Showing posts with label David Dixon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Dixon. Show all posts

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Apex 9


"Live recording of the modular. The challenge was to create three distinct parts to string together to make a musical journey.

The first section is centered on the Moog Subharmonicon and a few extraneous sequences controlled by a Q119 step sequencer. The 24 bars passes through 3 segments with pitch transpose and discrete pad sounds.

The second section is isolated to a Mutable Instruments Rings and Delptronics drum patch with an STG PostLawsuit LPF with an Ian Fritz DDVCO swell.

The final third segment is two STG Soundlabs voltage sequencers with four vco's sourcing pitch voltages from a David Dixon ASR and run through a digital delay.

All these parts are managed by a sequential switch ( Q962) and a Q960 step sequencer.
Other sequencers included the MI Marbles, INSTRUo harmonaig, Make Noise Pressure Points (x2), and Moon Modular 563 Trigger sequencer.

I just stood back and started the thing and then tweaked some levels. Pretty easy money for managing the robots and all..."

Friday, March 09, 2018

Doc Sketchy DIY Videos

Published on Mar 9, 2018 docsketchy

This one in via John L Rice.

Doctor Sketchy is David G. Dixon, who designed a few Intellijel modules. Check out the David Dixon label for some of his previous creations.


1. Doc Sketchy ASR Demo
Here's a little video of my ASR module. This is my improved version of the CGS (Cat Girl Synth) ASR from Ken Stone. I have added some extra useful features, such as Shift/Bypass switches and a Load/Loop switch, which is pretty fun to use. I've also added an input attenuator, which to me is crucial. I put a new PCB that I had just stuffed for a customer into my existing panel to test. I found that it was really drifty (like, portamento drifty) -- the culprit: a dodgy LF444 opamp used for the S&H buffers. I bought some LF444s at a local shop (originally sourced from Digikey) and they are all crap (either defective or counterfeit) -- I had forgotten. Anyway, I replaced it with a TL064, and there is no drift at all. I'm also using 100n film caps, so those are large enough to avoid obvious drift if the input bias current of the opamps is reasonably low.

2. Doc Sketchy Dual Interpolating Scanner Demo
Here is the dual scanner, all put together and ready to send to its lucky buyer. I'm feeding it with the outputs of 4 VCOs, with two up-octave outputs into inputs 5 and 6, all tuned to a chord. Here I'm mostly playing with the switch that selects either two independent 4-channel scanners or one 8-channel scanner. It all works perfectly -- I just wish those little pots were a bit further apart. As usual, boards, bare or stuffed, and complete modules are available. Just ask (preferably on Muffwiggler).

3. Doc Sketchy Interpolating Scanner Demo
Here is the second demo of my new interpolating scanner circuit, with the improvements suggested by the Muff Wiggler beta testing team. I'd still like to figure out how to get the CV to maintain a constant range as the Width pot is adjusted, but I haven't so far. In any case, the Fader and Width pots are doing exactly what I want them to do.

Monday, December 29, 2014

My Feet Are My Compass

Published on Dec 29, 2014 FogMonument

"This case is an amalgam of sources. Prefabbed PCB/DIY builds are Fonik/TH 4046 & Dave Dixon (Dixie/Rubiconesque) VCOs, Magic Smoke Mankato VCF, CLee 8 channel quantizer, MFOS VC Delay, FC Waverunner LFO. The rest I perfboarded or etched which are MFOS Voltage Distributor, CGS Gated Comparator, Midivox MIDI to CV, Dave Brown Mixer/Reverb, Fritz AD/AR, and MFOS VCA."

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Buoyant Blue

Published on May 28, 2013 davidryle·112 videos

"A demo of a new Dave Dixon Analog Shift Register module.

This is a real time recorded session using the modular synthesizer. The ASR module is lacking a finished front panel but it is on order. I used a scratch 2U panel from an earlier MFOS Quad Voltage Quantizer build to house the panel parts & PCB. The build went well right off. There is a bit of drift in the looping function but I didn't use it here on this video. Most likely a component change would help with that.

Rather than a straight demo video, I decided to try to use the ASR in a more musical way to demonstrate one of the benefits of having it in the modular synth. The Dave Dixon design is very stable which is a nice compliment to the dual CGS ASR in my setup.

I am using a Q960 sequencer as master clock and pitch sequence duties for the main 7 step line as well as the second and third row as the 14 step counter-melodic line. The main output is the bass line and the other three voices are the ASR lines which build in the beginning to a chord structure in C Aug7. The counter melody is in C Maj. All pitch cv's were processed with a trio of Q171's and Q172 quantizers from

Other sequences are Q119 and STG VMS for a very faint discord line as well as a rapid arpeggio which come & go at the end.

I tapped into the last gate out of the main line on the Q960 to trigger a slew-down pitched tone for the beginning note. An Yves Usson (build by STG Soundlabs) gate delay was used along with a Q961 Interface for gate timing on this crucial event.

A Synthetic Sound Labs Touch Tempo LFO is employed to create a faster timing for the dissonant line and the arpeggio. The Moon Modular 554 and 563 provide gate timings for these.

Inspired by the sound of the ASR controlled vco's, I was trying for a pleasant, ambient Eno-esque feeling to this piece."

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Modular Synth Patch 5 : Chaotic Downtempo Dubstep

Published on Jan 11, 2013 broembach·19 videos

"Chaotic Downtempo Dubstep Jam on modular synthesizer and Thingamagoop2. for free music Thingamagoop2 RGB intro, PistonHonda for rhythmic digital noise, Cylonix is sequenced by Turing Machine, Bass is A-110 into A-120, Tiptop Audio 808 modules on drums, Modcan Triple Osc into Korgasmatron makes the chord."

via Benjamin Roembach-Clark on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Maschine Meets Modular - A Lo-Fi Hip Hop Instrumental

Published on Jan 8, 2013 chisel316·44 videos

"Maschine Meets Modular in this grimey, lo-fi hip hop instrumental featuring the Intellijel Korgasmatron analog multi-mode filter. The faux-sample is the sound of the frequency modulated Korgasmatron self-oscillating low pass filter. No oscillators were used. The bass and drums are Maschine. Hope you enjoy it!

Peace \/

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Modular Synth Patch 4

Published on Jan 6, 2013 broembach·18 videos

"TripHop style jam on modular synth. Cyclebox into Korgasmatron for bass, Modcan Triple VCO into Borg for Chords, and A-110 into A-120 for the FM Bells. TipTop 808 modules for drums"

Friday, November 30, 2012

Schemalagda aktiviteter

Published on Nov 30, 2012 by maertsemil

MakeNoise, Maths,WMD, GeigerCounter, MFB, OSC-02, Intellijel, Korgasmatron, Doepfer, A199, SpringReverb, Modular, Cylonix, Cyclebox, Modular, FM, Synthesis

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Korgasmatron III Dual Filter

flickr By sduck409

"Here's another version of the Korgasmatron III dual filter, design and pcbs by David Dixon. Note the modcan knobs."

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Intellijel Planar Demo

Published on Oct 20, 2012 by EROEI

"A song I was working on while experimenting with a pair of Intellijel Planar modules. The complex timbre percussion sounds are the patch you see. It is made of two Planar. One is used as a vector mixer while the other is a CV source. Audio is Rubicon, two Dixie2, uFold, Korgasmatron and several uVCA. Dr. Octature provides modulation. An all Intellijel patch! FX is from an H7600,sequenced via Maschine and Ableton Live."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dub Birds [New Synth Tech E440 Teaser Video]

YouTube Published on Jul 18, 2012 by JohnLRice

"This is a second "teaser" video of the new Synth Tech E440 voltage controlled low pass filter. I was experimenting with mixing the E440's three different outputs and trying different modulation sources on it and ended up using them all at once. Here's the basics of the patch:
Modcan Touch-Sequencer to 8NU8R to 1vOct input
E355 LFO 1 to FM1
E355 LFO 2 to FM2
Modcan Touch-Sequencer to E355 1v/Oct
Dixie Sine to E355 FM
Noisering to 8NU8R to VC RES
Modcan Touch-Sequencer to E350 to Audio In
4P to Unify channel 1 panned center
3P to Unify channel 2 panned left
2P to Unify channel 3 panned right

As always, thanks for watching! Hang in there, an actual demo for the E440 is coming soon . . ."

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Korgasmatron III Dual VCF

flickr By sduck409

"This is my build of the Korgasmatron III Dual VCF, designed by David Dixon who kindly provided my with hand-etched PCBs. It is an emulation of the Korg MS-20 filter set, with some added features."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Korgasmatron II demo

YouTube Published on May 15, 2012 by sduck409

"This is a basic demo of some of the things my DIY version of the Korgasmatron II VCF will do. Design of this circuit is by David Dixon, who kindly provided me with the pcb's to make this. What you're hearing is a (boring) sequence created by a Klee sequencer, driving 3 Synthesis Technology MOTM 300 VCO's into a MOTM 830 mixer into a MOTM 190 VCA. Recorded in real time, no effects, audio straight to computer. I don't explain all the knobs and normalizations and such - sorry."

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

David Dixon Korgasmatron

flickr By sduck409

"This is my version of the Korgasmatron Dual VCF. This is a Korg MS20 style filter based on the 2164 chip, designed by David Dixon who very generously supplied me with hand etched pcbs. This is very similar to the Intellijel Corgasmatron filter, but without the cross fader and with several other differences."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

PS-3100 Resonator & KORG VCF Modules

via anonymous

"PS-3100 resonator from Fonik And dual Korg VCF from David Dixon"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fun with the ASR

YouTube Uploaded by sduck409 on Mar 13, 2011

"Demo video of my Analog Shift Register. This is a DIY module built with a pcb designed by David Dixon.

The sequence in the middle was "borrowed" from Synthiefrau ("Hello lovely synthesizer folks!"), although it ended up getting changed a bit."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dixon Analog Shift Register

flickr By sduck409
(click for more)
"David Dixon designed a very nice fully featured implementation of an Analog Shift Register, based on the one by Ken Stone of Cat Girl Synth. He was kind enough to etch a pair of pcbs for me, and this is one of them."

Monday, August 30, 2010

The new 2164 Korgasmatron Dual VCF

via Dr. Sketch-n-Etch on Muff's

"I wanted to show off my new MS-20 filter clone. Like the MOTM 420, the Frostwave Resonator, and several others, this filter is based on the later version of the MS-20 filter. However, unlike all the other clones, this one is not a direct (or indirect) copy of the LM13600 OTAs-and-buffers topology of the original. Instead, it is based on the SSM2164 quad VCA chip, and realizes the same transfer function with a VCAs-and-integrators topology. The exponential CV response of the 2164 VCAs obviates the need for exponential converter circuitry. Also, unlike the LM13600-based designs, this filter does not add dc offsets to the signal, and therefore does not require AC coupling capacitors in the signal path.

I've also added a new feature: adjustable limiting voltages in the resonance feedback loops. One problem with the original design (and the clones, I think) is that the resonance amplitude is limited to only 1.8V, and as a result the input signal attenuator has to be set pretty low in order to hear any resonance at all in lowpass mode. My new amplitude control eliminates this problem, and now robust resonance can be obtained without sacrificing signal strength.

Finally, the PCB contains two complete MS-20 style filter circuits, each with all the same features of other popular clones, but with a few additional features as well, including both unipolar and bipolar CV controls, separate three-channel mixer output with optional level control, and optional fine tuning.

A picture of my 4U prototype panel is shown below. This is just one of many panel possibilities, and even this one is missing some of the features available on the PCB for lack of space.

I've also attached some sound clips for your listening pleasure. I'm not much of a production engineer, and all I've got is a little Behringer mixer with no effects and an obsolete version of Cakewalk, so apologies in advance for the crappy sound quality. The last one is my shameless attempt to reproduce the second soundclip on the MOTM 420 webpage with a single filter (the one on the right, if you're curious). This was recorded as a .wav but converted later to an .mp3, so the sound isn't so good, but hopefully the character of the filter still comes through. The other three make use of a triple LFO and my recently redesigned version of Ken Stone's CGS analog shift register, and show some of the formant effects one can achieve with the two Korgasmatron filters in series. However, these only scratch the surface of what this beasty is capable of.

Let me know if you're interested in a handmade PCB."

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