Friday, January 27, 2012


Just thought I'd consolidate everything into one post. First is the flickr set of pics I took (288 in total) in the order taken, followed by the videos in the order taken. Links to the individual posts at the bottom.

NAMM 2012 Video of Leon Dewan and the Hymnotron - Big City Music Booth
NAMM 2012: Leon Dewan Plays the Dewanatron Hymnotron

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 26, 2012

NAMM 2012: Leon Dewan Goes Over the Dewanatron Hymnotron

Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 26, 2012

Pics posted here: NAMM 2012: Big City Music Booth Pics

NAMM 2012 Video of Gert and the Moon Modular System

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 26, 2012

Pics here: NAMM 2012: Noisebug Booth Pics Featuring Moon Modular & Vermona

NAMM 2012 Video of Mike Martin & the Casio XW-P1
Don't miss the second video below. The first is the general overview and the second is deeper editing of the synth engine parameters. This is a full blown editable synth. The full list of parameters are not yet available but you will see some of them in the second video. What's impressive is it's essentially a six oscillator synth that you can layer with built in arpeggiator, step sequencer and effects. The interface is pretty nice. You use the sliders to set oscillator levels, step parameters and more. It also supports MIDI CC and sysex. The plan on creating a PC editor, but no plans for an iPad editor at this point. Of course ou should be able to create your own. Mike mentions CZ waveforms in the first video. I believe these are PCM samples of the waveforms as the XW-P1 does not support Phase Distortion synthesis. What's interesting is you'll see a section of the synth engines is under a PCM label while the Synth, Hex and and Drawbar Organ are not. I'm guessing it's meant to point out the type of sounds you expect vs. the engine itself. It's my understanding it's all PCM. It does sound good, extremely good for the price actually. The GW-P1 exchanges the Hex layer for a sampling engine. You can sample your own sounds.

One thing that throws me off after watching these again is at 2:35 of the first video you will see him adjust the filter cutoff while holding down a chord and he mentions it, however at 3:51 in the second video he mentions the filter does not work in real time for hex sounds. Not sure what the difference is. I might have missed it as I'm post editing mode. If you know feel fee to comment. Both of these videos are worth watching in full.

NAMM 2012: Casio's Mike Martin - Overview of the Casio XW-P1

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 26, 2012

NAMM 2012: Casio's Mike Martin - Deeper Editing on the Casio XW-P1

Pics here: NAMM 2012: Casio Booth Pics with the New XW-P1 & XW-GW1 Synthesizers
The original teaser post here: NAMM: Our First NAMM Teaser of the Year Comes from Casio

NAMM 2012 Video - Paul Schreiber Synthesis Technology Morphing Terrarium

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 26, 2012

Pics: NAMM 2012: Analogue Haven Booth Pics

NAMM 2012 Video of Gordon White & Audible Disease

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 26, 2012

This one is for the noise lovers.

Pics here: NAMM 2012: Analogue Haven Booth Pics

NAMM 2012 Video of Gur of Tiptop Audio & the PVCO & 808 Drum Modules

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 26, 2012

Eight voice poly VCO eurorack module with detunable oscillators. Listen closely. There will be additional poly modules coming for filter, VCA, poly MIDI to CV, etc. This will be a eurorack polyphonic system. The VCOs are based on the Z3000 but with some extra features according to Gur. This was probably the highlight for me at NAMM this year. I was telling Gur how most people that haven't jumped on the modular band wagon yet are mainly reluctant due to the cost of entry. It can be difficult to put the money into a case and base monophonic system when that money can go towards other gear, including poly synths just as flexible. This module along with the others will be a way to justify the cost of entry for many. Instead of buying a polyphonic mainstream synth you can buy this and expand from there. The money you spend here will get you a polyphonic modular synth without the hassle of having to patch up individual systems. This is groundbreaking. It sounded amazing.

Pics here: NAMM 2012: Analogue Haven Booth Pics

NAMM: Dan Snazzelle of Snazzy FX - Ardcore Programmable Eurorack Modules

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 27, 2012

Pics here: NAMM 2012: Analogue Haven Booth Pics

NAMM 2012: Big City Music Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: Waldorf Music Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: M-Audio Venom Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: Teenage Engineering Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: Radikal Technologies Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: Schmidt Analog Synthesizer Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: Buchla Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: Cynthia & Dr. Herbert Kuhnert of Cyndustries
NAMM 2012: Access Music Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: Casio Booth Pics with the New XW-P1 & XW-GW1 Synthesizers
NAMM 2012: Noisebug Booth Pics Featuring Moon Modular & Vermona
NAMM 2012: Arturia MiniBrute Pics
NAMM 2012: Analogue Haven Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: Mode Machines & Livid Instruments Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: KDJ-One Pics
NAMM 2012: John Bowen Synth Design Solaris Booth Pics
NAMM 2012: DSI Booth: Don Buchla, Roger Linn, Tom Oberheim & Dave Smith
NAMM 2012: Moog Booth Pics

NAMM 2012 Video of Leon Dewan and the Hymnotron - Big City Music Booth
NAMM 2012 Video of Gert and the Moon Modular System
NAMM 2012 Video of Mike Martin & the Casio XW-P1
NAMM 2012 Video - Paul Schreiber Synthesis Technology Morphing Terrarium
NAMM 2012 Video of Gordon White & Audible Disease
NAMM 2012 Video of Gur of Tiptop Audio & the PVCO & 808 Drum Modules
NAMM: Dan Snazzelle of Snazzy FX - Ardcore Programmable Eurorack Modules

Remember you can click on the NAMM label for all NAMM posts including content from others, and you can click on the manufacturer labels for all posts for a given manufacturer.

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