MATRIXSYNTH: Studio Electronics Omega 2

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Studio Electronics Omega 2

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"This Synth is in perfect shape. Every controllers, every switches respond perfectly as well as the Q knob. Based on discrete circuits with different filter types, an arpeggiator, very good modulation capabilities, dynamic sound processing and elaborate MIDI control, this synth is definitively a modern synth.

This Omega 2 SC, the most affordable Studio electronics Omega model, can easily compete with a pair of analog mono synth, at a far lower price. Think what you could do with two voices combined into a Multi ? 4 oscillators, 2 sub-oscillators, 2 filter flavors (Moog and Oberheim), modulated by 6 LFOs, 6 enveloppes, ... no other analog synth can rival this synth except another Omega with more voices.

This 2 voices polyphonic synthesizer, 2 parts multitimbral stereo analog synthesizer comes factory-fitted with Moog and Oberheim filters and can be expanded with optional CS80, 2600 and TB303 filter cards. Filters can be added per voice giving you a range of filter flavors, unbeatable in the modern synth production. This Omega offers 128 Multimode patches and 256 Factory Presets.

Impressive pads, brass, organs, leads, basses, and many of the other classic analogue sounds, as well as great abilities to create a wide scope for experimentation and ample opportunity for extreme noises, this synth will dramatically increase your creativity.

And if it's not enough for your creativity, I'll provide you for free, the Theriot and the Cadix patch bank as Sysex files (value $99 each). This 2 patch banks are those coming with bank C and D of the C.O.D.E. 8.

Listen to this juicy Phat Fu demo of the Omega :"

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