Thursday, July 12, 2012

KOMA Elektronik KOMMANDER Demo

YouTube Published on Jul 12, 2012 by KOMAelektronik

"After a few months of delay, KOMA Elektronik's new product, the KOMMANDER, is finally in production! In this demonstation we show you some of the many features and ways to use this wonderful small device in your (modular) setup!

Order your own for 59 EUR at ! The first run is only 200 units, so be quick!

The KOMMANDER is a handheld dual infrared X-Y motion controller that makes controlling your instruments intuitive and fun. The device measures the distance to your hand or any other surface and sends out corresponding CV signals between 0 and 8 volts. The closer you have your hand to the KOMMANDER, the higher the output voltage. This will allow you to create weird synth sounds, trigger a drum machine, control effect pedals or any other instrument that is capable of receiving CV signals. Because of our innovative circuit design there is no interference from stage light, so the musician can use it wherever she or he wants. Just plug the KOMMANDER into your Eurorack Modular System, Buchla, Moog, Roland or any other synthesizer and create the coolest sounds!


* 4 CV outputs
- 2 x CV Out (0-8 volts)
- 2 x Gate Out (adjustable threshold)
* 2 IR sensors with optical crosstalk
* Sensing range trimmer on the inside
* 9V DC input
* Great Black Metal design!"

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