MATRIXSYNTH: Sketch Synth 3D for iPad Now Available

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sketch Synth 3D for iPad Now Available

video previously posted here
"Sketch Synth 3D gives you a completely new way of turning short sketches into sound loops. To draw sounds in 3D you can use a touchpad, accelerometers and automated envelopes. This gives you maximum control over the shapes that your sounds take on. Standard XY Pads can give you some extra control over parameters; but Sketch Synth 3D lets you add in that third dimension that can really let you smooth out and add shape to a sound.

You can either use Sketch Synth's sound engine to apply effects to samples (including wav files of your own as of the next release: version 1.0.1), or you can use it to output OSC or Midi to your existing synths.

Sketch Synth can take input from a variety of devices using it's OSC input, one Sketch Synth running on an iPad can control another Sketch Synth running on you main computer."

Sketch Synth 3D - Shape of Sound Limited
iPads on eBay

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