MATRIXSYNTH: Todd Barton Live Buchla Video Stream Tonight!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Todd Barton Live Buchla Video Stream Tonight!

Just a reminder, Todd Barton live in Ashland, OR, will be on USTREAM tonight starting around 7:45 PM PST. I'm not finding the embed code, so just click here to watch when the time comes.

Update: embed for the recorded performance added below.

Update 11/5: YouTube and SoundCloud embeds added below.

Video streaming by Ustream

Todd Barton Live Buchla Improv Concert

Published on Nov 5, 2012 by vgermuse

"Saturday Nov. 3: a live improv concert featuring Todd Barton on the Buchla Electric Music Box. No keyboard, no controllers, no samples, no pre-recorded playback, just a bunch of analog synth modules and lots of knob twiddling. For higher res audio go to:" [embed below]

Buchla Improv 11-3-12 by bartonmusic

1 comment:

  1. Well one benefit of being in Southern Oregon is that you get to see Todd Barton live - that was one sweet concert


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