MATRIXSYNTH: New in 2016

Showing posts with label New in 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New in 2016. Show all posts

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Introducing Metalphoto of Cincinnati

You might have noticed there's a new banner up top just below the DSI banner. I'd like to welcome Metalphoto of Cincinnati as a new sponsor of the site! Metalphoto of Cincinnati makes custom panels for a number of manufacturers including eurorack makers you are likely familiar with. Note they do offer other products as well, so see their home page for more. The following is a blurb on their panel manufacturing from their site:

"Our custom equipment front panels are designed to withstand use and abuse in the most demanding recording and performance environments. We supply the professional audio equipment industry with custom faceplates for modular synthesizers, eurorack modules, MIDI equipment, mixers, amplifiers and other equipment.

MPC equipment front panels are made of durable, high-resolution Metalphoto® photosensitive anodized aluminum. MPC has the capabilities to fabricate Metalphoto to your specifications including forming, bending and cutting - plus various attachment options including studs, adhesives or fasteners.


All panels are made from corrosion resistant 1100 alloy anodized aluminum.
Panels are fabricated to exacting specifications including thickness, size, shape, openings, etc.
Color options include black, silver, halftones or spot color – all on a satin or matte aluminum background.

MPC builds custom front panels for several leading equipment manufacturers including:

Intellijel Designs Inc.
Pittsburgh Modular
Make Noise Co.
Yorkville Sound
4MS Pedals"

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Cracking the Vectrex & Sega Saturn for Synthesis

These two videos came in via @midi_error. The first video on the Vectrex is pretty self explanatory. The second video on the Sega Saturn focuses more on bypassing the CD copy protection in order to load custom software, followed by a custom sound patch designer at 11:l6.

cTrix Early Vectrex Music Experiments

Published on May 8, 2015 debuglive

"Running some test ROMs on the Vectrex! (Only 2nd week of dev) Still having a few issues with hardware envelopes - they worked in assembler when I kept things simple - but get lost in translation from a YM source even though I can see the registers in the code. All part of the fun - I hope to have it working soon! This is simply a work-in-progress."

Sega Saturn CD - Cracked after 20 years

Published on Jul 10, 2016

Sound editor at 11:16.

"A detailed look into Dr Abrasive's lab and what it took to engineer a plug-in-flash-card for the Sega Saturn.

Update: Dr Abrasive now has a twitter! Discussion is now over at

FYI: This is not a commercial product. It also is still being tweaked.
FYI: The sound patch designer tool shown is in early early days!"

Haken Continuum Firmware 8.00 Update

What's New in Continuum Firmware 8.00 from Edmund Eagan on Vimeo.

Firmware 8 Selected Presets from Edmund Eagan on Vimeo.

A demonstration of many of the System Presets new in firmware version 8.00.


Firmware 8.00 is the latest and greatest version of the Continuum firmware. There have been many improvements included in this release. Even more improvements are coming in the near future!

Firmware 8.00 includes over 120 new System Presets, designed by Edmund Eagan and other Continuum Fingerboard sound designers.

System Presets are now organized by Category making a particular preset easier to find.

Description bubbles offer patch information and suggestions for playing techniques.

Even More Ways to Play the Continuum

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Behringer Drum Machine Prototype 808 & 909 Evaluation Boards

We saw the note back in October. It looks like Behringer has already started prototyping. Two pics and a note from Uli Behringerin via Soviet Space Child:

'Dear all,

first of all I like to wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

Sometime in July this year I announced we are looking into developing analog as well digital drum machines. I thought I would now share with you aspects of the development process.

At this stage our main focus is on sound creation and for this purpose we resurrected the highly regarded 808 and 909 analog drum machines from the '80's.

Attached are the pics of the first evaluation boards that allow us to study and compare the sound of analog drum instruments. However, our intention is not to clone these products but to evaluate analog sound generation and add a great user interface and sequencer.

I can tell you that the team is having lots of fun listening to these drum sounds that greatly contributed to amazing music in the past. It is actually not surprising that people gravitate to analog sounds as it is the imperfection that evokes emotions. Perhaps it is the fact that we humans are analog, too :-)

While we are far away from releasing a finished product, we thought we would get you involved in this enjoyable design process.

As always we love to hear your opinions.


button knot by Meng Qi

Published on Dec 28, 2016 Meng Qi

"@loree_mill hides small tact switches in a nest of cables, for filling starting energy into self generation.
i break them out to giant buttons, to bring back continous streams of player input.

you see, by minimal modification, a playing style is established.
i recommend all musicians to experiment with interface.
it's a fast and simple way to get customized expressions.

millettia laurentii + wax finish"

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Blind Monk Modular Harmonic Multiplier

Published on Dec 27, 2016 Perfect Circuit Audio

"Demonstrating how the overtones and distortion work with a triangle wave from an Intellijel Dixe II+ run into the Blink Monk Modular Harmonic Multiplier."


Note: MATRIXSYNTH members get a %10 discount at Perfect Circuit Audio (other discounts excluded). See the membership page on how to sign up.

The following are details on the Harmonic Multiplier via the Blind Monk Modular website, where you can find some audio demos. Note this is the first Blind Monk Modular post on MATRIXSYNTH.

"The harmonic multiplier is an all analog harmonic generator and wave shaper. Capable of creating unique and complex tones, it takes an audio input from a triangle wave oscillator and multiplies the frequency up to seven times. It can process other audio signals as well. There is a built in distortion circuit for additional timbres. Input two oscillators and get a variety of ring modulator sounds and feedback is available for even further tones and harmonics.

eurorack format, all analog circuitry

individual knobs and outputs for each of the harmonics

six stages of wave folding

distortion circuit for thick pulse width sounds and sync style tones

feedback capable of creating crunchy digital sounding harmonics

input control voltages for wave symmetry, chorus like effects, and feedback tone control

can also be used as a two channel mixer"

RSF Kobol Synthesizer VST Emulation - PolyKB III by xils-lab

Published on Dec 27, 2016 Ali Musician

PolyKB III by xils-lab

"Simply the most versatile and powerful analog modelled polyphonic synthesiser ever produced

Intro Price : 119€ Until January 21th, 2017

The PolyKB III captures the sound and spirit of the legendary RSF PolyKobol 2 polyphonic synthesizer, including its most revolutionnary feature : Morphing analog Oscillators.

This set it apart from all the other common analog synth recreations, because you have instant access to hundreds of different analog modelled & free running oscillators waveforms. More than in other synthesizer, including those who propose switching between oscillators models. Icing on the cake, they can be dynamically modulated by many sources.

Gecho Mini Music Box Loopsynth on Kickstarter

Published on Dec 8, 2016 Gecho Loopsynth

"In music box you’ve seen gears, steel comb and cylinder with pins. Gecho doesn’t try to hide its printed circuit board and some electronic elements. You can touch them – actually, you are encouraged to touch them, nothing will break!

While you can’t see electrons moving in copper traces, there are twenty-nine colourful lights to show what is going on inside... and because interaction is embedded deeply in spirit of today’s technology, even our music box must not stay inert. It can hear your voice, pick frequencies off your musical instruments, remember and play them back to you. It has four sensors to measure distance of your fingers hundred times per second.

It senses magnetic fields and infra-red light, expanding your senses... and knows how to translate these invisible forces to something you can hear.

But most importantly, even with the very basic program, Gecho creates unique ambience for your ears.

Eager to explore it?"

via the Kickstarter campaign

"Gecho is a polyphonic, pocket synthesizer with interactive controls

How it works: TL; DR

Instead of knobs, it has touch-less sensors that react to your fingers. It also has very sensitive microphones that hear your singing, whistling or tapping. The collected signal is fed through a group of variable-resonant filters, forming chord-progressions. At the same time, environmental noise peaks disturb the filters settings, creating complexity of sounds.

Full story

I tried to make a music box using the current technology, replacing steel comb, pinned cylinder, cogwheels and springs with crystal oscillators and power cells... but I ended up with something more complex. It can be a music box - with a click of the button, it starts playing melodies straight away. But it can also be so much more...

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Meng Qi eggsmash 打蛋

Published on Dec 25, 2016 Meng Qi

"a CL tetrax with interface that utilizes acoustic feedback. sounds are felt and manipulated by body.

press down, lift up,
bounce between hand and cone.

mono output, i forgot if the patch bay layout is random or not, try luck based patch and maybe mark ins and outs."

via Etsy

"a CL tetrax with interface that utilizes acoustic feedback. sounds are felt and manipulated by body.

press down, lift up,
bounce between hand and cone.

mono output, i forgot if the patch bay layout is random or not, try luck based patch and maybe mark ins and outs.

video :

nb : be gentle to the speaker cone.
nb : free express shipping, phone number needed."

MiniAtmegatron Odytron preview

Published on Dec 25, 2016 Soulsby Synthesizers

"Preview of miniAtmegatron Odytron port. Available now on Soulsby Synths homepage. Apologies for quality - mobile phone recording headphones!"

ELTA Music Lovetone Ring Stinger

Published on Dec 25, 2016 ELTA music

"ELTA music String ringer Famous LT 44 transformer ring modulator.. Replica Lovetone Ring stinger by ELTA music"

Saturday, December 24, 2016

New Hachi Step Sequencer for Novation Launchpad Pro + More

Hachi Step Sequencer Controlling a TT-303

Published on Dec 24, 2016 Mike Perkowitz

"Hachi runs on a Novation Launchpad Pro [+more, see below] and includes multiple sequencers. This video shows the step sequencer controlling a TT-303.

Each of the 8 columns is a step, and the note can be modified by octave (orange), velocity (green), slide (gray), tie (dark blue), repeat (pink), and so on.

For more info, see:"


A multi-function midi sequencer that runs on a Novation Launchpad Pro and a headless computer like a Raspberry Pi. Hachi is written in Java, and so can run on a Pi (tested), a Mac (tested), and many other platforms (untested), with or without keyboard and monitor.

Hachi (= 'eight' in Japanese) can run up to 8 'modules' at a time. Available modules include several midi sequencers, a paint/animation toy, and a sequencer-controller that lets you coordinate your sequencers. Hachi is a generalized version of this simpler sequencer that I wrote for the original Launchpad. That basic sequencer runs as one module in Hachi."


Side Note: Mike Perkowitz is the admin of the AH (Analog Heaven) mailing list, which I believe is the longest running synthesizer mailing list.

Lasertron IOS:New Features, with Novation Bass Station II

Published on Dec 24, 2016 BEATS N BOBS

"A quick demo of the new features Lasertron the Ultimate Laser Harp IOS version. Adjustable laser angle which is handy for iPhone small screen space (Make them straight for more finger space) PLUS great midi out support so you can use this as MIDI controller. You can also control pressure, velocity as well as any control code/CC number so you could control any supported parameter on your synth. In this video CC 16 is used which controls frequency. The Novation Bass Station II is used plugged in via a lightning to USB connected with additional power for the Bass Station provided by a mains powered hub. Now you can play Rendez Vous like Jean Michel Jarre with any of your synths. Works with iPhone and iPad with any compliant USB device or compatible app with virtual MIDI in.

IOS version here:"

"Your very own laser harp at you fingertips! Now with added Midi output to control notes, and expression control with any compatible MIDI device

Lasertron -the realistic simulation of a laser harp as used by Jean Michel Jarre. Featuring a choice of sounds, laser colours and note scales. Choose from traditional sounds like koto, dulcimer and strings and also the actual sound to play Second Rendez-Vous Part III. Select note scales like chromatic and diatonic but also the actual notes for Second Rendez-Vous Part III

* 3 laser colours
* 5 note scales including the correct notes for Second Rendez-Vous Part III, diatomic, chromatic etc
* 16 different sounds including awesome synth and pads all in stereo
* Realistic laser simulation
* Adjustable angle and spacing of lasers - handy for iPhone smaller screen space: Scroll left and right lasers to adjust angles.
* Ambient fog
* Out of focus cityscape backdrop that puts you in the shoes of Jean Michel Jarre
* Low memory so you can download now!
* Available on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
* MIDI output: While connected to compatible to MIDI device you can control notes as well as (via position of laser), pressure, velocity, modulation or custom CC control change code such as or specific message for your synthesizer.
#Check out the video demo on the "BeatsnBobs Web Site" link
Be the envy of your friends when they see you play with the Laserton!"

"What's New in Version 2.04
Added MIDI out: Control notes and expression control with velocity, pressure, modulation. Works with any USB compliant device or compatible app with virtual MIDI in.
Added ability to adjust angle and spacing of lasers - handy for tighter screen space on iPhone or fat fingers."

Jingle Matrix

Published on Dec 24, 2016 minijack

"Exploring the origins of Jingle Bells: the song comes from an ancient tradition of chiptune music and embedded audio chips.

We offer our thanks to Silicon Santa and hope for a Christmas full of warm noise and harsh harmonics.

It's a chiptune holyday!

Merry Christmas! And Merry Synthmas!

Interested in a Matrix Mixer to decorate your Christmas tree?

I make units on demand, and I am open to customization. You need a 10x10 matrix with 5 aux outputs, an embedded cross-over and an envelope follower to pilot eurorack system? I can do it. Just ask :)
All my mixers are ACTIVE! Buffered and available with gains up to 50 (30dB) without distortion. for inquiries.

Here you can have a look at some mixers and the making process

All videos are shot with a Canon 5dMkII and a 16mm Zenith fisheye lens."

Update: How it was made:

Sequencing modular synth with a computer: the envelope follower

Published on Dec 29, 2016

"In this video I'm explaining how the Christmas video was made.

I'm using an envelope follower, followed by a 10x voltage amplifier, bringing audio levels to CV levels.
Then I used Pure Data ( to create a sequencer that is actually sequencing the amplitude of a simple 10khz sinewave.
The envelope follower converts different audio volumes to different DC voltages, then they are amplified by a factor of 10 and can be fed to anything eurorack!

I'm then mangling with the matrix mixer, routing both audio and CV around the main oscillator, a Big Muff Pi overdrive and a Crybaby Wah.
Yes! My matrix mixers are ACTIVE and can seamlessly manage audio and CV, all without distortion.

I'd like to release an eurorack module with additional features, like max and min, a mic preamp, a gate out with threshold, and so on! If you would like to see a particular feature in an envelope follower, just ask!

Interested in an ACTIVE Matrix Mixer?
I make units on demand, and I am open to customization. You need a 10x10 matrix with 5 aux outputs, an embedded cross-over and an envelope follower to pilot eurorack system? I can do it. Just ask :)
All my mixers are ACTIVE! Buffered and available with gains up to 50 (30dB) without distortion. for inquiries.

Here you can have a look at some mixers and the making process

All videos are shot with a Canon 5dMkII and a 16mm Zenith fisheye lens, sound is recorded with a Zoom H4n"

Friday, December 23, 2016

Dr. Scientist Bitquest Demo

Published on Dec 23, 2016 Perfect Circuit Audio

This one is a little bit on the guitar side of the fence, but there are some some synth effects. Perfect Circuit Audio is also a sponsor of the site. Be sure to see the note below, on Perfect Circuit discounts for supporting members of MATRIXSYNTH.

"The Bitquest from Dr. Scientist is a digital multi-effect pedal that is able to play many different roles. It is complex but without any menus, letting each complex element be directly controlled with knobs on the pedal. The Bitquest is made for adventure, leading one into new sonic territories not previously considered. Eight different digital effects are selectable through a rotary switch. They include such effects as Flanger, Filtering, Bit manipulation, reverb, notch filtering, ring modulation, Pitch shift, and glitch delay. Never has so many timbral characters been available in one compact pedal. The Bitquest is one for the journey."


Note: MATRIXSYNTH members get a %10 discount at Perfect Circuit Audio (other discounts excluded). See the membership page on how to sign up.

bastl kastle eurorack 2017 soooon !early stage . idea

Published on Dec 23, 2016 paul tas

"early stage . idea

2017 kastle"

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Arturia MiniFilter V Introduction Tutorial - Free Filter for the Holidays

Published on Dec 22, 2016 ARTURIA

MiniFilter V puts the power of a legendary analog filter into your DAW, and opens up exciting new creative possibilities for producers and musicians.

00:24 - Powerful Ladder Filter (Used on an acoustic guitar)
01:02 - Intuitive Step Sequencer (Used on an electric guitar)
01:40 - Creative Inspiration (Used on a general Mix)
02:09 - Layer & enrich your sound (Used on a Piano)
02:38 - Cut through the mix (Used on Vocals)
03:12 - True Analog Emulation (Used on a Drum machine)
03:47 - Full MIDI control (Used on a Bass)
04:17 - Wide ranging, dynamic controls (Used on a Drum Kit)

Source audio used by kind permission of the copyright holders.

Acoustic guitar: Those Flying Machines - "Rust"
Guitar solo: The Blet Project - "The Flood"
Full mix: The Blet Project - "The Anthem"
Piano & vocal: Kirsten Adamson - "Feel The Same"
DrumBrute & intro: Guy Perchard
Bass: Chris Robinson
Drum kit: OO&XX - "Blame It On The Parents"

via Arturia

"To thank you for all the good vibes you have sent us this year we would like to offer you the MiniFilter V

2016 has been full of highlights for the Arturia team. The craze about the MatrixBrute and KeyStep announcement at the NAMM Show, the launch of V Collection 5, the surprise of DrumBrute and many other moments of joy."

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Ocean Swift - OS20 Semi Modular Synthesizer - Overview and Demonstration (Sonic Core Scope Plugin)

Published on Dec 21, 2016 Faxi Nadu

"An overview of our OS20 Semi Modular Synthesizer System - a set of high level modular modules for Sonic Core's Scope Modular. Going over the concept, features, operation and the content included and talking about some tips and tricks.

Check out sound examples of the OS20 System here: [embed below]

Check out our website for more information:"

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

New PC-2 Clone - Analog Percussion Synthesizer from midierror

Published on Dec 20, 2016 midierror

"A little demo of the analog Percussion Synth from sxityfourpixels! Available as a kit here:

Triggered by a built in Piezo, or by external CV. Space on the PCB for mods...and a eurorack version on the way!"


"A clone of the Boss PC-2 / Amdek PCK-100 for bleeps and bloops galore!

PCLONE2 is a recreation of the (now rare) PC-2 percussion synthesizer which was made by Boss during the 1980s (and also released in DIY kit form under the Amdek brand name as the PCK-100)

The PCLONE2 kit is based on the original schematic (with a couple of changes due to the scarcity of some now obsolete components).

The kit includes all the parts neccessary for the build; printed circuit board, electronic components, wire for internal connections, potentiometers, knobs, switches, sockets, fitting screws etc. It includes a custom designed, laser-cut, case (made from 3mm acrylic sheet with 5mm acrylic side cheeks) and a laser etched acrylic laminate fascia.

Assembly by soldering is required! I would describe this as an intermediate complexity kit for experienced solderers, if you are a novice I would recommend getting some experience on simpler kits before you build this one.

This is a completely analog synthesizer with a single VCO. There is a pitch sweep function, a decay envelope and an LFO with rate, depth and wave shape (triangle/square) control. Unusually for a percussion synth there is no noise source, but you'll soon realise this isn't your typical percussion synth!

Sounds are triggered by an input pulse (5V-9V works fine) or by tapping on a piezo sensor which is mounted behind a pad on the front panel.

There are three unconnected 3.5mm sockets labelled CV1, CV2, CV3. These, together with a prototyping area on the PCB, are to make the box easily mod-able. I will be documenting some simple mods I have already found (including a pitch CV input using a single resistor), and plan to get a growing list of mods together.

The box has the following controls:

TRIG LEVEL - Sets the sensitivity of the trigger input. The voice circuit responds differently depending on the intensity of the trigger pulse (this is especially nice when tapping it with a finger). The TRIG LEVEL knob controls this response.

PITCH - Sets the basic pitch of the oscillator. This works alongside the SWEEP controls.

DECAY - Controls the decay of the volume envelope (so how long the sound takes to fade out after it is triggered) and also controls the sweep time. Sweep, pitch and decay interact in ways that reward experimentation.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Introducing the – Grand Terminal ✈ - Grand Terminal ✈ overview

Published on Dec 19, 2016 TheEndorphines

" – Grand Terminal

✈ Life is a trip ✈

- 26 HP, 1” in depth – super slim and Shuttle friendly
- Dual multi-mode filter (ladder, diode, vactrol, state-variable lp/hp/bp and comb) in dual, stereo and serial modes
- Dual AD/ASR/looping envelope generator that acts as band-limited oscillator when cycling at linear slopes
- Stereo “Cabin Pressure” processor with different ambient effects: from shimmered halls and reverberations to a spring simulation over tape/ping-pong delays to a chorus
- Separate mono modular level output and stereo line level output for direct line recording or driving the headphones.
- Easy firmware update via USB
- And of course fully compatible with GatewayT_XP
- I/O: 48 kHz 16 bit audio"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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