MATRIXSYNTH: Concert Co. "The Affair" vintage analog synth

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Concert Co. "The Affair" vintage analog synth

via this auction
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"Strange and unusual synth made by "The Concert Co." called "The Affair," Model 8000. Not even listed in the Peter Forrest book. And, no information I could find at least on the www. It is a cross between a synth and a flute synthesizer. It has separate RCA outputs on the back for both plus a switch to shift the flute to main or main to flute (as they are slightly unconventional I will include two 1/4" to RCA cables). It is polyphonic for at least up to five notes. Caveats: there are several light scratches on the wood as depicted and other light scratching top bottom front rear sides - the biggest scratch is on the front lip right above middle C. The keys and sliders are sticky. I have included pictures of all of the tabs and sliders. Some of the controls do not appear to work, at least, I was unable to figure out the correct combination of switches to depress combined with sliders to adjust. From left to right: the electric bass preset voice is intermittent above the lowest octave (perhaps it was meant to work this way); the electric piano does not appear to work; the vibraharp works; the harpsichord works. I do not know the "quadratouch" tabs work but they did not appear to have any effect on the sound. I do not know how the "attacks/sustains" tabs work but they did not appear to have any effect on the sound. Both flute voices (open and stopped), and all of the "main voices" (vox brass reed and strings) work. The flute voice is particularly nice and from the design (separate output, etc.) it seems this was one of the main purposes of the synth. All of the "effects" tabs work, the "alteration" and "reiteration" tabs appear to do the same thing, which is to add a slider-adjustable hard vibrato - sounds pretty psychedelic, like something early King Crimson would use circa its "Lizards" album. The "synthesis" tab works and appears to combine an additive voice with one of the other voices when activated. There may be other issues I have been unable to discern, so regretfully sold with these caveats and "as is." If you know how to fix this stuff you could end up with a fine, unusual instrument."

1 comment:

  1. I have a chance to purchase one of these .. The unit available is possibly a pre-production model ..Anyone have any ideas as to what it might be worth??


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