MATRIXSYNTH: Red Waves by Doug Lynner

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Red Waves by Doug Lynner

Serge compositions. You can find videos for this release previously posted here. Patch sheet below.

"'Red Waves' is comprised of two groups of pieces, WAD: Trio for Richard Driskell, and, 5 Solos for Simple Slopes.

Though they were recorded about two years apart and did not share the same compositional intents, both pieces share something important about them; they both intentionally use a small module compliment, a panel or less worth, and use the same patch for each of their segments.

In the case of WAD: Trio for Richard Driskell these “limitations” were used to highlight my interactions with a particular module, the Wilson Analog Delay (WAD).

In the case of 5 Solos for Simple Slopes the limitations were imposed to make the point that creativity and musicality can flourish on a small system and indeed can be enhanced by the experience, especially if you have a large system that you have established a workflow for.

For me, the 'Small Modular Aesthetic,' the term I use for this part of my work, is a healthy change-up that I find refreshing and immediate. To use only a single simple patch for multiple pieces extends this even further by necessitating a deeper exploration to find multiple unique voices from it.

For me music made in this way is raw and responsive and relates directly to the real situation for many new synthesists. I hope that Red Waves represents that.

One other thing that all of the pieces on Red Waves have in common is a video recording of each of the 8 performance. The videos of WAD: Trio for Richard Driskell have already been published and can be found on my Youtube channel. I have one of the videos for 5 Solos for Simple Slopes ready and will complete the others in the coming week. Keep an eye out for them!

released April 1, 2022"

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