Showing posts with label Dögenigt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dögenigt. Show all posts

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Disassembled Record Player for module (prototype)

Published on Dec 24, 2015 Dani Dögenigt

"Want to make a compact and simple upright record player for my modular system. This is a very early prototype without speed control or stabilization."

This is pretty interesting. Imaging using various LPs for CV control. New interpretations of classic tracks. Would would Hendrix, the Beatles or even Aphex Twin bring? Another interesting thing to think about is if you made an album using CV control of another album would it be considered copyright violation?

Friday, February 06, 2015

SNU petting Aristoteles

Published on Feb 6, 2015 Dani Dögenigt

"My brother and I in our duo known as SNU petting Aristoteles with the not yet finished sequencer module still on breadboard. Some nice timbres and rhythms coming out!"

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Aristoteles Logic Synth #4: Logic Gates

Published on Jan 15, 2015 Dani Dögenigt

"This module for my lo-fi logic modular synth has 8 AND gates: the output only goes high when both of the 2 inputs are HIGH. This way we can generate the simplest form of amplitude modulation where the osc input with the lowest frequency lets the other input through. The video demonstrates it all.

Schematic and thorough explanation can be found on my site:"

See the Dögenigt channel label below for previous videos.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Plasma Globe EM-Synth

Published on Nov 6, 2014 Dani Dögenigt

"A demonstration of a new instrument I am developing - main part is a plasma globe with an inductor coil and some amplifiers to gain up the electromagnetic signals. In the future this will be further developed into a complete 'electromagnetic (EM) synth'."

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Aristoteles Logic Synth #3: Clock divider (simple)

Published on Sep 4, 2014 Dani Dögenigt

"4040-based clock divider module for Aristoteles - good for creating sub octaves!"

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Aristoteles Logic Synth #2: Oscillators

Published on Jul 12, 2014 Dani Dögenigt

"The second module for my lunetta-style modular synth Aristoteles is finished. It's what we like to call a octo-osc - 8 oscillators with PWM and range switch."

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The MicroWaveSampler - Arduino-based sampler w/ 16-step seq

Published on Oct 5, 2013 Dani Dögenigt·60 videos

"This is a quick demonstration of my lo-fi sampler, based on an atmega328 chip and Adafruits waveshield. With a lot of help from my friend Carl DimsOs we managed to push the arduino to the edge an create a simple piece of sequencer-program which allow for all sorts of shuffling around with the wave-sounds from the SD-card.

Full explanation can be found on my site:"

Via Kun J. László on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Aristoteles Logic Synth #1: Mixer

Published on May 22, 2014 Dani Dögenigt·60 videos

"First video update from my modular synth build - started out with power supply and 8-channel mixer with volume and filter pr channel.
follow the project on" [some details and pics here]

Note this is the first Dögenigt post.

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