Showing posts with label EDP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDP. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Best Ambient Synth Shootout #144: Behringer WASP Deluxe - Song 1

video upload by Christian's Sonic Spaces

"This is the first, quite relaxing recording with the Behringer WASP Deluxe. It is a gnarly, little monophonic synthesizer with two digital oscillators, an analog filter switchable between LPF, HPF, notch and bandpass filters, an LFO with 6 waveforms, including random and noise, and two envelope generators with repeat function.

I used for the recording the following FX pedals: Gamechanger Audio AUTO Chorus, Pigtronix Echolution 2 Deluxe, GFI System Specular Reverb 2.

The signal went through a Presonus StudioLive 16.0.2 into the PC via USB for recording. To create the complete song I recorded consecutively several stereo tracks. On some tracks Compressor and EQ where added in Cubase. The final song was then mastered using iZotope Ozone."

Friday, February 07, 2025

Jasper EDP Wasp Clone in Custom Wood Case

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Sunday, December 08, 2024

EDP Wasp 25-Key Analog Synthesizer

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video upload by いーえるP@TinySymphony

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"Here we have an EDP (Electronic Dream Plant) WASP synthesizer. Conceived and born in UK (circa 1978). Totally original. Fully working and serviced. Ignore the imitations/remakes. This is the real deal.

Photos shown are PRE-SERVICE. KKGB have ordered a complete new set of knobs. These will be fitted after a thorough service has been done. Suffice to say, that the synth has been checked already and all functions are robust. There are some scratchy pots/swiches at the moment; that is to be expected. They will be dealt with......The WASP has been little used (only one owner from new). The plastic casing is intact. The external 'wall war'" works well. Available to ship world-wide in 5 days.

See attached video [above] to show how good this little gem is, as a twin-oscillator analogue synth. There is sample & hold....noise......glide.....and much more......."

Sunday, November 24, 2024

PWM Mantis // It's not a synth.. it's a time machine // Review and Demo

video upload by Starsky Carr

"PWM's Mantis has done it again, given us a very unique and characterful synth full of vibe. Its a mono/duo/quad hybrid, with digital oscillators (16 in total), 2 analog filters and a whole host of really interesting bits and pieces.

Following in the Malevolent's footsteps it continues PWMs affordable ethos, while hammering home a tonne of vintage tones. Thenraw sound of this is gorgeous and they've not smoothed the rough edges too much which gives us some Microwave, Prophet VS, PPG digital sheen."

0:00 Great Scott! Its a time machine
6:59 4 Oscillators per Voice
9:25 Oscillator Shaping
11:04 Let's Hoover
13:03 Pulse, Shepard Tone & Wavetable
15:04 Noise & Crackle
17:50 Reverb & Chorus
22:55 Ring Mod
24:12 Filters
30:10 More About Drive
32:14 Modulation (9 LFOS!)
34:39 Envelopes
39:14 What's Missing
41:21 About Its Looks
43:12 Some of My Patches

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Michigan Synth Works Spydur Sequencer

video upload by Michigan Synth Works

"Spydur sequencer with Japser wasp clone, quick run down of the recording and transpose functions"

Saturday, November 02, 2024

EDP Wasp with Kenton Pro KADI Mk II

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"Wasp synth with Kenton Pro Kadi Mkll midi trigger unit. Stone-cold classic mono synth with fabulously dirty bottom end if required. Comes with a trigger unit which allows it to receive such MIDI as it can handle (note on/off, volume?)

VEMIA note: Some minor wear to the keyboard, and a few flecks of white (paint?) on the back, but otherwise this looks in great condition - the notoriously fragile casing looks very solid, all knobs present & correct."

Sunday, October 20, 2024

PWM Mantis Quick Look

video upload by Starsky Carr

"WASP - OSCAR - MANTIS. From original thoughts of Chris Huggett, PWM and he worked together on his final designs before his untimely death. PWM have realised his vision plus some extras like the ability to play 4 voices (quad paraphonic) on what was originally a duophonic idea. ... I think!

The PWM Mantis is a unique synth .. a bit like a vintage synth being brought to the market in the 21st century. I say almost like a vintage because it does have all the modern features you'd expect."

Friday, September 27, 2024

EDP Gnat Special - SERVICED - Analog Synthesizer (+ Swan Flightcase)

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"Gnat Special made by Wasp Synthesizers Oxford who acquired the license from EDP.

Recently tested and serviced by Simon Flinn in London."

Monday, July 22, 2024

Frequency Central feat. Gnatophilidae Oxfordii, EDP Gnat style VCF with LP, BP, HP, Notch responses

video upload by Frequency Central

"If EDP had produced Eurorack modules, they would have been quirky, garish and killer. This is my homage. An expanded Gnat VCF with Lowpass, Bandpass, Highpass and Notch Reject responses as well as Drive and Clip options. The LFO is based on the ‘Enhance LFO’ from the Gnat, again its been expanded with multiple waveshape options. Yes, at 20HP it is twice as wide as it needs to be – you do you.

In September 2023 I was lucky enough to acquire an EDP Gnat synthesiser after questing for one for many years. I’m already the owner of an EDP Wasp, and had always wondered about the Gnat, which is a smaller version of the Wasp in many ways, but with a character all of it’s own. After decades lying unloved in an attic for decades, my Gnat required a little love to get it in full working order, so I set to work on it, after looking up the schematic. The Gnat came to life, and we fell deeply in love with each other.

There have been a few remakes of the Wasp VCF, but never one of the Gnat to my knowledge, so with an original on hand I set out to remedy this sorry situation. The original is strictly lowpass, but it’s easy enough to add bandpass, highpass and notch reject – so that’s what I did. The Gnat VCF uses 3 gates from a CD4049, leaving 3 unused gates, so I used them to create an LFO based on the enhance LFO of the Gnat, which was used exclusively for a fixed rate PWM of the Gnat’s DCO. The LFO is expanded to offer multiple waveforms via it’s SHAPE control as well as it’s two outputs – saw/tri/ramp and pulse/square.

The Gnat was 9V battery powered, to get close to this in Eurorack I’ve given Gnatophilidae Oxfordii it’s own onboard +/-5V power rails. This helps keep it’s character close to the original. Gnatophildae Oxfordii is big and garish, a little whacky and a little leftfield. That’s it’s joy.

DRIVE: The two audio inputs pass through the DRIVE knob before hitting the filter itself. Higher levels of drive will clip the input waveforms to the filter, as well as reducing the available resonance.

CLIP: There’s a little circuit post-filter which will simultaneously amplify and clip the filtered signal.

The combination of pre-filter DRIVE and post-filter CLIP can get you into some pretty gnarly territory! Yes, at 20HP it is twice as wide as it needs to be – you do you."

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Review: PWM Mantis // Here's what makes it special // Pros, cons and tutorial

video upload by loopop

"Get access to Mantis multi-sampled instruments and my exclusive In-Complete Book of Electronic Music Ideas, Tips and Tricks, on my Patreon: ►

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


video upload by Synth Tailor Electronics

"Electronic Dream Plant WASP synthesizer demo for Matt. This WASP was repaired and the ELBY MIDI kit was installed by Synth Tailor Electronics.

All sounds made by the WASP (excluding the percussion made by the Sequential Circuits DRUMTRAKS drum machine + Arturia Keystep Pro controlled sequences via MIDI)

The EDP WASP is a hybrid digital VCO and analogue VCF synthesizer designed by Chris Huggett. the Wasp was released in 1978. Such an interesting little synth, that has a very unique sound. The keybed is a touch sensitive two octave keyboard, that works by sensing skin capacitance, so playing with gloves on is out of the question. The midi kit is a must to install in these units to be able to use in a modern setup."

Sunday, February 11, 2024

EDP Wasp with Midi - Super Condition

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"Manufactured originally in the UK, it is now increasingly rare to find one in this kind of condition.

Serviced and Midi professionally installed.

The synth is fully functional - keyboard works correctly, all pots and switches are smooth and free of noise.

Cosmetic condition is outstanding, with only minor marks and blemishes. Its as clean as it looks in the photographs.

Comes with the original manual. Included is a separate power supply for the synth."

Thursday, February 08, 2024

Behringer Wasp Vintage Patches: Bass, Lead, Pluck Sound Demo

video upload by Anton Anru

"Behringer Wasp Deluxe «Analog Classics» is a collection of 50 presets: 16 Leads, 16 Basses, 18 Plucks.
It includes famous sounds that are found in many electronic tracks, from vintage to modern, musical solo timbres; retro basses that will fit into any track or performance. The patches will add uniqueness to your music, featuring the characteristic sound introduced by the Behringer Wasp Deluxe.

Plucks are excellent for use with arpeggiators or sequencers. In most examples of this category, I utilize an arpeggiator. Wasp Deluxe doesn’t have a built in arp/seq, but you may integrate your preferred arpeggiators or sequencers from your DAW or MIDI controller.

📚 Get the soundset:

The presets are suitable for a variety of genres, including: ambient, electronica, IDM, deep, techno, house, progressive, trance, lounge, downtempo, funk, jazz, pop, chill out, new age, cinematic, breaks, jungle, drum and bass, dub and others.

The soundset is presented in the form of PDF-Document. Each page contains notes that explain how the patch works, what parameters are worth tweaking during playback, and how to develop the timbre during a performance.

There are audio examples of all patches inside the folder with the soundset."

Friday, January 26, 2024

#NAMM 2024: PWM Malevolent and Mantis

video upload by CatSynth TV

"Paul Whittington of PWM walks us through the wild sounds of the PWM Malevolent, a fully analog semi-modular synthesizer with a screaming filter, and the new Mantis, a hybrid analog duophonic synthesizer with digital oscillators and fully analog signal path downstream that takes inspiration from the legendary WASP synthesizer.

To find out more about both instruments, please visit"

Saturday, November 04, 2023

1978 Electronic Dream Plant WASP

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Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The spider and the wasp and the 606

video upload by Michigan Synth Works

"Spider sequencing Wasp through Hypnosis clocked by trigger out of 606"

Sunday, September 10, 2023

EDP Wasp

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"Very hard to come by these days. Not getting easier. Only one listed in the USA that I’m aware of. Works like a charm still but for a slightly muffled speaker but let’s face it nobody is using that and instead going line out to an interface and recoding/adding FX. Simply a stunningly awesome vintage analog sound that a repro can‘t come close to nailing."

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Happy 808 day 2023

video upload by Peter Maas

"Quick jam on the Roland TR-808 (and EDP WASP) to celebrate our anual 808 day"

See the 808 Day label below for more.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Michigan Synth Works Gnot

video upload by Michigan Synth Works

"Quick overview of the sounds and controls of the upcoming Gnot DIY kit"

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Jasper Synth EDP Wasp Clone in Yellow 3D Printed Case

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"This exceptional instrument comes complete with essential features such as a grounding strap for optimal keyboard functionality, extra 4006 chips (discontinued), and a reliable power supply. The 3D case, printed using hatchbox brand yellow PETG with designs from tillerphoto.

Stay true to the iconic EDP Wasp sound with the Jasper synth, as its only modifications are the addition of MIDI functionality, enhancing its versatility."


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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