MATRIXSYNTH: Circuit Bent Amp Synth by freeform delusion

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Circuit Bent Amp Synth by freeform delusion

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YouTube Published on Apr 18, 2012 by eecouk

"Mini amp with a 4093 oscillator synth inside. The original idea was to build a synth in a mini amp and still use the amp as it is intended, which it does. Then I realised that you can get some things going through input to interact with the Amp Synth. The synth lowers in volume when you put an external unit through the input jack, so I added a mod on the side for this to work much better when using the headphone output, like in this video. The unit still works as an amp when the synths turned off and you can used the synth through the amps internal speaker instead of using the headphone output.

I also used a Realistic Concertmate Accompanist Drum Machine through the input.

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