MATRIXSYNTH: NAMM 2012 Video - Gur of Tiptop Audio & the PVCO & 808 Drum Modules

Friday, January 27, 2012

NAMM 2012 Video - Gur of Tiptop Audio & the PVCO & 808 Drum Modules

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 26, 2012

Eight voice poly VCO eurorack module with detunable oscillators. Listen closely. There will be additional poly modules coming for filter, VCA, poly MIDI to CV, etc. This will be a eurorack polyphonic system. The VCOs are based on the Z3000 but with some extra features according to Gur. This was probably the highlight for me at NAMM this year. I was telling Gur how most people that haven't jumped on the modular band wagon yet are mainly reluctant due to the cost of entry. It can be difficult to put the money into a case and base monophonic system when that money can go towards other gear, including poly synths just as flexible. This module along with the others will be a way to justify the cost of entry for many. Instead of buying a polyphonic mainstream synth you can buy this and expand from there. The money you spend here will get you a polyphonic modular synth without the hassle of having to patch up individual systems. This is groundbreaking. It sounded amazing.

Pics here: NAMM 2012: Analogue Haven Booth Pics

1 comment:

  1. hi
    agreed. poly vco looks amazing. look forward this.

    what was the small module to the left of the clock dividers? looked like you were using it to program the SD808 module


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