MATRIXSYNTH: Maestro Woodwind

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Maestro Woodwind

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"Incredibly rare vintage 60s Maestro Woodwind analogue effects box complete with clarinet pickup and original carry case! I think it's the rarest "W1" model. Not sure where to start with this...

It's primarily designed for playing Clarinet or Saxophone through, then passing it into an amp but can also be used as a guitar effect, synth effect or you can put just about anything through it via the inputs.

You can hear this all over the woodwind on a lot of the Frank Zappa records - infact, it's on the inside sleeve of Hot Rats. Used by Kraftwerk also. It sounds a lot like loads of effects on early Roxy Music/ Brian Eno stuff...

In theory it has settings like "Cello" and "Horn" which transform the woodwind sound via pitch shift/ tracking etc.

BUT, you can also coax various 60s Maestro fuzz sounds out of it (they made very expensive classics like the Brassmaster etc.) by putting whatever you want through it.

The clarinet socket was switched to a 1/4" socket by the previous owner, which makes it easier for feeding signals through. There's a very slight dent where they did it - you can see in the picture. Output is on two 1/4" jacks. This allows you to get really good stereo effects. It also has a tremolo and EQ! You can apply effects to each output.

If you want to run a guitar or signal from a mixing desk/ Pro Tools through the unit then you should use a preamp or signal booster before it so it can track the notes OK. Also, best to run it into a DI box or instrument inputs on your soundcard/ desk.

If you want to use the Maestro with a clarinet then use the pickup/ barrel in place of the usual one on your clarinet. Has fitted every single clarinet I've used it with (Buffet, Bundy etc.)

All in all a very eccentric and unique box, rare as hen's teeth. I was told this one was made in the 60s which would make sense. It's in really good condition and looks amazing. Probably a real collectors piece. Very useful and fun for studio sessions/ mixing.

Only made in the US I think - so you'll have to use a plug adapter which you can get really easily (and cheaply) at Maplin/ most places..."

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