Showing posts with label Microsoft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Microsoft. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A look back at Windows Phone for musicians (FL Studio mobile on a Lumia 950XL)

Published on Apr 15, 2020 Floyd Steinberg

Funny intro. When support ends are the apps gone or do they remain on your phone?

"Here's a short look at what the now-very-dead Windows Phone could do for electronic music enthusiasts. I decided to show off FL Studio Mobile 'cause that's available for Android and IOS, too."

Sunday, September 29, 2019

New England Synthesizer Fest - Fall 2019

Published on Sep 29, 2019 DJ François G

"New England Synthesizer Fest - Fall 2019 #bostonmodular #pgmcerimonial #tvcultura #meb"

See this post for some live performances.

Monday, April 01, 2019

Making Music with Microsoft Paint

Published on Apr 1, 2019 Gabe Miller Music

"In which I make music with MS Paint, and it actually kinda works."

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Controlling a modular synth with Kinect

Published on Jan 3, 2019 Andor Polgar

"Controlling a modular synthesizer with a Microsoft Kinect V1 motion sensing device

Visuals: Petra Eros
Coding: Petra Eros
Sound art: Andor Polgar
Video: Andor Polgar"

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Ocean Swift Synthesis XBox360 Midi Controller

Ocean Swift Xbox360 Midi Controller - Setup and Demonstration

Published on Jun 11, 2016

"Ocean Swift Synthesis XBox360 Midi Controller is out! Works great with any DAW! Grab it at our User Area with Basic Access!

Ocean Swift Xbox360 Controller [under Products, Sound Banks & Controllers]

Xbox Controller windows setup instructions

LoopBe1 - A Free Virtual MIDI Driver"

Thursday, April 07, 2016

SuperBooth 2016: Bitwig Studio with Microsoft Touch Devices

Published on Apr 7, 2016 Synth Anatomy

"Here is a short demonstration of Bitwig Studio with the new Microsoft Touch Devices (Surface Book in this video). The interview partner is a intern Bitwig sound designer and was not complete prepared to make such a interview. I want to show only how cool you can use Bitwig Studio with a Surface Book now.

Subscribe to my channel to get more videos about Synthesizer Products from now and the past. Please leave your comments if you like the video or not, it help my channel to evolve."

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Microsoft Surface 3 - Full Review and SP3 Comparison for Music Production

Published on May 4, 2015 Molten Music Technology

Summary after 34.

"The deepest review you will ever see of the new Microsoft Surface 3. I demonstrate it running actual software, comparing performance to the Surface Pro 3, showing you what it's actually capable of. You know it can run Office and use the internets but how well does it run Cubase, Pro Tools, PhotoShop, Maschine? This is the only review you'll ever need."

via discchord

Monday, February 23, 2015

Introducing Groove Machine Mobile for Android, iOS & WIndows

Published on Feb 23, 2015 Image-Line

Groove Machine Mobile | Getting Started Tutorial

Details from iTunes here (Windows & Android here):

"Create professional sounding music in just minutes. Or perhaps you just want to lay down a percussion track and play keyboards over the top, you can do that too.

Online manual: [link]

About Groove Machine Mobile

Synthesizer: Load from the extensive library of bass, keys, lead, pad, sfx and synth sounds. The flexible dual-oscillator, wave-shape driven, design with filters, 3 envelopes and LFO architecture will ensure you can create fresh and unique sounds for years to come. Listen to the presets and you will know how powerful the Groove Machine Mobiles synths are.

Sample Player: Choose from over 20 multi-sampled instruments covering Piano, strings, organ, bass, guitar, flute, harp and more.

Drums & percussion: Punch out a beat on the 10 drum pads. The velocity-through-position feature will allow you to play with feeling to get the right groove. Layer two samples per-pad for complex sample mash-ups. A comprehensive library of percussion samples is included covering kicks, snares, toms, hats, cymbals, sfx and more.

Keyboards: Take control over the synthesizers with Groove Machine Mobiles two-tier touch keyboard, perfect for playing chords and melodies. The visual feedback will even help you to learn to play music just by watching the existing projects play.

Effects: A wide array of modern and classic effects are available including a Bit Crusher (for lo-fi gritty sounds), Flanger & Phaser (to create complex stereo washes and spacey effects), Filters (low, high pass & vowel-voice simulation), Delay (echoes), Reverb (to simulate the sound of large halls through to tight spaces), Panning (so you can spread your sounds across your speakers) and Ring modulation (creating screaming-feedback type sounds).

Sequencing: After recording a performance Groove Machine Mobile's touch-optimized easy editing features make it a breeze. You can edit in all the musical parts from scratch here too. The Piano-roll allows note entry and step-entry for percussion tracks. Finally, record and edit the movement of almost any knob or control with the Automation editor."

Friday, April 04, 2014

Microsoft Windows MPC?

New Mpc shown at Build 2014...Mpc Ren 2? Published on Apr 3, 2014

Windows embedded OS at :54 followed by a laugh...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Techmology! - Deadmau5 with Prototype Surface Controller

Published on Oct 28, 2013 deadmau5 ·179 videos

"Thanks to our partners over at microsoft and their PPI team, our team were able to make some pretty righteous touch software that drives the OSC / Midi to... other ... stuff. ;) ... its still early in development, but were making great progress. Heres a quick demo!"

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Vintage Microsoft Computer Yamaha CX5MU MSX Music Synthesizer w/ Keyboard

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

It ran MSX BASIC version 1.0 from Microsoft.  Some pics of the software program interface / display.

SN 007662

"Up for sale is a one of a kind complete Yamaha MSX Music Computer with Microsoft Basic 3.0! These systems are rarely complete! This computer comes with the original piano keyboard, RF video adapter and all the connections you need to start playing! Also included is FM Voicing Program Cartridge which as over 40 built-in voices. This cartridge allows you to save your music on a tape program. You can also customize voices to make that old 80s Synthesizer sound. This computer also includes the Midi interface expansion which as audio rca jack output and allows MIDI in/out! This system is in fantastic condition and both the computer keyboard and piano keyboard work great and have a very nice tactile feel to them. There are only minor scratches and scuffs from normal use. Also the sound is awesome! Everything has been fully tested and is backed by a 14 day warranty (you pay the shipping). So bring back nostalgia today and own this one of a kind vintage computer! Great for old school nerd bands!.."

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Microsoft Surface Music Kit Videos

Published on Oct 23, 2013 surface·91 videos

Surface Music Kit -- Download songs and templates
Surface Music Kit -- Use Song View
Surface Music Kit -- Use Loop Mode
Surface Music Kit -- Use Mute and Solo buttons
Surface Music Kit -- Match pitch and tempo with imported sound
Surface Music Kit -- Import sound to use in remix
Surface Music Kit -- Record and import new patterns
Surface Music Kit -- Add effects to remix using sliders
Surface Music Kit -- Export your remix to MP3, WAV or WMA

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

AudioTool + MS Surface Pro: No need for iPad apps...

Published on Oct 7, 2013 acemonvw·65 videos

"Just started messing around with Flash-based Web apps using the Surface Pro. I'm guessing you could do this stuff with Android tablets, but... this is pretty fun on the Surface pro (with the digitizer pen)."

Follow-up to AudioMulch + MS Surface Pro tablet: Music production demo

via Michael Dennis Raleigh on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Microsoft Surface Pros on eBay
Microsoft Surface Pros on Amazon

Monday, October 07, 2013

AudioMulch + MS Surface Pro tablet: Music production demo

Published on Oct 7, 2013 acemonvw·64 videos

"Just tested out AudioMulch on the Microsoft Surface Pro tablet. It works like a champ. Just use the pen to work on your music. No stuttering, glitching, or problems what-so-ever!"

Follow-up to: Using the Microsoft Surface Pro to Edit the Clavia Nord Modulars

Microsoft Surface Pros on eBay
Microsoft Surface Pros on Amazon

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Using the Microsoft Surface Pro to Edit the Clavia Nord Modulars

Clavia Nord Modular (and G2) editors + Microsoft Surface Pro demo

Published on Oct 5, 2013 acemonvw·63 videos

I'm actually the person referred to in the video that asked about using the Surface Pro to edit the Clavia Nord Modular (I have the Micro Modular). Big thanks to acemonvw for testing this out! I was curious if the touch interface would work well. It appears that with the pen it indeed does. One thing I didn't think about though, was whether the Micro Modular would be recognized by the editor running on Windows 8. You'd think it would but someone I know and trust wasn't so sure. Also, I recently switched to a Mac and tried the editor using Wine which runs Windows programs. The editor picked up my MIDI device but oddly it did not pick up the Micro Modular.  If anyone out there has a Nord Modular and a Surface Pro, let us know if the editor picks up the hardware and works with it.  Regardless, the G2 editor does work, produces audio and best of all, it is free.  If you have a Surface Pro, you have a free modular.

Update: it looks like it works with the Roland UM-ONE MIDI out on Windows 8 as you can see in this video with an Acer W510.

Video description:
"This demo goes through using the Nord Modular (0:00) and G2 (6:00) editors on the Surface Pro. If you want to just know 'Does the Surface Pro work well with these editors?' my answer is 'yes, but...'

The 'but' being that it seemed most useful using the pen throughout. While I at first felt that your fingers would work fine for knob twisting and such, even on the Nord Modular editor (not G2), I looked back at the video and felt that my finger still had trouble catching the knobs. However, I would say WITH the pen, you would have very little trouble using the editors. I hope you enjoyed the video and that it provided you with some insight into this combination. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you :)"

via Michael on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge.

Microsoft Surface Pros on eBay
Microsoft Surface Pros on Amazon

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

NI Maschine + Microsoft Surface Pro Demo #2

Published on Sep 30, 2013 acemonvw·61 videos

Follow-up to this post.

"It works. Using AISO4ALL driver. VSTs that were active:
2 Massive vsts
5 reaktor
1 drum kit (stock 909 from Maschine, with 1 metaverb effect)

I had a lot of glitching and stopping because of some processes in
Windows. I advise that you reset your computer before using..."

via Michael Dennis Raleigh on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Microsoft Surface Pros on eBay
Microsoft Surface Pros on Amazon

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Microsoft Surface Pro Running Better with Machine

See update3 in this post. Also note this is with Surface Pro, not the Surface Pro 2.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

NI Maschine + MS Surface Pro demo... it wasn't quite as expected

Published on Sep 26, 2013 acemonvw·59 videos

I believe this is the first MS Surface Pro user video focused on making music.
Update: all working now.  See this post.

The original post:
"So I thought it would be cool to use the MS Surface Pro as an interface
for Maschine. I was able to make some fun beats with it and use it
fairly well, but it would freak out every so often. I thought I had it
under control when I was making this piece... but it ends abruptly when
the CPU just gives out. The audio cut out just fine apparently, but you
can see at the very end the software and hardware just give up. Welp,
that's why I like hardware grooveboxes, they don't just give up on me
when I'm writing stuff (of course, the Surface Pro isn't THAT great of
a piece of hardware either, but I did expect it to manage this song).

Yes, the levels seem to be off, I just wanted to experiment with
Maschine and the Surface Pro... It was a failed attempt I think."

Update: see this thread on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge for some additional details.
Some notes on what was running:

"To be fair. I believe I have 5 reaktor vst's going, a few massive vst's going, one other NI vst that does drone-y things (can't remember its name), as well as some samples for drums..."

"The way I recorded the audio, was for Maschine to sample the master audio, which probably added to the fun. Oh, AND Maschine and all samples and VSTs are loaded on an external micro SD (class 10) card..."

This was also run with Windows Pro native audio drivers out of the box. Asio4all drivers and/or of course an external audio device might help.

Update2 via Tony Scharf in the comments before the updates from the Lounge: "The amount of RAM and storage speed in the surface pro is just totally in adequate for something like Maschine. You would have to have VERY high latency times for it to run. Also, I'd like to know if he is just using Maschine, or if there are any plug in FX being used. That would probably push it over the edge.

The surface pro 2 would probably fair better. Also, a more optimized application like FL Studio would probably run better given how FL Studio will run on a crappy netbook well. Maschine is many things but it is NOT lean."

Update3 via Michael, aka acemonvw on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge: "If you're interested in knowing, I have studied Maschine and the Surface Pro and find they work pretty well together. I have had much fewer hangups since switching to the AISO driver. I also found that a few services were causing issues randomly 1) Windows Modules Installer Worker, 2) WMI provider host, and 3) System. System was strange in that it was at about 30% CPU forever. Maschine only took up 10% CPU when running using 2 reaktors, 1 massive, and one Kontakt. Pretty impressive actually!"

Microsoft Surface Pros on eBay
Microsoft Surface Pros on Amazon

Monday, September 23, 2013

Microsoft Announces Surface 2 "Remix Project" with MPC Style Control Pads

Remix Project -- Linkin Park's Joe Hahn

Published on Sep 23, 2013 surface·69 videos

"Joe Hahn explains why the Surface Music Kit is an easy way to start remixing music the way you want. Learn more at"

"The Surface Music Kit is compatible with Surface 2, Surface Pro, and Surface Pro 2. Internet access required for installation." Go with Pro if you want to run the full gamut of Windows apps. RT only supports apps specifically designed for it. Also I don't not believe Windows RT supports external MIDI devices. If you know otherwise feel free to comment.

The following video focuses on other snap on interface options for the Surface.  Remix Project makes an appearance.  Further below is a video on the Remix Project from Engadget.

Surface Workshop at Art Center College of Design

Published on Sep 23, 2013

"Three weeks before launching its new line of products, the Surface design team took a trip to Pasadena, CA, where they held a 3 day workshop with renowned design school Art Center College of Design.

The group of 11 students chosen for the workshop were the first people outside of Microsoft to see a new accessory the design team has been working on: a music attachment that clicks into a Surface and allows users to easily remix music. They asked the students: what else would you want to attach to a Surface? They code named these attachments blades."

Microsoft Surface 2 Remix Project Hands-On | Engadget

Published on Sep 23, 2013 Engadget·1,050 videos

"Microsoft Surface 2 Remix Project Hands-On. Read on at Engadget:"

"Inside the application, you'll find "stems" (things like the bass track of a song), "clips" (the intro to a pop song, say) and "oneshots," which include sound effects like claps. From there, you can drag and drop the tracks into a workshop area, not unlike the way you'd handle media in a video-cutting program (or any other digital audio workshop, really). What's especially cool is that the Touch Cover here is pressure-sensitive, just like the new Touch Cover 2, so if you want a light drum sound, you can tap it lightly; if you want something more intense, just start mashing it with your fingers..."

This one in via Soviet Space Child.

Monday, September 02, 2013

FL Studio Groove for Windows 8 Touch Based OS

FL Studio Groove | Demo
Published on Sep 2, 2013

FL Studio Groove | Getting Started


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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