MATRIXSYNTH: Ondes Martenot

Showing posts with label Ondes Martenot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ondes Martenot. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Ondomo (Ondes Martenot) 6-oct

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this Vemia listing

Click the auction link on top when you get there for additional listings.

"This full-sized Ondes Martenot 'Ondomo Conservatoire DX-74' was handmade in Japan by Naoyuki Omo (owner of ASADEN) in 2022, and is one of only half a dozen similar instruments. It marks an evolution of a previous run of portable ondes Martenots ('Ondomo') manufactured by Naoyuki Omo, based on Maurice Martenot's final design, the Mk 7. The Ondomo Conservatoire DX-74 is a faithful recreation of the ondes Martenot, and comprises: a moveable keyboard (clavier mobile) of 74 keys, capable of vibrato via lateral motion. a ribbon/ring control (ruban/bague) adjacent to the keyboard, which permits glissando, vibrato and microtonal performance over multiple octaves. a control drawer (tiroir) with adjustable transparent expression key (touche d'intensité). illuminated controls for eight additive timbres which very closely emulate those of the Mk 7 (O - onde, C - creux, G - grande gambe, N - nasillard, T - tutti, 8 - octaviant, S - souffle, g - petite gambe (the last three with adjustable volume riders). gamelan buttons for playing quarter tones and various intervals in either ribbon or keyboard mode. a craquement switch which sets the keyboard to sustain or gate mode. an upper/lower note priority switch for the keyboard. an octave switch which affects the entire instrument. controls for adjusting the relative volumes and waveforms of timbres (e.g. pulse widths). volume controls for four outputs (D1, D2, D3, D4, where D = 'diffuseur', traditionally the principal, métallique, palme, résonance etc, but conceivably any passive or active speaker). and controls for automatic and manual tuning of the keyboard and ribbon, as well as adjustment of the keyboard vibrato sensitivity, ribbon tension, and touch d'intensité (volume button) sensitivity. The instrument comes with all its original accessories, a power supply, and box. It has detachable legs, leather carrying handle, protective lid, and integral 'rainbow' perspex music stand (not shown in the photo). There are two outputs, which provide the D1/2 and D3/4 outputs as stereo pairs. Note that the instrument is monophonic and has only audio outputs, not CV or MIDI. I have unpacked and assembled the instrument once, to test it, and found it to be in excellent working condition. It has all original accessories and box. I have been impressed with its tone and performance, and used an earlier model (the miniature Ondomo) extensively for performance and recording work (e.g. for Marvel Loki S1) - that instrument has also been used recently by Jonny Greenwood. The Conservatoire DX-74 has a very similar tonal quality to the original Ondomo, but benefits from greater versatility, sensitivity, and range."

Thursday, July 04, 2024

David Gerard Matthews: Ondes Martenot - ContinuuCon 2024

video upload by ContinuuCon

Saturday, December 09, 2023




Nascido em Paris, ele é mais conhecido por sua invenção do Ondes (Waves) Martenot, um instrumento que ele percebeu pela primeira vez em 1928 e passou décadas aprimorando. Ele revelou um modelo microtonal em 1938.ESte é MONOFÔNICO (não produz acordes,mas pode ser arpejado com teclados)
Ele também foi responsável por ensinar a primeira geração de artistas Martenot, incluindo Karel Goeyvaerts, Jeanne Loriod, Georges Savaria, Gilles Tremblay e sua irmã Ginette Martenot.O próprio Martenot atuou como um 'ondista' com a Orquestra da Filadélfia sob o comando de Leopold Stokowski em 1930. A Feira Mundial de 1937 em Paris concedeu-lhe o "Le Grand Prix de l'Exposition Mondiale". Ele deu aulas no Conservatório de Paris durante os anos 1940."

Monday, September 04, 2023

Jonny Greenwood and his Ondes Martenot

video upload by Robotussin Vintage Synths

"Radiohead's guitarist and keyboard player Jonny Greenwood meets a professional Ondist to discuss this very early French electronic instrument. Greenwood also shows off a modern synth that uses a similar ring-on-a-wire controller."

Thursday, August 03, 2023

Therevox and Blooper

video upload by Rudetee

"The Therevox is an hommage to Ondes Martenot. I do like this minimalistic setup"

Friday, March 24, 2023

Ondes Martenot Waveshaping Circuits in a Eurorack Synthesizer Module (custom PCB layout)

video upload by Lantertronics - Aaron Lanterman

"Work in collaboration with Georgia Tech Music Technology student Mir Jeffries.

0:00 -- Introduction
1:47 -- Sound Demos"

"To contribute to my work on this channel, you may make a targeted donation to Georgia Tech earmarked for my work with my students:

Type Lantertronics/GTF210000920 into the "Special Purpose" field, and type the amount of your donation into the "Your Gift" and "Special Purpose Amount" fields. Leave the "Roll Call" and "Parents Fund" fields blank. Fill out the remaining fields as appropriate.

Then, please send me an e-mail at telling me 1) your name, 2) the amount, 3) when you submitted your donation, and 4) if you'd like to be publicly acknowledged by name or would prefer to remain anonymous. (This will help me make sure funds don't get accidentally held up in our financial offices.)

This helps demonstrate to my colleagues that there is a hunger for this kind of material."

Monday, September 13, 2021

This 1930s Amp Design Sounds Amazing & Ondes Martenot videos by Josh Semans

video upload by HAINBACH

"In which I demo an instrument amplifier inspired by the 1932 designed Resonateurs Métalliques by Martenot. The out-of-production Eowave Metallik Resonator is a beautiful sounding instrument, that instead of speaker cone uses a gong to turn electrical signals into sound. Thanks to @Josh Semans for showing the Ondes Martenot in this video."

Ondes Martenot videos by Josh Semans:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

ondes Martenot + ZVEX Mastotron

Published on Oct 23, 2019 Josh Semans

"Experiments with my ondes Martenot and the ZVEX Mastotron pedal. Part of an ongoing series of videos pairing the ondes Martenot with various effects pedals and sound processors."

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Therevox ET-4.2 Analog Synth w/ Ribbon Controller

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Inspired by the Ondes Martenot (1928) and the Electro-Theremin (1950), the ET-4 is controlled by moving a finger along a reference keyboard shaped to provide tactile feedback. Dual pressure sensitive intensity keys control the amplitude of the ET-4's two independent analog oscillators. Combined with a low-pass filter, white noise generator and internal spring reverb the ET-4 is an expressive and versatile performance instrument. The is the standard model, the adds an effects loop and other features and the also adds MIDI over USB output. Every ET-4 is individually hand crafted in Canada using high quality components and select North American Walnut."

Saturday, August 10, 2019

ondes Martenot + EHX Small Stone

Published on Aug 10, 2019 Josh Semans

"Experiments with my ondes Martenot and the EHX Small Stone pedal. Part of an ongoing series of videos pairing the ondes Martenot with various effects pedals and sound processors."

You can find additional videos from Josh Semans featuring the ondes Martenot here.

Friday, July 05, 2019

ondes Martenot + EHX Hot Tubes (+ BOSS RV5)

Published on Jul 5, 2019 Josh Semans

"Experiments with my ondes Martenot and the EHX Hot Tubes pedal, as well as the BOSS RV5. Part of an ongoing series of videos pairing the ondes Martenot with various effects pedals and sound processors."

Josh Semans ondes Martenot videos

Thursday, July 04, 2019

ondes Martenot + EHX Superego

Published on Jul 4, 2019 Josh Semans

"Experiments with my ondes Martenot and the EHX Superego pedal. Part of an ongoing series of videos pairing the ondes Martenot with various effects pedals and sound processors."

Note this is the ondes musicales by Jean-Loup Dierstein. See Wavemakers - Documentary on the Ondes Martenot
. You can find additional posts featuring Josh Semans including the Asaden Ondomo ondes Martenot here.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Ayako trying the Ondomo with the Souffle extension and the diffYUseurs

Published on Mar 29, 2019 yusynthman

See the Asaden label below for more.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Soniccouture Ondes: Thomas Bloch Performance

Published on Feb 22, 2019 Soniccouture

"Thomas Bloch improvising at Fisher Lane studios, during the Ondes sampling session."

Soniccouture Ondes: Creating A Performance

Published on Feb 22, 2019 Soniccouture

"An overview of the MIDI controller techniques used in creating an expressive and fluid Ondes Martenot performance. Also includes ROLI Seaboard demonstration."

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Soniccouture Ondes: Creating A Performance, The Loudspeakers & PolyOndes Preset Overview

Published on Feb 20, 2019 Soniccouture

"An overview of the MIDI controller techniques used in creating an expressive and fluid Ondes Martenot performance."

Soniccouture Ondes: The Loudspeakers

Published on Feb 20, 2019 Soniccouture

"Exploring the 3 loudspeakers of the Ondes Martenot, modelled using convolution in
Soniccouture’s Ondes virtual instrument."

Soniccouture Ondes: PolyOndes Preset Overview

Published on Feb 20, 2019 Soniccouture

"A selection of presets from the Poly Ondes, a polyphonic version of the Ondes Martenot. This synth is included in Soniccouture's Ondes Virtual Instrument:"

Monday, February 18, 2019

Ambient Rack & French Conection

Published on Feb 18, 2019 theianboddy

"Analogue Systems French Connection keyboard (that mimics the playing style of the Ondes Martenot) controlling a small Eurorack case.

Modules from left to right are Roland System 500: 510 | 505 | 555 followed by Synthesis Technology E350 Morphing Terrarium & finally Mutable Instruments Clouds."

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Test clavier des Ondes Martenot avec diffuseur résonance

Published on Feb 10, 2019 yusynthman

"Utilisation du haut-parleur à ressorts ("Résonance") des Ondes Martenot, essai des différents registres."

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Soniccouture Ondes: MPE LinnStrument

Published on Feb 7, 2019 Soniccouture

"A short performance showing Soniccouture's Ondes VI played via MPE using a LinnStrument."

"The main instrument panel contains controls for each of the 7 oscillators + 'Tutti' switch, send controls for each of the 3 Ondes speakers, ADSR envelope control (optional, depending on Setup), Brightness control - switchable to 12db Filter with resonance, Detune, Width and Saturation faders"

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Knobcon 2018: Therevox - Like an Ondes but more synthy

Published on Sep 9, 2018 sonicstate

"The Therevox at Knobcon 2018 - with a two oscillator, multi-wave analog synth, with resonant filter, FX loop combined with an Ondes type keyboard and expression buttons."

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

YuSynth: Les DiffYUseurs

Published on Jul 17, 2018 yusynthman

"This is a brief demo of an effect box I designed (based on Spin-Semiconductor FV-1 DSP) to recreate the Ondes Martenot diffusers. I designed the first version back 2010 for Thomas Bloch (a famous Ondist) and that I revisited and improved in 2017 for Christine Ott (a famous Ondist as well)."

Les DiffYUseurs - 1
Les diffYUseurs 2
Les DiffYUseurs : transposeur (dual pitch shifter)

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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