MATRIXSYNTH: Sottovoce DIY Modular Synthesizer - Envelope module being modulated by Arduino's gesture recorder

Thursday, March 03, 2022

Sottovoce DIY Modular Synthesizer - Envelope module being modulated by Arduino's gesture recorder

video uploads by Sottovoce Synth


1. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Envelope module being modulated by Arduino's gesture recorder
Release stage of the envelope module being modulated by Arduino's gesture recorder, creating accents and syncopation
2. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Testing a Sample & Hold module
3. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Envelope Module
4. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Light, Cardboard Stencil, Sensors
Rotating cardboard stencil casting light and shadows upon light sensors
5. DIY Modular Synthesizer - Arduino LFO Prototype
This module takes a sine, triangle or custom waveform and plays it chopped in 4, 8 and 16 slices, repeatedly or in random order.
6. Live coding with SuperCollider - syncopation
Some syncopated layers and PCsets transpositions
7. Live coding with SuperCollider - metrical displacement
Scrambled rhythmic patterns, distorted metric and metallic resonances

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