Showing posts with label Elby Designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elby Designs. Show all posts
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Elby Designs - EuroSerge System [Lightly USED]
video upload by NOISEBUG
"This Elby Designs #EuroSerge System is a small, compact Serge system in the #eurorack format, but uses 4mm banana plugs! Based on the old #paperface circuits, this modern take on the era keeps the sound quality in a much friendlier format.
This system includes the powered case it comes in AND
12 Banana Cables.
This system came from studio use only in California after being purchased
from Noisebug 4 years ago. Elby modules are produced in Australia."
Friday, May 17, 2024
EuroSerge! Elby - AM01 // NB Custom Elby EuroSerge System
video upload by NOISEBUG
"Elby - AM01 NB Custom EuroSerge System
Includes 12 Banana Cables, PSU, and Noisebug's Guarantee
EuroSerge is a fantastic modular hybrid
Euro = Eurorack size format and power standard
Serge = 4mm Banana cable jack & Classic Serge circuitry
This system is of incredible value and is the perfect way to enter the world of Serge modular!
The AM01 System is a custom-designed EuroSerge Modular synthesizer system. Housed in a standard Doepfer A-100LC6 (6U) eurorack case, but comprised purely of Elby designed "EuroSerge" banana-format modules. The modules in this system can operate on any standard Eurorack power source. The system itself is designed to inspire, experiment, and explore the magic of Serge modular.
The AM01 system includes the following modules:
ES05 - Noise Source
ES33 - Variable Q VCF
ES78 - VCA
ES75 - Voltage Controlled Slope
ES08 - Audio Mixer
ASM306 - Audio Out
ES27 - Transient Generator
ES23 - Sequence Programmer
ES37 - Quantizer
CG734 - Analog Shift Register
ES10 - Triple Waveshaper
ES21 - 10 Stage (Trig) Sequencer
Doepfer A-100LC6 (black)"
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Elby Designs - EuroSerge System
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via NOISEBUG Reverb
Note auction links are affiliate links. See the site's privacy policy for more info.
"This Elby Designs EuroSerge System is a small, compact Serge system in the eurorack format, but uses 4mm banana plugs! Based on the old paperface circuits, this modern take on the era keeps the sound quality in a much friendlier format."
You can find demos of the system in previous posts here.
via NOISEBUG Reverb
Note auction links are affiliate links. See the site's privacy policy for more info.
"This Elby Designs EuroSerge System is a small, compact Serge system in the eurorack format, but uses 4mm banana plugs! Based on the old paperface circuits, this modern take on the era keeps the sound quality in a much friendlier format."
You can find demos of the system in previous posts here.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
elby designs modular synth
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via this auction
So many wires in such a thin case. See the last pic below.
"Elby Designs - (Serge, Banana) All BoGS original components with professional build. Shipping from Beijing. Please let me know if you have any questions. Including case"
via this auction
So many wires in such a thin case. See the last pic below.
"Elby Designs - (Serge, Banana) All BoGS original components with professional build. Shipping from Beijing. Please let me know if you have any questions. Including case"
Friday, April 28, 2023
Serge 5u Tones and Timbres
video upload by Rhythmicons
"These are 5u Serge circuits by Ken Stone/Catgirl Synth and Elby designs, assembled and paneled by by Lower West Side studios. The Dual Universal Slope Generators are the sound sources going into the STG Soundlabs mixer before heading into the Resonant EQ and '73 Filter. From there the signal is going to a Roland RE-301 Chorus Echo, a Roland DC-50, and an AKG BX-10. With this program I tried to capture what it is like to try to maintain a smile while feeling awful inside. I began with the desire to create something beautiful with the Serge, but the pull towards the experimental is sometimes far too great to resist."
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Wavolver II demo
video upload by O.Z. Hall
Click here for additional Wavolver posts by O.Z. Hall.
"The Wavolver II is a waveshaper that includes both a wave (manual) folder and a pulse waveshaper (with vertical offset and pulse width modulation ). It also includes a second pulse wave. This Eurorack module is available from Elby Designs. The circuit was designed by Ian Fritz.
I'm modulating is with a quantizer which is acting as a kind of sample and hold circuit."
Tuesday, August 09, 2022
Elby Designs - Voltron 3-6-7 System.
video upload by NOISEBUG
"A new take on the BoCGS with a higher SERGE content and some design variations - the Voltron 3-6-7 complete and ready to go. Includes a selection of 4mm Patch Leads.
Voltron 7 Panel
Compact VCO x 2
VC Multipliers
AC Mixer
Smooth & Stepped
Universal Slope Generator (USG)
Multi-Channel Stereo Mixer
Voltron 6 Panel
Dual Universal Slope Generator x 2
VC Multipliers
Resonant EQ
Matrix Mixer
Digital Reverb
Voltron 3 Panel
Gate Sequencer
4-Stage Programmer x 2
Step-Next-Row (SNR) x 2
Bi-Directional Router"
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Elby Designs - EuroSerge System
video upload by NOISEBUG
"This Elby Designs EuroSerge System is a small, compact Serge system in the eurorack format, but uses 4mm banana plugs! Based on the old paperface circuits, this modern take on the era keeps the sound quality in a much friendlier format.
Check out more Elby Designs modules here -"
Sunday, May 08, 2022
Red Waves by Doug Lynner
Serge compositions. You can find videos for this release previously posted here. Patch sheet below.
"'Red Waves' is comprised of two groups of pieces, WAD: Trio for Richard Driskell, and, 5 Solos for Simple Slopes.

In the case of WAD: Trio for Richard Driskell these “limitations” were used to highlight my interactions with a particular module, the Wilson Analog Delay (WAD).
In the case of 5 Solos for Simple Slopes the limitations were imposed to make the point that creativity and musicality can flourish on a small system and indeed can be enhanced by the experience, especially if you have a large system that you have established a workflow for.
For me, the 'Small Modular Aesthetic,' the term I use for this part of my work, is a healthy change-up that I find refreshing and immediate. To use only a single simple patch for multiple pieces extends this even further by necessitating a deeper exploration to find multiple unique voices from it.
For me music made in this way is raw and responsive and relates directly to the real situation for many new synthesists. I hope that Red Waves represents that.
One other thing that all of the pieces on Red Waves have in common is a video recording of each of the 8 performance. The videos of WAD: Trio for Richard Driskell have already been published and can be found on my Youtube channel. I have one of the videos for 5 Solos for Simple Slopes ready and will complete the others in the coming week. Keep an eye out for them!
released April 1, 2022"
Thursday, April 07, 2022
Solo1 - 5 Solos for Simple Slopes by Doug Lynner
video upload by Doug Lynner
"5 Solos for Simple Slopes is available at
5 Solos for Simple Slopes was composed and performed with severe module compliment limitations to make the point that creativity and musicality can flourish on a small system and indeed can be enhanced by the experience, especially if you have a large system that you have established a workflow for.
For me, the 'Small Modular Aesthetic,' the term I use for this part of my work, is a healthy change-up that I find refreshing and immediate. To use only a single simple patch for multiple pieces extends this even further by necessitating a deeper exploration to find multiple unique voices from it."
Elby Designs Serge.
Friday, April 01, 2022
Elby Designs - 1973 EuroSerge System
video upload by NOISEBUG
"The Elby Designs 1973 EuroSerge System is inspired by the early paperface era of Serge Modular, with a few new modules sprinkled in to add more functionality. The EuroSerge modules use 4mm banana jack plugs to give you an authentic Serge experience in the eurorack format. As some of you may know, patching with banana cables forces more possibilities in experimental routing and bleeding CV goodness, by allowing CV's to feedback into other modules where the banana cables are stacked into each other, creating an instrument that moves and breathes.
The Syntax Euro Bananas module adds more routing capabilities with the outside word and other banana or 3.5mm based gear. Being that the Euro Bananas modules is passive, meas you can rout CV or Audio in and out of the 1973 EuroSerge System with ease, making this system a plug and play well rounded instrument. Housed in the Doepfer A-100P6 case makes this system a portable suitcase that can be taken on gigs without any worries of damaging your system in transit.
The classic analog Serge sounds is very present in this system and begs for the user to experiment and create crazy textures, soundscapes, or even your classic analog sequenced based music, all routed out through balanced outputs, making the 1973 EuroSerge System a true studio piece.
1973 Serge Paperface Era Modules
- 1973 VCO x 2
- Ring Modulator
- 1973 VCF
- Envelope Generator
- VCA (Gate)
- Programmer / Sequencer
- Negative Slew
- Noise Source
New Additions
- Syntax Euro Bananas
- Universal Slope Generator
- Analog Shift Register
- Audio / CV Mixer
- Transient Generator
- Dual Stereo Panning Output Mixer
*Housed in a Doepfer A-100P6 with a linear PSU2
*Ships with 25 banana cables
*This system has all 4mm banana jacks for the true Serge experience*"
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Elby EuroSerge System - Sci-Fi Robot Sounds
video upload by NOISEBUG
"This feedback patch on the Elby Design Paperface Serge was made to create ever changing sci-fi robot sounds.
In the past, we offered these preconfigured 4mm banana format Elby systems. Now we have all the individual moduals availble for anyone wanting to build their own system.
The great thing about the EuroSerge format is that
You can build your own banana format system into
A preexisting eurorack case that you may have lying around."
Monday, December 13, 2021
Elby EuroSerge vs Kilpatrick Format Synthesizer
video upload by NOISEBUG
"We embrace the abstract concepts in electronic music, letting the machine speak to each other can sometimes bring great conversation. So with that said, we figured we’d let the Elby EuroSerge modules have a little conversation with the Kilpatrick Format Synthesizer, and this is what they said….
Elby EuroSerge modules -"
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Bubbly Sounds with R*S TKB
video by NOISEBUG
"Random*Source TKB sequencing the Elby Designs ASM-1."
Mattson Mini Modular to the right.
Monday, February 01, 2021
Wavolver II part 2
video by O.Z. Hall
"This video further demonstrates applying the Ian Fritz Wavolver II capabilities. The original video explained the module and its controls. This video is mostly playing vs talking.
Thanks again Ian for a great module and Laurie at for a great kit!"
Part 1 here.
Simmons SDSV w/Elby Midi
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"This one is in excellent cosmetic condition and working 100%. It has just been serviced with some restoration. As the title says, this one has Elby midi."
via this auction
"This one is in excellent cosmetic condition and working 100%. It has just been serviced with some restoration. As the title says, this one has Elby midi."
Friday, November 13, 2020
ELBY Pixie Attache EDP WASP clone with distortion + extra waveforms
via this auction
"Australian WASP clone with added distortion circuit, extra waveforms + a few other sweet tricks up her sleeves.
In my opinion this is the best rendition of the WASP synth and blows the Jasper / Behringer versions out of the water. ELBY is a legendary modular synth company who really know how to cross their T's and dot their I's. This thing has some huge bass!"
Little butler cat in one of the pics.
Wednesday, July 01, 2020
Ian Fritz/Elby Designs ChaQuO Explained by Learning Modular
Learning Modular
"This movie takes a deep dive into how the ChaQuO – a quadrature oscillator driving a “double “well” second order chaos circuit – works under the hood. I deal with the design on both a building block and actual schematic level, meaning many of the concepts and explanations can also be applied to software emulations of chaotic modulators. What we learn in the circuit-level explanation is then applied to the controls on the actual module, driving just a single synth parameter – filter cutoff – to make it easy to hear as well as see the results."
Ian Fritz/Elby Designs ChaQuO 2/2: working in multiple dimensions
"Most chaos-based modules have multiple outputs, taken at different points in their internal feedback loops. All of the outputs run at the same underlying frequency and are related in a general way, but have different waveforms present. In this movie we exploring using it to drive two and then three parameters of a 2hp Vowel vocal synthesis module, making it 'speak in tongues'…"
Learn Modular Synthesis
Friday, May 22, 2020
Modulation: Periodic vs Random vs Chaotic
Published on May 22, 2020 Learning Modular
"What are the differences between periodic modulation (i.e. a normal LFO), a random CV source, and a chaotic CV source? Some may be surprised to learn that the chaotic source is actually a cross between a random source and a normal LFO: its output can be fairly consistent for a few cycles like an LFO, but then it will create its own variations on the theme. In this introductory video I demonstrate these differences, both controlling a filter cutoff (one dimension) and the two timbre parameters of a 2hp Vowel oscillator (two dimensions).
If you would like to dive deeper, I’ve created a pair of companion posts for my Patreon supporters. The first ( goes into more detail comparing these three types of modulators, including patch and application suggestions; the second ( goes deeper into explaining chaos theory and some common characteristics of chaotic CV sources.
I am also creating videos on Ian Fritz’s ChaQuO, Chaotica, and Hypster modules that will be made available to +5v and above Patrons, as well as those enrolled in the Eurorack Expansion: Extended (Tier 3) course on"
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Elby Euro-Serge 6U System
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"Elby eurorack system using mostly Serge licensed replica modules (and a Doefper A-110-4!). All modules include banana jacks or have been slightly modified (i.e. not irreversbly; a single contact was moved on the jacks of the VCS, Chaotica, and A-110-4—connectors fit quite nice and snug) to permit banana jacks. Lightly used otherwise, most modules bought direct from Elby. Powered wooden case by Dutch Modular SynthLabs. This is a full complete system designed to exhibit the most functionally-dense, multidimensional Serge modules (which only banana jacks can really exploit—e.g. system can be programmed for the availability of seven different audio-rate VCOs) into the portable, travel-friendly 6U 2x84hp eurorack format. Also includes DIY 0V ground jack attached to power bus which allows interfacing with external equipment."
via this auction
"Elby eurorack system using mostly Serge licensed replica modules (and a Doefper A-110-4!). All modules include banana jacks or have been slightly modified (i.e. not irreversbly; a single contact was moved on the jacks of the VCS, Chaotica, and A-110-4—connectors fit quite nice and snug) to permit banana jacks. Lightly used otherwise, most modules bought direct from Elby. Powered wooden case by Dutch Modular SynthLabs. This is a full complete system designed to exhibit the most functionally-dense, multidimensional Serge modules (which only banana jacks can really exploit—e.g. system can be programmed for the availability of seven different audio-rate VCOs) into the portable, travel-friendly 6U 2x84hp eurorack format. Also includes DIY 0V ground jack attached to power bus which allows interfacing with external equipment."
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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