Showing posts with label Ian Fritz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ian Fritz. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

first patch Synthetic Sound Labs Ian Fritz Hypster 5U Modular Synth

video upload by I like the Chaos.

"The Hypster is getting rate cv from a Dotcom q119 sequencer and is Frequency modulating an Ian Fritz Teezer VCO. It is also providing cv to a Steiner Filter also from SSL. The Filter is also getting cv from the sequencer. From the Filter the audio goes to a Musonics VCA turned up with no cv. I had that patcher for future plans that aren't in this video. Then to a Manecolabs Clusterverb for reverb and delay.
Very simple patch but sounds great.
This is the 5u version. NLC Nonlinear Circuits did a Eurorack version."

Friday, May 17, 2024

System 55 - Sequencer as Waveshaper

video upload by O.Z. Hall

"This video looks at using a sequencer, running at audio rates, as a waveshaper. Some sequencers, like the MOOG 960 have a voltage controlled oscillator for a clock. A keyboard control voltage (or another sequencer) can be used to control the clock. Other sequencers require an external VCO to clock them with a reliable pitch control."

0:00 - Intro
1:30 - The Double Deka Ultrasonic VCO
4:40 - The Q960 Sequencer from
5:57 - The KLEE Sequencer
7:44 - The Behringer 960 Sequencer
10:47 - Conclusion and closing jam

Monday, February 05, 2024

The Eternal Now

video upload by davidryle

"American Format (5U) modular synthesizer performance in real time to a stereo track in Cubase.
For an atonal wash I used the Dove Audio Waveplane and WTF vco's through an Oakley Sound Systems Ring Modulator. I then sent it through A dotcom Q150 transistor ladder filter and a Lower West Side Studio Multimode Filter/Resonator and on to a fixed filter bank and a Frequency Central Stasis Leak digital delay. This drone wash comes in at the final section and ending.
The opening reed sound and accompanying organ sounds were derived from the Synthetic Sound Labs/Mutable Instruments (Braids) Woven Spirits module.
The initial reed sound is from the AUX output of the Woven Spirits through an SSL/Ian Fritz 5 Pulser and Oakley Sound Systems State Variable Filter. The filter is stepped with a random S&H from JNP Electronics.
The secondary organ chord sound is the Main direct output of the Woven Spirits in Chord mode. The combination of both elements are sent to an Electro-Harmonix Grand Canyon in DMM mode. Feedback is applied as needed for the drone sustain throughout the piece.
The bass line comes in next with a pair of STG Soundlabs Oscillators through a Dove Audio D502 Multimode filter in -24dB LP mode. The pitch voltage is from the upper Q960 step sequencer. It's timing is from a Catgirl Synth Master Divider, clocked from a custom Dual LFO/Analog Shift Register of Ken Stone (Catgirl Synth) design. An additional tap from the STG oscillator through a Corsynth C103 Frequency Divider/Multiplier module for a sub-octave feed.
The melodic line blended into the latter section is from a pair of Q106 dotcom vco's which are pitch controlled by the lower Q960 sequencer. Each vco pitch is from a separate row of the Q960. The Q960's shift timing is from the CGS Master Divider module. The output is routed through an Empress Reverb pedal in Blue Ghost mode. Panning is from the LWSS/Yusynth Panning Mixer.
All pitch quantitization is through a Moon Modular 565 series setup.
Additional voltage modulation to the Woven Spirits module are from the STG Soundlabs voltage mini stores, and vaious LFO's etc. Timing for the additional sequencers is also managed by the Moster Divider."

Monday, August 14, 2023

The Hypster pt 4

video upload by Ian Fritz

"Demo of chaotic control of four synth patches"

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Wavolver II demo

video upload by O.Z. Hall

Click here for additional Wavolver posts by O.Z. Hall.

"The Wavolver II is a waveshaper that includes both a wave (manual) folder and a pulse waveshaper (with vertical offset and pulse width modulation ). It also includes a second pulse wave. This Eurorack module is available from Elby Designs. The circuit was designed by Ian Fritz.

I'm modulating is with a quantizer which is acting as a kind of sample and hold circuit."

Monday, February 01, 2021

Wavolver II part 2

video by O.Z. Hall

"This video further demonstrates applying the Ian Fritz Wavolver II capabilities. The original video explained the module and its controls. This video is mostly playing vs talking.
Thanks again Ian for a great module and Laurie at for a great kit!"

Part 1 here.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Arp 2600 with Wavolver II waveshaper module by Ian Fritz

video by O.Z. Hall

"This is a demo of the Ian Fritz Wavolver II waveshaper driven by the triangle output of VCO2 on the ARP 2600.
Ian Fritz has a great basic video on this module. [3rd video here from 2011]

I hope you enjoy this video!"

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Multipulses Using Skewer Plus 2-Pulser

Ian Fritz

"Demo of a tilted Saw wave driving a Double Pulse Waveform Generator"
Update: had the wrong video embedded above. Fixed.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

FM Journey

O.Z. Hall

"Original music played on ARP 2600, Dual Teezer VCO, Prophet X, MiniMoog (cameo) and on reverb: Zebra Synth Z506 Swiss Daisy DSP!"

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Apex 9


"Live recording of the modular. The challenge was to create three distinct parts to string together to make a musical journey.

The first section is centered on the Moog Subharmonicon and a few extraneous sequences controlled by a Q119 step sequencer. The 24 bars passes through 3 segments with pitch transpose and discrete pad sounds.

The second section is isolated to a Mutable Instruments Rings and Delptronics drum patch with an STG PostLawsuit LPF with an Ian Fritz DDVCO swell.

The final third segment is two STG Soundlabs voltage sequencers with four vco's sourcing pitch voltages from a David Dixon ASR and run through a digital delay.

All these parts are managed by a sequential switch ( Q962) and a Q960 step sequencer.
Other sequencers included the MI Marbles, INSTRUo harmonaig, Make Noise Pressure Points (x2), and Moon Modular 563 Trigger sequencer.

I just stood back and started the thing and then tweaked some levels. Pretty easy money for managing the robots and all..."

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Cave Giants


"A live performance with the 5U large format modular synthesizer.

Starting with an Encore Electronics frequency shifter and Yusynth Arp 4072 filter. Modulations to the frequency shifter from a Sputnik WCRS, and an Ian Fritz DDVCO in harmonic sequence mode.

The bass sequence is driven by the STG Soundlabs suite with two VMS and one TMS, a pair of EG's, a Switch module and the Time Divider. Clock timing from Cubase via dinsync to the Time Buffer. Four Q106's into a Q150 transistor ladder filter and an Oakley SVF.

The melodic sequence is a pair of Q960 sequencers to a pair of Q106's through an STG Sea Devils filter and Q107 SVF.

The percussive tick sound is a Sputnik voltage controlled slope.

Delays and reverbs include Behringer DD400's, Empress reverb, Strymon Blue Sky, Electro Harmonix Canyon, TipTop DSP with Valhalla Shimmer and Modcan 73B.'

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Ian Fritz/Elby Designs ChaQuO Explained by Learning Modular

Learning Modular

"This movie takes a deep dive into how the ChaQuO – a quadrature oscillator driving a “double “well” second order chaos circuit – works under the hood. I deal with the design on both a building block and actual schematic level, meaning many of the concepts and explanations can also be applied to software emulations of chaotic modulators. What we learn in the circuit-level explanation is then applied to the controls on the actual module, driving just a single synth parameter – filter cutoff – to make it easy to hear as well as see the results."

Ian Fritz/Elby Designs ChaQuO 2/2: working in multiple dimensions

"Most chaos-based modules have multiple outputs, taken at different points in their internal feedback loops. All of the outputs run at the same underlying frequency and are related in a general way, but have different waveforms present. In this movie we exploring using it to drive two and then three parameters of a 2hp Vowel vocal synthesis module, making it 'speak in tongues'…"

Learn Modular Synthesis

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Catgirl/CGS & Ian Fritz/Elby Systems Serge Systems

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via the following listings:

SERGE Black Swamp by Loudest Noise

SERGE Ian Fritz - DoubleDeka Ultrasonic VCO

SERGE Ian Fritz /Uglysound




SERGE Clouds/Buchla/VCO Panel

Friday, November 15, 2019

STG LFO Sync Test

Published on Nov 15, 2019 davidryle

"Suit and Tie Guy Envelope Generator in LFO A mode. This thing loops in SYNC mode with the other sync bus modules to give a wonderfully musical performance tool for rhythm and phrasing.

I used an Ian Fritz DDUVCO and Synthetic Soundlabs VCO throughan Ian Fritz 5 Pulser for the sound sources. An STG Soundlabs Post Lawsuit Filter was used on the SSL vco and a Q150 ladder filter was used for the DDUVCO part.

A pair of Lexicon dual delays (MX200) added some tape delay DSP effects to the final signal.

The entire STG Soundlabs module suite can be bought from Check it out!"

Saturday, July 27, 2019


Published on Jul 27, 2019 davidryle

"Another adventure with the Arturia MicrFreak, Empress Reverb and Strymon Blue Sky.
The opening sequences are from the MicroFreak. The bass is a pair of Q106 vco's through a Q107 filter. Sequenced by the Q119 step sequencer.
Clocking from the MicroFreak. Clock dividers included 4MS OCD and RCD.
Percussion by Korg Volca Drum.
I noodled around with the System 8 and faded out with a pair of vco's (Harvestman Piston Honda and Ian Fritz DDVCO) sequenced by MI Marbles. Digital delays provided by Modcan and Behringer.
Thanks for listening!"

Monday, April 22, 2019

1980 K. Dulay Vintage Modular Synth - Vocoder Synthesizer Panels

via this auction

"These were obtained as part of an estate sale, not much info on them online so pretty rare! They will need attention to repair or service as part of an extended modular set up."

If anyone knows more about these, let us know!. You can see vocoder Substitute-b K. DULAY 1980 printed on one board, and Mixer D K.DULAY vocoder on another.

Update via Underhill in the comments: "Found this in an old electronotes article, #EN 107 16 Filter Bank Design (Ian Fritz).

'PC BOARDS, rFC_: Send artwork for low cost PC boards; PC boards available for Jan Hall's
vocoder, 4, 8, or 16 channel, ENS-76 VCF Option 1 - $6 = E3 each, ENS-76 VCO Option 1 -
$6 * E3 each (using two TL074). Also, European electronic music records and progressive
music records, electronic music circuits from English electronic magazines available.
K. Dulay, 5, Llewellyn Rd., Leamington Spa, Warwicks,CV31 2BJ, England (UK)'

So some chap named Jan Hall designed a vocoder, and them some other chap, K. Dulay made PCB's for it."

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Double-Pulse Waveform Generator by Ian Fritz

Published on Mar 20, 2019 Ian Fritz

"A synthesizer waveshaper with two pulses rather than the usual single one."

The Double-Pulse Waveform Generator schematic was featured here back in 2009.

Sunday, April 08, 2018

Ian Fritz Teezer Demos

Published on Apr 8, 2018 Ian Fritz

"Showing more clips using the Teezer thru-zero FM VCO module."

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Hypster Demos by Ian Fritz

Published on Jan 20, 2018 Ian Fritz

"The Hypster hyperchaos generator in each of four modes, controlling various patches with slow modulation of Gain parameter."

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Ian Fritz Bistromath and Livewire Audio Frequency Generator - Krautrock

Published on Sep 7, 2017 isvisible / isinvisible

Bass - PDO
Fuzzy tones etc - AFG (modulated by Bistromath)
Noise bursts - A-118
Bass drum - Orgone Accumulator
Snare drum - D-333

The Bistromath combines the Ian Fritz designed Threeler VCF, the ChaQuo and the Jerkster, and is an absolute beast.

For more music of the mainly finished variety: [melodic] [not as melodic] [a mixture of both]

Other things: [my website]"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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