MATRIXSYNTH: Five Notes on the Newly Announced Microsoft Surface

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Five Notes on the Newly Announced Microsoft Surface

The bullet points for me on the Microsoft Surface:

- The Pro version should have MIDI! You might remember from this post, Windows RT for ARM processors will most likely not have MIDI support, so go with Pro if you need it (unless they disable it for some bizarre reason). The Pro version is the full blown Windows 8 OS.

- VSTs on the tablet! With the full blown OS you should have access to every VSTi out there. The big question will be how well they work with a touch interface - tiny buttons, knobs and sliders, rotational vs. horizontal dragging of the controls, etc..

- Processing power and RAM? How well will VSTs run on it?

- Battery life? How long can it run processor intensive VSTs?

- Built in USB

If you have any notes, feel free to comment.


  1. if this will run legacy software and vst/rtas, and protools LE, i will be amazed. looks like they will ship with an i5 top end. but i think it will be unusable for a real DAW....

  2. Me too. I've always wanted Absynth on a tablet. Creating synths with Reaktor on the tablet, exploring Plogue Bidule, sequencing and controller apps... I always feel detached using a mouse and keyboard. Not so with a tablet. Everything is there, right in front of you waiting to be controlled and explored like real hardware. UI is key though, and MIDI for hooking up external gear. I have an iPad and was going to pass on the Windows RT tablets due to lack of MIDI, but the announcement of the Pro version has me pretty excited. That and a more open OS. Lack of MIDI support was the one Windows tablet killer vs. the iPad in my opinion. As for the UI Windows 8 Metro should make it a bit easier to get around.


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