Showing posts with label Quicco Sound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quicco Sound. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2017

quicco Mi.1e Flexible Bluetooth Eurorack Module - TFoM2017

Published on Nov 19, 2017 cuckoomusic

"This flexible Bluetooth module with its accompanying iPad app really caught my attention on the Tokyo Festival of Modular 2017. It can do CV, gate and LFO, all controlled and sequenced from the iPad app.

More about the Mi.1e will be available shortly on Quicco Sound's web page:"

Monday, November 07, 2016

New Quicco Sound mi.1e Wireless MIDI-CV / Gate Interface Eurorack Module

A couple of pics via Yuuki Koide.

It looks like Quicco Sound is porting their wireless mi.1 tech to eurorack. Wireless control of your modular with an iPad is definitely welcome.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

The TOMITA Memorial Museum : Isao Tomita tribute exhibition at Gakki Fair 2016

Published on Nov 5, 2016 karenevil

"I had a chance to see his Moog modular and other his belongings.
Although I could not see the show because it was so crowded ;-p"

That would be magical to see. I'm curious who currently owns the gear.

Quicco Sound, dot red, and Clavia / Nord got primo spots by the exhibit.

Update: some pics via

Update2: some info from the AH list: "Notice Tomita's CS80 has a CV and Gate ("T" for Trig?) mod for each voice. I also see he signed some of his instruments presumably to prove they were his in the future.

Tomita's main use of the CS80 was on the album "Daphnis et Chloe" (called "Bolero" in the US and "The Ravel Album" in parts of Europe) he also used it on "Grand Canyon" though not as obviously. I've not heard mention of his using the CS-80 as a controller for presumably his modulars. He definitely was always into looking into techniques in speeding up his painstaking multitracking process.

One of the more unusual items is what looks like a small trade show display of high quality synthesizer pots that I guess at some point Tomita was involved in the re-manufacture of. The other, more of digital fans is the Casio Cosmo prototype system. My understanding is Casio wanted to do a high end sampler and Tomita was hired as a consultant and endorser. They eventually did put out the prosumer level FZ-1 but by then other companies had carved up the sampler market."

And: "The CS80 was also used on the 1984 "Dawn Chorus" album (also known as "Canon of the three Stars"), in one of the renditions of the Villa-Lobos pieces (some brass patch)."

Thursday, November 03, 2016


Published on Nov 2, 2016 PXE02321

Quicco Sound mi.1


Friday, November 07, 2014

Quicco Sound App Preview of mi.1 connect

App Preview of mi.1 connect from QUICCO SOUND on Vimeo.

"This is for App Preview of mi.1 connect."

iPad app for the Quicco Sound M1 wireless MIDI featured here. See the Quicco Sound channel for more. The designers behind Quicco Sound are ex Roland and Yamaha. One designed the Roland JP-8000.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Quicco Sound Wireless MIDI - TNR-i plays KANADEON via mi.1

TNR-i plays KANADEON via mi.1 from QUICCO SOUND on Vimeo.

"The modern iOS music app TNR-i plays mechanical drive music box.
They are connected wireless by using Bluetooth LE MIDI mi.1.

TNR-i is an iOS version of TENORI-ON.
KANADEON is a mechanical drive music-box developed by SRIC corporation."

Friday, May 09, 2014

mi.1 : Wireless MIDI Interface From QUICCO SOUND on Indiegogo

mi.1 : Wireless MIDI Interface from QUICCO SOUND on Vimeo.

mi.1 is a wireless MIDI interface between Digital Piano and iPhone or iPad.

On Indiegogo here.

This looks promising. There are other wireless MIDI adapters on the market, but look a the size of this. It's virtually seamless. Also note the iPad integration.

Some synth spotting at 3:00. I met QUICCO SOUND at NAMM. They are also coming out with a bluetooth wireless MIDI controller. The designers are ex Roland and Yamaha. One designed the Roland JP-8000.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

MATRIXSYNTH NAMM 2014: Quicco Sound Bluetooth Wireless MIDI Controller with CV & Gate Support

Uploaded on Jan 30, 2014 matrixsynth·298 videos

Configurable CV Gate support! OSC support possibly coming as well. The designers are ex Roland and Yamaha. One designed the Roland JP-8000, the other I believed worked on UI for Yamaha.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MATRIXSYNTH NAMM 2014: Miselu, Quicco Sound & Audiobus Booth Pics

Monday, January 27, 2014

NAMM2014 QUICCO Sound Bluetooth MIDI Controller & Miselu Bluetooth Keyboard

Published on Jan 27, 2014 RockoNCompany·529 videos

Miselu bluetooth keyboard for iPad comes in at 1:55.

Note this is the first Quicco Sound post. I visited the booth as well. The device is solid and has that "ooh, colorful blinky lights" appeal to it. And of course it's wireless. Less cables in your setup is always a good thing. The two people behind QUICCO Sound come from a long history working at Roland and Yamaha. I'll post some pics of the device this week, but it's one of those devices that looks (and feels) even better in person.

Update: accidentally had Cuico instead of Quicco.

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