have never been seen or heard before, you can use this machine with OK GO sounds to generate and play sounds that nobody has ever heard."

Monday, November 02, 2015

Ableton Push 2

Published on Nov 2, 2015

"See Ableton Push 2 in action. Learn about the new features & highlights.

Learn more about Push:"

Play Together with Ableton Link

Published on Nov 2, 2015

"Link is a technology that keeps devices in time over a wireless network, so you can forget the hassle of setting up and focus on playing music. Link will soon be available to Live users as a free update, and to the wider music-making community as a built-in feature of a growing number of iOS apps."

Ableton Push 2 Tutorial Videos

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Din Sync to Release RE-303 - New Roland TB-303 Clone PCBs

RE-303 - its not a clone, its a replica

Published on Oct 28, 2015 phono1337

"more info at"

It looks like Din Sync is coming out with a new DIY "replica" clone of the TB-303. There have been plenty of emulations of the 303, but only a handful of actual clones. There was the x0xb0x was based on the schematics of the original 303, Cyclone Analogic's TT-303, and most recently Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bassline Synthesizer which I've been told has circuit boards that can be swapped into an original TB-303.

The FAQ via

"Ok ill start with a few obvious questions, feel free to ask more and I'll try to answer them for you.

Q: What is the RE-303?
A: the RE-303 is a replica of the Roland TB-303 motherboard and switchboard

Q: Why do we need yet another 303 knockoff?
A: There have been many clones, I honestly wanted to make a genuine replica. Now the dead TB-303's with broken motherboards can come back to life and new TB-303s can be born.

Q: Hasn't this been done already?
A: Actually no, not in the purest form. We've had the x0xb0x which sounded very close but didn't look the part. We've had the TT-303 which looks that part but is not a genuine replica of the original hardware. The RE-303 circuit boards have been made by dissecting a mint condition pristine TB-303 and manually recreating the board in CAD from the hardware rather than the service schematics. Every nuance and mistake in the hardware not in the service notes is recreated in the RE-303. It really is for all intents and purposes a TB-303. [Note: I was told the Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bassline Synthesizer boards can be swapped]

Q: When can I get one?
A: As soon as they are ready, just post on the waiting list thread. By the nature of this project It's likely to be limited, so first come first served.

Q: What about kits?
A: This is likely to never happen sorry, this project is probably going to be the most hardcore DIY many have tried. But it will be worth the effort!

Q: What about rare parts, the VCA and CPU, memory chips, switches pots etc etc.
A: There currently exists many solutions for these today and I'm actively working on some as part of the project.

Q: How long will this all take?
A: How long is a piece of string?"

Thursday, October 22, 2015

New Dave Smith Instruments Prophet 06 Desktop Spotted

Two pics spotted on Reddit in via Soviet Space Child.

Word is the product page was previously up at:

Update: the page is now live. Details and one additional pic, not on the DSI site, just posted here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

New Reactable LIVE! S6

Published on Oct 21, 2015 Reactable Systems


Their site isn't loading for me at the moment, but there you have it. A new version of Reactable. Curious if the new software features will make it to the iTunes version: Reactable mobile - Reactable Systems SL - as of now the last update there was on March 19, 2015 in v2.3.12. iPad Pro people. On that note, someone needs to come out with a Buchla Music Easel for the Pro.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Critter & Guitari Introduces the Organelle with Open Source Sound Engine

"The Organelle makes it easy to explore new sounds and experiment with new ways of making music. It combines playful and intuitive controls with a powerful and flexible sound engine. The result is an instrument that is limitless in musical possibility and a joy to play.

At the heart of the Organelle's sound engine is a robust computer that runs patches. A patch allows the instrument to take on different forms. Onboard hardware for sound input and output and mappable knobs, keys and buttons enable patches to synthesize, sample, effect, and anything in between!

The Organelle ships with a set of common default patches, and new patches may be loaded from a USB drive. Simply select patches from a continually-growing list, transfer them to a USB drive, reinsert it in the Organelle, and play!

Don't see the exact patch you need? You can create it yourself! Patches may be created and/or edited directly on the device as well as on a personal computer. Plug in a keyboard, mouse and monitor and begin customizing. The Organelle runs patches created in the powerful computer music programming environment Pure Data (and may also be written in lower level languages too!).

Open Source
As you create patches or tweak existing ones you can share them with others! The Organelle is built with community interaction in mind. The entire system runs open source software and may be customized at every level."

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Dreadbox Hades Analog Bass Synthesizer

via Dreadbox

Full Analog Circuit only with Through Hole Components
1x VCO with 2 suboctaves (3 voices in total)
Pulse width and Glide controls
3-pole 18dB/oct Resonating Low Pass Filter
OTA Distortion Circuit for extreme sounds
OTA based VCA
2 envelope Generators
– Attack, Decay/Release, Sustain (extra snappy and patchable)
– Attack, Release (VCA hardwired)
Triangle Wave LFO
8 point patch matrix eurorack compatible
5 MIDI Octaves from C0 up to C5 or unlimited via CV/Gate

Friday, October 09, 2015

20 Electronics ECHT - New Hardware Keyboard Synthesizer Design from Axel Hartmann

A couple of renders by Axel Hartmann, sent my way via Soviet Space Child.

You might remember the previous teaser pic here, which kind of mixed design cues from both Moog and Waldorf. That was no surprise as Axel Hartmann designed the "look" of Waldorf and Moog synths as well as numerous others.

Axel Hartmann's first self branded synth was the Hartmann Neuron.

The question is what will 20 Electronics produce? Is it a new design house similar to Design Box, or is it a new hardware manufacturer like Hartmann?

ECHT appears to translate into a number of meanings. As a noun it is marriage. (strike that. I accidentally grabbed the Dutch translation). In German it translates into "real", "authentic" like in "the real deal".

Update via Holger Steinbrink of Waldorf:

"Only 20 black and 20 silver will be made | Waldorf / Sledge Synthesizer Engine | SPL Supra Op-Amp audio technology | Wavetables | Hartmann Neuron Synthesizer Sampleset | Pure aluminium shell, milled from a massive block | Collapsable, milled ultra thin aluminium panel | Custom-built pure aluminium knobs and wheels | Custom-built acrylic-glass switches | Highest quality, custom-built, all black Fatar TP 8 Keybed"

Update via Soviet Space Child.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

AKAI Introduces the MPC Touch

Published on Oct 7, 2015 AkaiProVideo

MPC Touch - Making the Beat with Needlz
MPC Touch - Touch Life with Metro Boomin

"Return of the King: The new MPC Touch revolutionizes the art of music production by combining professional grade hardware worthy of carrying the MPC shield with a hyper-intuitive multi-touch screen. The result - the most immersive music producing experience to date."

And the official press release:


The newest addition to the legendary MPC series re-writes the rules with an intuitive controller featuring multi-touch display for an immersive production experience

Cumberland, RI USA (October 7, 2015) — Akai Professional, a leading manufacturer of music production equipment today announces the introduction of the MPC Touch, the newest and most future-forward member of their legendary MPC product line. The touch-screen controller is the result of painstaking engineering development, detailed customer research and user feedback. The result is the most capable and user-friendly music production controllers Akai Professional has developed to date.

The Touch introduces a new approach to music production with an ultra fast and super intuitive workflow, powered by a radiant 7" color multi-touch display. Literally grab and pinch waveforms, draw midi events, adjust envelopes, chop samples, add effects and precisely set your controls using your fingertips. Combined with the classic MPC feel, sound and award-winning pads, the Touch embodies the best elements of our past while taking music production gear into the future.


7" color multi-touch Display
16 velocity-sensitive thick, fat MPC pads with RGB backlighting
2-in/2-out audio interface
Step Sequencer with touch interface
XYFX control adds effects, adjusts sound dynamics in real time
Phrase Looper, enables connection of any instrument to create loops
Pad Mixer for setting levels, stereo panning and adding VST effects
Sample Edit control, for trimming, chopping and processing your samples
4 new, performance-ready touch-sensitive controls
Data Encoder knob, for push-and-twist control of display parameters
Includes MPC software with over 20 GB of sound content

“Our new MPC Touch is an incredibly noteworthy event in the evolution of the Akai Professional product lineup. Years of research, customer feedback and cutting-edge engineering development has led directly to the most capable and innovative MPC we’ve ever offered,” said Dan Gill, Product Manager for Akai Professional. “We’re known for the excellence and music-making capability of our MPC family. It’s the backbone of what we do. The MPC Touch breaks new ground in music production in terms of ease of use and on-board capability. We’re excited and proud to offer it to modern musicians everywhere.”

The Akai Professional MPC Touch will be available November 2015 at Akai Professional dealers and online directly from Akai Professional.

U.S. retail pricing is $799.00

For more information, visit"


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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