MATRIXSYNTH: SuperCollider

Showing posts with label SuperCollider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SuperCollider. Show all posts

Thursday, March 03, 2022

Sottovoce DIY Modular Synthesizer - Envelope module being modulated by Arduino's gesture recorder

video uploads by Sottovoce Synth


1. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Envelope module being modulated by Arduino's gesture recorder
Release stage of the envelope module being modulated by Arduino's gesture recorder, creating accents and syncopation
2. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Testing a Sample & Hold module
3. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Envelope Module
4. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Light, Cardboard Stencil, Sensors
Rotating cardboard stencil casting light and shadows upon light sensors
5. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Arduino LFO Prototype
This module takes a sine, triangle or custom waveform and plays it chopped in 4, 8 and 16 slices, repeatedly or in random order.
6. Live coding with SuperCollider - syncopation
Some syncopated layers and PCsets transpositions
7. Live coding with SuperCollider - metrical displacement
Scrambled rhythmic patterns, distorted metric and metallic resonances

Friday, November 04, 2016

“Atomic Etudes” by Marko Ciciliani

"Atomic Etudes" by Marko Ciciliani from Marko Ciciliani on Vimeo.

"game-based work for Monome and SuperCollider, composed in 2016

duration: ±10'

This work was inspired by a visit to the Nevada Test-Site Museum in Las Vegas in summer 2016. The piece combines the paradoxical coincidence of gambling and nuclear tests – roulette and atomic chain reactions."

Monday, September 19, 2016

Rara Avis –––– computer synthesis + birdsong

"Barcelona based label ALKU presents Rara Avis, a tape + booklet about computer generated birdsong.

Rara Avis is a collective research/fun project that recreates bird calls through autonomous synthesis systems.

It features material by Chris Brown, Oswald Berthold, Anders Dahl, Joe Gilmore, Roc Jiménez de Cisneros, Fredrik Olofsson, Tim Perkis and Peter Worth, compiled on a cassette tape and a 64 page publication featuring essays and interviews with the artists. It has also been presented as a multichannel installation in 2011 (CosmoCaixa, Barcelona) and 2016 (Entzumen Behatokia, Donostia).

The tape is tweety-yellow and comes in a yellow clear case. The booklet was offset printed on 120 gsm canary-yellow PopSet paper.

Click here for an mp3 of the first minute of the tape. The tracks feature custom designed/written software synths in SuperCollider and Max/MSP, except for one, Tim Perkis (of League of Automatic Music Composers fame), who used a Yamaha TX81z.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Collidoscope Prototype Double Granular Synthesiser

Crazy Synthesizer Demo Published on Nov 19, 2015 Doctor Mix

"Meet The Collidoscope, a prototype double granular synthesiser by researchers Fiore Martin & Ben Bengler. More instruments and gear on

This hybrid keyboard is a combination between a sampler and a supercollider synth engine, designed to be played by two performers at the same time."

Update: some additional info & pics via Doctor Mix follow. Note it is currently a prototype and not for sale. If it does end up being produced for purchase they do not have an estimate of how much it might cost.

Update2: You'll find the website for Collidoscope at Note the Collidoscope is not by DoctorMix. They only featured it and of course made the video above. The Collidoscope is an independent project.

"The Collidoscope is a prototype synthesiser designed by researchers Ben Bengler & Fiore Martin.

Based on a granular synthesiser engine the instrument can be played by two performers at the same time (as they stand opposite one another on the sides of the unit) using the 2 built-in sets of keyboard, gooseneck microphone, colour display and controllers.

The Collidoscope samples from the microphones (or line inputs) and displays in real time a waveform of the sample and allows it to be played back instantly. The main sliding knob positioned below the waveform allows for the visual selection of a portion of the sample to be played (by moving it horizontally), and for the modification of the size of the portion being looped (through rotating the knob).

Two additional sliders allow for the high passing of the sound and for the extension of the boundaries of the loop being played to its neighbouring audio material, fading in more of the audio sample without changing the rhythm of the loop.

There are also two backlit octave selection buttons and a sturdy metal button next to the microphone base to start sampling.

The Collidoscope is revolutionary for the way in which it changes the relationship between the performer and sampling process, allowing a seemingly infinite way of manipulating the sound without interrupting its flow."

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

sumGRAYCODE 01 dot.line- [full version] by GRAYCODE

sumGRAYCODE 01 dot.line- [full version] by GRAYCODE from on Vimeo.

Like an Etch S Sketch synthesizer on steroids.

"sumGRAYCODE 01 dot.line- [full version] by GRAYCODE
a curated platform by newinpaper

NIP makes a curated platform for supporting new media artist.
GRAYCODE has been selected as our first artist.

sumGRAYCDOE is the first project of NIP which is supporting platform for sound artist GRAYCODE.

The first work is dot. line- that audio-visual work used superCollider and maxMsp Jitter by Cycling 74.

The performed place in video is the garage of apparat.c' s architecture (the German Architect), corn house, on HongDae, Seoul.
Pasoo, who young creative film directors, had a shoot.

The second work of sumGRAYCODE will be published soon.
Thank you for coming on the first day of sumGRAYCODE.

In dot. line-, the visual is a trail of sounds, a score of music.
The percussive sound express as a dot in visual which a seed of multi-dimensional world.

The electronic music composer, GRAYCODE, makes his music with electronic sounds generated by the computer.
He interacts his music with other genre of contemporary art and this helps you appreciate each work better.
GRAYCODE thought the limit of familiarity can be the standards of acceptance, and pursuing to make more familiar work in our lives.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Generative jazz (supercollider)

Published on Nov 24, 2014 Notgoodenough

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Multitouch ChucK on Windows 8 Touch Screen

Win8ChucKBasicFrettingAndLegato Wi Fi
Published on Dec 8, 2012 by rrr00bb
"I got basic fretting (loose fretting... it won't completely prevent quartertones, etc if you play them exactly), and legato rules. I am back to the ChucK engine while I get better acquainted with SuperCollider coding. This is just a Windows 8 based OSC controller. It works running into ChucK or SuperCollider"

Sunday, October 14, 2012


InterDimensionalShadowBoxing from Raja The Resident Alien on Vimeo.

"supercollider monome performance app, "OneTrigPony", with added varibrightness lunacy"

Monome 256.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Different Skies 2012 Music Festival Gear Video

Published on Oct 9, 2012 by SeligVideos

"Different Skies 2012 Music Festival gear video. Participants give you a tour of their gear setups for this year."

Snyderphonics Manta touch controller at 5:24

Monday, March 21, 2011

.reflection & Music Boxel for iPad and iPhone

.reflection from aircord on Vimeo.

"Interative physics balls application.

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad.
Download: free
Category: Entertainment
Released August 18, 2010
Publisher: aircord
Version 1.0 [3.9 MB]

download this app"
iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Note exactly a synth or a controller, but it is currently free, and of course it does give you ideas.

Music Boxel from aircord on Vimeo.

"Music Boxel

Naked-eye 3D Display and Web Socket based multi user interaction.
Adding a voxel to make a trigger on roop timeline of virtual music box.

Display/Audio-Visual Program by aircord inc. made with : openFrameworks, SuperCollider
Server/Mobile Interface by Uniba Inc. made with : node.js, CSS3/HTML5​​labo​"

Note the Music Boxel controller on the iPhone appears to be via the browser. I did not see it on iTunes at the time of this post.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Local Cambridge UK Synth Meets

via Neil posted on the SDIY list (posted here with permission):

"After some thoughts over Christmas and some local prodding I'm having a go at starting up a local synth society here in Cambridge. Aim is to have regular monthly meets in a local pub to chat about synths.

Who: Cambridge Electronic Music Society
Where: Castle Inn, Castle Street, Cambridge
When: 7:30pm, Tuesday 8th February (and 2nd Tuesday every month after that)

We have a group on google for online chat, announcements, etc:

Anyone in/around Cambridge is very welcome to join and to come along (although at the moment there's nothing to do to join other than turn up).
Not sure how the first meeting will go - I have some ideas, but I guess we could discuss them over a pint!
And we'll be joined by the local SuperCollider user group for added synthiness.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Strike on Stage - Overview

Strike on Stage - Overview from Charles Martin on Vimeo.

"Collaboration of Charles Martin and Chi-Hsia (Lisa) Lai. We're producing a new percussion / computer duet using computer vision technology, Supercollider and Open Frameworks. Sounds like fun right?"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Study for Tabletop

Study for Tabletop from Charles Martin on Vimeo.

"A little piece I put together for a tabletop music interfaces workshop at Stanford CCRMA in July 2010.

Thx to Adam Tindale and Lawrence Fyfe for running the workshop. The piece uses Lawrence's JunctionBox framework on top of Processing, SuperCollider and Reactivision."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Craftwife's old demo(supa machine - supercollider + iPhone )
YouTube via tn800 — October 03, 2007 —

experiment for supercollider and iphone.
Also the hommage for the masterpiece of 70s, performed with small controller."

Note the video above is from 2007. See this prior post for more video and download links. The following is a recent performance.


YouTube via Kaseo — June 21, 2010 — "External Music Party part 4 12 Jun. 2010 PANGAEA in Sendai"

Friday, April 23, 2010

SuperCollider Android preview... first sound

YouTube via mcldx — April 23, 2010 — "First proof-of-port of SuperCollider's audio synthesis engine to Android.

On my relatively lo-fi phone there's some clicking in the audio, that needs looking at."

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tiny Music System Demo 2

YouTube via djcylob
"Showing the drum sequencer, step sequencer, synth patch editor, mixer (including transpose function) and macro preset matrix. more info:"

Friday, June 19, 2009

SuperCollider + TouchOSC = Step Sequencer (with BASS)

YouTube via rukano
"Almost the same as my other step sequencer demo, this time I used the multifaders on the bottom to add a bass line;
The bass is not sampled, it's just a pulse waveform with filter;
Thanks for the comments and rating;


Monday, April 20, 2009

Index of Channels

"This track contains the results of experimenting with home made resynthesis. A short sung phrase has been analysed in 24 bands for pitch, amplitude and "spectral flatness" (a scale which would have at one end a sine wave, and at the other white noise.) This information is used to play oscillators of various kinds. The control data may be transposed, slowed down or speeded up, slewed, skewed, quantised, thresholded or otherwise altered. The track begins with the original recording, followed by several resynthesised results, played live with SuperCollider and containing no additional processing." You can find more at Cylob
Also see these prior posts (scroll after click).
<a href="">Index Of Channels by Cylob</a>

Monday, March 30, 2009

Frame Based Synthesis by Cylob

<a href="">Frame Based Synthesis Demo 1 by Cylob</a>
"Demonstration of Frame Based Synthesis technique. Three different recordings have been crossfaded into each other, however each recording contains raw SuperCollider synthesis with no additional editing or processing. The crossfades appear at 2:43 and 12:30. For more info, visit or"

<a href="">Frame Based Synthesis Demo 2 by Cylob</a>

Sunday, March 29, 2009

SuperCollider: a 60-second intro

YouTube via mcldx
"How to make sound in SuperCollider, in 60 seconds.
(CC-BY 3.0)"

SuperCollider mobile device prototype interface

"A demo of my prototype interface for mobile touchscreen devices to play a SuperCollider synth. The interface is made using GTK."

SuperCollider on Eee: first demo

"I've just got SuperCollider running smoothly on an Asus Eee PC (on the default Xandros Linux that comes with it), so here's some video evidence... (by the way, towards the end I accidentally put the unit to sleep, silly me)"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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