MATRIXSYNTH: Health Club Switcheroo Analogue Synthesizer

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Health Club Switcheroo Analogue Synthesizer

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"Rare chance to buy a Switcheroo synthesizer. Only a few of these were ever made by Health Club.

The Switcheroo features:
2 Voltage controlled oscillators (VCO), scaled to 1v/Octave
1 Voltage-controlled filter (self-oscillating and 1v/Octave too)
1 Attack-Release envelope generator
1 Low-frequency oscillator (LFO) w
1 Voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA)
1 Envelope follower (that can trigger the envelope)
1 White Noise generator
CV and gate in. (NO MIDI IN)

Based on Ray Wilson's MFOS design this is quite a one-off synth. Of all the synths I have owned it reminds me most of a VCS3 in terms of the rawness of the sound and the endless possibilities to cross modulate everything. You can also do some unusual things such as plug in a guitar, keyboard, drum machine into the envelope follower and it can then modulate the VCA, oscillators, and filter! The Envelope can be triggered by a gate signal from a sequencer or keyboard or it can be triggered by the LFO or it can self loop (like the VCS3 trapezoid). The oscillators can be synced together and modulated by just about anything and everything. All in all a great synth for experimentation and research into the farthest corners of the sonic sphere (OK a bit OTT but you know what I mean). Includes 12vAC adapter."

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