MATRIXSYNTH: SunVox: DrumSynth & waveform drawing in Generator - SunVox 1.6.4 Released

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

SunVox: DrumSynth & waveform drawing in Generator - SunVox 1.6.4 Released

YouTube Uploaded by NightRadio2007 on Aug 3, 2011

"Built-in module with 120 unique synthetic drum sounds.

SunVox official page:"

SunVox - Alexander Zolotov
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SunVox: waveform drawing in Generator

Uploaded by NightRadio2007 on Aug 3, 2011

SunVox 1.6.4 was Released Today

"What's New in Version 1.6.4

* new module: Side Chain Compressor;
* new module: DrumSynth with 120 unique synthetic drum sounds;
* new module: Amplifier;
* added multitrack WAV export;
* double click on the empty area of Sound Net -> Create a new module;
* double click on some pattern of Timeline -> Open a window with pattern properties;
* maximum BPM increased to 800;
* interactive waveform drawing added to Generator (only for type 4 (dirty));
* added new simple examples: compressor, drumsynth1-4;
* added new examples: chain reaction;
* iOS: added stereo mode to Input module;
* iOS: added Online Help (in the Main Menu);
* many bugs fixed."

SunVox - Alexander Zolotov
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