MATRIXSYNTH: ArdCore Cartesian 4x4 Step Sequencer

Saturday, December 01, 2012

ArdCore Cartesian 4x4 Step Sequencer

Published on Dec 1, 2012 by chisel316
Gets going at 2:14.

"This is a demonstration of a 4x4 step sequencer I created for the Snazzy FX ArdCore Eurorack module. The top left knob sets the X position, the top right knob sets the Y position, the bottom left knob sets the CV at the X,Y position, the CLK input (yellow patch) advances the X step and the A3 input (green patch) advances the Y step. In the first part, I use both knobs on the 8nu8r to advance through the X and Y steps manually while programming the sequences. In the second part, I plug the X and Y clocks into the ES-3 which is acting as a clock divider sending out gates in 1 to 8 steps. For example, by patching the X clock into output 1 and the Y clock into output 4 the sequencer advances through all 16 steps in order. Hope you enjoy it!"

via Dan Marder on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

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