MATRIXSYNTH: Eurostep Jam #2

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Eurostep Jam #2

Eurostep Jam #2 from cv slime 800 on Vimeo.

"'Eurostep' was probably only intended to be a jokey genre title. A few people have made use of it in videos or mp3s posted on the muffwiggler forum. Basically, I take it to mean current trends in dance music (most notably dubstep) interpreted on Eurorack modular synth (well, it wouldn't have to be Eurorack format in particular but you get the idea) rather than using software like Ableton Live or whatever else. I like this idea though, so I am going to run with it as an actual genre. Join in.

As far as the patch goes, each sound went through individual channels of the Make Noise QMMG and were mixed together into the various inputs of the Elby Designs CGS735 Synthacon filter.

A droning root note from the Harvestman Piston Honda was sent into the audio input of the Cwejman VM-1 Voice module. A random noise voltage was being quantized by the Doepfer A-156 Dual Quantizer to the notes of a minor 7 chord for the VM-1 CV input. The droning audio input is then mixed in with the VM-1 internal Oscilator creating duophonic chordal basslines."

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