A sneak preview… from IanniX on Vimeo.
"A sneak preview of the new version of IanniX…
IanniX is a graphical open-source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art. IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment.
Un petit aperçu de la nouvelle version de IanniX…
IanniX est un séquenceur graphique open-source, inspiré des travaux de Iannis Xenakis, destiné à la création numérique. IanniX synchronise via Open Sound Control (OSC) des événements et courbes vers votre environnement temps-réel.
Project manager : Thierry Coduys (thierry@iannix.org)
Development : Guillaume Jacquemin (guillaume@iannix.org)
Web & identity : Matthieu Ranc (matthieu@iannix.org)"
Controlling audio from IanniX on Vimeo.
"IanniX is controlling a MaxMSP patch (provided in IanniX package). Each cursor controls an oscillator (with a triangular waveform) and triggers fire diracs pulses. You can also see the spectrogram of the generated sound."Retroactive control from IanniX on Vimeo.
"IanniX is controlling itself thanks to loopback messages. Each cursor-trigger couple restarts its neighbor couple progression. The sound is generated by Ableton Live through MIDI protocol (plucked harp + multi-band compressor)."Arduino control from IanniX on Vimeo.
"IanniX is controlling an Arduino card. It sends frequency and duration information through serial port and the card generates the desired sound."Controlling video from IanniX on Vimeo.
"IanniX is controlling a Jitter patch through OSC protocol. It fires visuals effects and modulates effects parameters."
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