MATRIXSYNTH: Something New From Clavia / Nord Keyboards Coming to Musikmesse

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Something New From Clavia / Nord Keyboards Coming to Musikmesse

via Nord Keyboards: "Wednesday March 21th at 10.00am the 2012 Musikmesse opens in Frankfurt! The Nord Crew will be there and as always there will be something new to try out..."

Click the pic and look at the red box he's resting his hand on. My first thought was the new nord drum presented at NAMM 2012, but if you look at the back of it in this post, you'll see it's fully black. This one is red. Along with the new nord drum at NAMM, Clavia showed the new Nord Piano 2, and C2D Combo Organ, none of which this appears to be. So, a small red box. My dream? A new affordable fully polyphonic micro-modular with iPad editor for performance editing and software editor for PC/Mac/Linux. They could repackage the DSP in the G2 rack with the existing engine and put resources into the editor. I can always dream...

Update: Consensus in the comments is that it's actually the wood side panel of a keyboard standing on it's side. It's painted red like other Clavia keyboards. Note none of the Lead and Wave line of synths from Clavia have had wood end caps, so if this is a new synth, it would be a departure from that.

Update: Looks like it will be the Electro 4D. You can find the announcement here.


  1. Its not a little box. Looks more like an upright standing synth and you just see the red wooden cheeks of it... maybe a nord lead or nord wave ???

  2. I see someone has beaten me to it! I was also going to say it's the end cheek of a synth/keyboard, it's just the right depth. Wave 2 would be my guess too, although a new version of the G2 (G3?) would be cool!

  3. On closer inspection of the image on the Nord site I notice a couple of things. It definitely looks like a wooden end cheek (you can just make out the join with the metal), and the leads and Wave don't have that. However, if you look at where it comes to on the man's body, and assuming he's of average Swedish height and is standing, it's about 85-87cm, which closely matches the width of the Wave and Lead. The Electro 3 Sixty One is 90cm and even allowing for the tilt I don't think it can be that length. If it is though it could be a 61 key single manual organ, but I think that's less likely. My money goes on a revamp to either the Lead or Wave with new wooden ends to match the rest of the line.

  4. I see it now. It would be a bit odd if they moved away from the classic look of the Lead and Wave line for a new synth.

  5. It is obviously the stylish Nord walking cane that I have been hoping for.

  6. Of course, it could be any Clavia product, existing or new, used because a marketer thought it hit the model in just the right place to show his pants and shirt and therefore convey coolness and youth. Speculation is fun (and I'm dying to know, too), but should all be taken with a big grain of salt. I'm hoping for a new Nord Wave with 4-part multitimbral effects and user wavetables (real wavetables, not merely digital waveforms), but I'm not holding my breath.

  7. I think we interpreted the word 'new' a little to literarily!


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