MATRIXSYNTH: Gibran Curtiss

Showing posts with label Gibran Curtiss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gibran Curtiss. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2020

Electromechanical Eurorack stuff

Published on Feb 10, 2020 Gibran PantalaLabs

"Solenoids and hammers"

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Electromechanical Eurorack modules

Published on Jun 16, 2019 Gibran PantalaLabs

"Custom made Electromechanical Eurorack modules."

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Pantala Labs - Aprende / firmware rev2

Published on Sep 5, 2018 Gibran PantalaLabs

"Now we can handle gates"

Thursday, August 30, 2018

CORAZĂ“N wt osc

Published on Aug 30, 2018 Gibran PantalaLabs

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Gibran Curtiss Pulvo negro - prototype

Published on Apr 28, 2018 Gibran Curtiss

"#pantalalabs #pulvonegro . All sounds from the module , only triggers and CVs in . One Out ...:-) . Kick , bass, sub bass , tom , hat, rim , cymbal , 16 wavetable oscillator , distortion . Pure fun !!"

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

CER - Complex Envelope Recorder

Published on Mar 6, 2018 Gibran Curtiss

"CER - Complex Envelope Recorder is a module to create and modify complex waveforms:
-3 ways of signal input: voltage input , sliding pot and LDR shadowing
-manual or triggered control to start and stop recording / playback
-manual modifiers to start/end positions , shrink/stretch envelope, smoothness


Saturday, February 17, 2018


Published on Feb 17, 2018 Gibran Curtiss

"Color control voltage 3
Device to convert any image , picture , collage, painting into music .
3 voices , 3 triggers out with 30 rhythms choice , 3 0to5v CV out to 5 chromatic octaves ."

See this post for additional details.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

New Gibran Curtiss Tube Control Eurorack Module

Published on Dec 7, 2017 Gibran Curtiss

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Gibran Curtiss Trigger Prototype

Published on Sep 10, 2017 Gibran Curtiss

"A 100% functional prototype for my personal use."

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Pantala Labs CCV2 - Color Control Voltage 2 - First video

Published on Jun 7, 2017 Gibran Curtiss

A new DIY turntable CV controller from Gibran Curtiss aka Pantala Labs. You might remember the test video posted earlier. This new video replaces it with more details including the following:

P.S.  Curious what it would be like to use Optigan disks on this.  Use the printed Optigan waveforms as CV control.

"This is the new version of CCV - Color Control Voltage.
CCV2 is a DIY Arduino Mega based instrument, 100% synth compatible to convert colors into voltage/music.

-full turntable arm and 12" platter;
-note quantizer for all 3 channels on chromatic scale;
-octave quantity control;
-octave/semitone shift control;
-clock divider control;
-euclidean rhythm generator control;
-internal clock / optical indexed clock / external clock options;
-3x 5V / 1VO = 5 octaves buffered CV outs using 12 bit DACs;
-4x buffered clock outs;
-motor speed control;
-arm step interval control;
-internal clock interval control.

Codes and schematics:

Thank you"

Sunday, June 04, 2017

Pantala Labs - Color Control Voltage 2 - first path in Nebula [Vinyl Controlled CV]

Published on Jun 4, 2017 Gibran Curtiss

Update: new video here.

Just finished the prototype , turned it on, made some tests and plugged into synth.
I didnt even got a little practice to get used to its behaviour.
Soon, a bigger video explaining wow it works inside and more paths."

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Arduino based Quantizer + S&H for modular synth aplications (prototype)

Published on May 4, 2017 Gibran Curtiss

"Features (for while)
-one voltage input
-external clock sync
-octave shift (+/-)
-semitone shift (+/-)
-7 scales choice
-5 octaves midi out
-5V quantized voltage out

Very soon features:
-sample and hold
-internal clock
-second voltage in and another 5V quantized voltage out
-add/subtract input voltages


In this video: Kork SQ1 -CV- Quantizer -MIDI- Korg"

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Generative Music by Gibran Curtiss

Published on Apr 16, 2017 Gibran Curtiss


1. Generative music - part I

"Still an embryonic project of Generative Music in Arduino plataform and Midi protocol using simple biological algorithms to birth , growth, reproduction and death , together with locomotion and collision . This video was the result of one day of coding, so.... The 4 tempo was reduced to 1 to make a little short video. Long journey yet to come."

2. Generative Music - part II

"Second video of generative music project.
Arduino Uno replaced by Arduino Mega.
Arduino goes to USB MIDI interface, that goes to laptop running ableton driving 3 Midi channels.
The original algorithm was improved a lot and were added some controls to make intentional transitions.

Credits: Adam Kumpf for the core algorithm."

3. Generative music - part III

"Another sample with a generative music Arduino prototype."

4. Generative Music - part IV

"Another great step forward to my generetive music project.
These are the 2 major changes in project:
a)the first 3 videos I've made, the Arduino was connected to a laptop by MIDI. Now 2 full 5V CV OUTs available (3 at the moment I'm writing this) :-) provided by a DAC MCP4725
b)improvement into evolution algorithm allowing to choose to evolute or not each parameter individually. This way we can let the machine evolute by itself and then step in anytime to control the evolution.
Finally the unit is connected to a real modular synth!!! I'm very very really happy!!!!!!!!.
This video is a very simple path:
-one CV to a Qu-Bit Chord
-another CV to 4MS Spectral Multiband Resonator."

5. Generative Music V

"This is the 5th video of an Arduino Generative Music project. Finally a reasonable result. 4 midi channel / 4 CV outputs (0-5V). In this video only 2 channels used."

6. Generative Music Part VI

"This is the Part VI of the Generative Music project. A friend asked me to explore all 4 channels. So here it is. A lot better that last one video. But still a lot to improve on the next. Remember that this project is a SUPPORT tool to provide some melody, not make an entire song. Now the next goal is to attach a solar panel and some sensors : temperature , pressure, light, air humidity, soil humidity, wind velocity. All together and a little math will be able to make music according to weather variations including wake up and go to sleep. It will be an self sufficient being. Like a mini Frankenstein that makes music."

7. Generative Music part VII

"This time the fully functional prototype of the generative music module patched to the 4MS SMR passing thru a custom Spring Reverb.
One square wave oscillator with a fixed frequency feeding the 4MS input.
The final configuration of the module is :
-4 (0V to +5V) CV outs with buffered MCP4725 DACs.
-1 Trigger out with led indicator;
-parameter / value knobs to control the internal variables;

Again, some code improvements to do a better control over the note distribution to CVs.
The evolution of the generative module was locked this time just to play around with 4MS, basically, the same melody all the time but exploring the internal variations of the CVs.
Remember that the whole sound was played ONLY by the 4MS. No drum machines, no other modules."

8. Generative Music part VIII

"This time added a control to interval or cycle a group of 2,4,8,16,32 notes.
Unfortunately this project will be suspended for a while.
The effort now is to develop better melodies but I dont have much time exclusively to it.
Thank you!"

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

spring reverb - tests

Published on Jan 31, 2017 Gibran Curtiss

"Tests of a Spring Reverb. Trying to find the equation for more gain / low distortion."

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Pantala CCV + Qu-Bit Chord in Droned Colors

Published on Dec 17, 2016 Gibran Curtiss

"This is the second patch using the CCV - Color Control Voltage.
This time , a droned interpretation of splattered colors.

CCV - Color Control Voltage.
-three separated 5V range controls for Red , Green, Blue colors;
-three separated CV out for each color;
-color density control to manipulate the colors making then more dense or clear;
-color inversion : dark colors means lower frequencies and brighter colors mean higher frequencies or the opposite ;
-motor speed control;
-sample speed control from 2 seconds up to 10 milliseconds of interval;
-3 clock sources:
a) internal logical, provided by the microcontroller,
b)encoded wheel attached to the spindle with 16/8/4/2 steps per revolution,
c) external clock in;
-trigger/gate option;
-arm speed control;

Thank you for watching."

Pantala CCV - Color Control Voltage

Published on Dec 15, 2016 Gibran Curtiss

"Pantalla CCV is a device to 'extract' the colors from a picture and convert then into voltage. The main use is to create sounds connecting to other voltage controlled synthesizer."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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