Showing posts with label ArdCore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ArdCore. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tarantula Train

Published on Nov 11, 2013 davidryle·134 videos

Listen to this one in stereo if you can.

"Trying to get a conceptual grasp of MakeNoise Maths.

The clock source is an SSL TTLFO to a Moon 554 divider then on to various trigger and voltage sequencers. The Maths CH4 input and CH4 trigger are from this setup. CH1 input is
from an Ardcore OX which is used for many more gates through out the patch.

I use the Maths as an EG as well as a way to gate the background sounds with the OR output. CH4 output is removed from the SUM and sent to CH1 Rise. The CH4 buffered multiple Out is sent to an LPG noise tic. and the SUM is sent to another LPG and Oakley VCADSR for the bass line.

Tweaking the CH1 Rise and CH4 Fall rates is the main thing but also the CH3 input is a tap off the WCRS quantized random voltage and adds some interest to the opening of the CH1 bass envelope. Further wiggling of the other slope knobs and occasionally engaging the loop functions is done for added experiments.

A variety of reverbs, delays and feedback loops are employed along with a slow modulating frequency shifter on the background tones. A pan module and stereo delay outputs from the modular make for some 3D imaging."

Friday, May 10, 2013

Modular Faux Looping Random Sequence

Published on May 10, 2013 chisel316·56 videos

"I call this 'faux' because there is no sequencer or random source anywhere in the patch! I'm using the cross-modulated MFB triangle LFO through the Make Noise Function to create a sequence from the Function's signal output that is then sampled with the Doepfer A-148 S&H module triggered from the MFB square LFO. The output of the S&H is sent to the BL Duo Quantizer and then to the Ardcore which is acting as a CV recorder to capture the notes so they may be repeated. The knob I keep turning on the Ardcore switches between record and playback mode. Hope you enjoy it!

Peace \/

via Dan Marder on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Euclid's Gear Box

Published on Apr 30, 2013 davidryle·108 videos

"A quick patch project based on some Euclidean Rhythm ideas recently discussed on the Muffwiggler's Forum. Since I don't own a single module like the COTK C969 Eclidean Bi-Clock Sequencer, I decided to rig up my modular to impersonate the general idea.

Patch details include...
The kick drum, snare and bass line are using variations on 16 beat patterns. The other two elements are 12 beat with 2 fills and 11 beats with 4 fills respectively.

The patterns are as follows...

kick = 16 beat 7 fill
snare = 16 beat 6 fill
bass = 16 beat 4 fill
RM voice = 12 beat 2 fill
second voice = 11 beat 4 fill

The Ardcore 001 & Ox are handling the 16 beat patterns with the AC14 Gate Sequence sketch.
The Q960 Sequential Controller is generating the main clock and the 12 beat pattern with 2 rows of six beats and the first beat output.
The Q119 Sequential Controller is handling the 11 beat pattern by using the voltage output as a gate.
The STG Soundlabs VMS is sending pitch voltages to the 12 beat pattern's VCO's (ring modulated voice).

The Sputnik WCRS is generating quantized random pitch voltages to the 11 beat voice.
All pitch voltages are quantized through the dual Q171 quantizers from
The bass line pitch voltage is using a slow square wave LFO through a Q125 signal processor and a channel of a Q171 quantizer for a shifting 2 pitch pattern.
The kick drum is a Polivoks Filter resonance. The snare is white noise through an Oakley Diode Ladder Steep and mixed with the enveloped white noise then a touch of room reverb from a Strymon Blue Sky reverb.

The patterns were first realized using Wouter Hisschemöller's "Euclidean Rhythms Generator" java script. See: www hisschemoller dot com for further info."

Sunday, April 07, 2013

ES-3 Reaktor 8-Bit LED Display

Published on Apr 7, 2013 chisel316·48 videos

"I used Native Instruments Reaktor to create an 8-bit LED display out of the Expert Sleepers ES-3 Eurorack module. In the first demo I use the Malekko 8nu8r to sweep the CV. In the second demo I use my ArdCore Pseudo-Random Shift Register sketch. The Reaktor macro is calibrated for the ArdCore which only goes from 0 to 5V. The 8nu8r goes past 7V, so that's why the LEDs wrap around. This macro can be used as an ArdCore expander by using the ES-3's outputs as triggers or gates."

via Dan Marder on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Thursday, December 06, 2012

ArdCore Cartesian 4x4 Step Sequencer with Display

Published on Dec 5, 2012 by chisel316
"I went back and added better terminal support using PuTTY. The X,Y coordinate being edited is underlined and the X,Y step being played is bold and inverse. I also show how I use Ableton Live clips with the ES-3 to create a clock divider. Hope you enjoy it!

Peace \/

via Dan Marder on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Saturday, December 01, 2012

ArdCore Cartesian 4x4 Step Sequencer

Published on Dec 1, 2012 by chisel316
Gets going at 2:14.

"This is a demonstration of a 4x4 step sequencer I created for the Snazzy FX ArdCore Eurorack module. The top left knob sets the X position, the top right knob sets the Y position, the bottom left knob sets the CV at the X,Y position, the CLK input (yellow patch) advances the X step and the A3 input (green patch) advances the Y step. In the first part, I use both knobs on the 8nu8r to advance through the X and Y steps manually while programming the sequences. In the second part, I plug the X and Y clocks into the ES-3 which is acting as a clock divider sending out gates in 1 to 8 steps. For example, by patching the X clock into output 1 and the Y clock into output 4 the sequencer advances through all 16 steps in order. Hope you enjoy it!"

via Dan Marder on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Thursday, November 01, 2012

ArdCore NoiseRing

Published on Nov 1, 2012 by chisel316

"I programmed a simple emulation of the Wiard NoiseRing on my Snazzy FX ArdCore. It supports the chance and change controls and outputs an 8-bit shift register based on the specs here: It's clocked by a square LFO from the Kraftzwerg. The output CV is sent into the VCO on the Kraftzwerg. The output trigger is sent into the envelope gate input on the Kraftzwerg. I don't have a real NoiseRing to compare it to, but it's fun to play with regardless. Hope you enjoy it!

Peace \/

via Dan Marder on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Random Walk Generator Demo (ArdCore, Kraftzwerg, & A148)

Published on Oct 27, 2012 by chisel316

"The Snazzy FX ArdCore is a Eurorack module based around the Arduino microcontroller. You can create programs (a.k.a. sketches) on your computer and upload them via USB into the module. For this video, I loaded the Random Walk Generator sketch into the ArdCore and use it to modulate the VCOs on the Kraftzwerg. Also in play in this patch are the Kraftzwerg's Dual cross-modulating LFOs and the Doepfer A148 Sample and Hold module. As you can see, I started expanding my modular setup. I've been collecting modules that I feel compliment the Kraftzwerg. Hope you enjoy it!"

via Dan Marder on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Friday, October 19, 2012

Snazzy fx ardcore-seq with sync

Published on Oct 19, 2012 by snazelle

"Drum machine driving 2 ardcores with sh-101 sequencers"

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Snazzy FX: ARDCORE sh-101 sequencer

Published on Oct 17, 2012 by snazelle

"The new scratchpad sequencer!! Feed it from a keyboard (cv/gate) or from a clock/voltage source

We are giving it an lfo and a clock"

Thursday, August 16, 2012


YouTube Published on Aug 16, 2012 by snazelle

"MAKENOISE DPO driven by SNAZZY FX Ardcore arpeggiator,
Gate out of ardcore into strike in of DPO....Dreamboat plugged into Mod Bus...ardcore drums also"

Thursday, August 02, 2012

SNAZZY FX ARDCORE close look unboxing

YouTube Published on Aug 2, 2012 by FSK1138


due to it's infinite versatility

here is a short example of
the FAC DRUM sketch (Yamaha ry-30 samples)
with the korg monotribe and monotron-e"

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Trogotronic 333 vs Serge Creature

YouTube Published on Jun 15, 2012 by DJjondent

"This is primarily a test of the Trogotronic M Series 333 Eurorack module.
It's an envelope follower with an 9 "step" event sequencer.

An envelope follower takes an audio input and converts it into a control voltage.
This control voltage will rise and fall with the overall volume of the input signal.
The louder the input, the bigger the output of the envelope follower.

The trog works pretty well I think. I used the snazzy fx (Arduino based) ArdCore to supply the tune. The audio signals from the Ardcore weren't loud enough on their own to
trigger the 333 so I boosted the volume with a Circuit Abbey Gozinta

The setting for attack - uppermost right dial on the trog is pretty important to
get it to trigger well. If set too far clockwise the 333 may not respond.

Thanks to Matt from RhythmActive for the Trog 333, the ArdCore and the Gozinta"

Friday, June 08, 2012

Strange Lights

YouTube Published on Jun 8, 2012 by davidryle

"Trying out a new Polyvoks Filter. I chained the Q960 and Q119 step sequencers together so they would create a 13 step pattern.The melodic line repeats as several gate and switch settings come together. The Ardcore 001 and Yusynth Random Gates are working the gate logic for most all events and a CGS Master Divider sets envelope events as well. The main clock signal is from a Mega Ohm Audio LFO2. Every sound is within the modular with no outside FX or EQ. Straight to a single track in Cubase.
Loads of fun patching this up. I almost used all my cables this time."

Thursday, June 07, 2012

ArdCore - Snazzy FX - Arduino - Eurorack - Installation Demo

YouTube Published on Jun 7, 2012 by DJjondent

"The 1st 29 seconds of this video demos how to upload a patch to the ArdCore Eurorack Module by Snazzy FX
The video is silent till 30 you dont have to turn your speakers up.

I only got this today.... finall an Arduino in Eurorack form.

An Arduino is a micro-controller ( computer chip ) which can be programmed to act as you wish. So this module has the potential to be a VCO or filter, or ADSR envelope.... they say anything you like..

It all depends on the code ...So I downloaded this bit of random code (Pretty 1a_pot) from "github" just to test it out.

This code turned out to be a sort of VCO (very different to your classic oscillator) ... or is it supposed to be a random audio source. ????
Anyway, it does respond to CV modulation.
I'm modulating it with the anti-oscillator from Wiard which is a radical VCO in its own right.


Hopefully this will get everyone else up and running fast.
There is no manual out as yet however these are the installation instructions
as I understand:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Broken Silicon Error Codes #1 for Tiptop Audio Z-DSP

New codes for the Z-DSP by Broken Silicon spec sheet via

New video from cray56 below and be sure to catch the earlier one from Richard Devine here. The first demo with Broken Silicon's Error Codes #1 was in this teaser for the Tiptop 909 Hats.

Published on May 21, 2012 by cray56

"Snazzy FX Ardcore and The Broken Silicon chip for the ZSDP filmed by CV Slime"

Sunday, May 20, 2012

ArdCore Output Expander Example #4: Voltage Tracker

YouTube Published on May 20, 2012 by 20Objects

"Control the step playback control of a Q960 Sequencer using the ArdCore with an output expander. This sketch follows incoming voltages, and produces a voltage-controlled sequence."

Saturday, May 12, 2012

ArdCore Output Expander #3 - Q960 Control

YouTube Published on May 12, 2012 by 20Objects

"Control the step playback control of a Q960 Sequencer using the ArdCore with an output expander. This provide a new level of control for performance and variation generation."

See the Ardcore label below for more.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

ArdCore Output Expander #2 - Random Gates

YouTube Published on May 5, 2012 by 20Objects

"This is an example video for the ArdCore Output Expander. It receives a clock signal, and creates eight random gates out of the output expander. This shows how the output expander exposes the 8-bit analog output - one bit at a time. Thus, any ArdCore sketch will produce interesting outputs from the expander. NOTE: this ArdCore is equipped with the optional switch on the A3, but it is unused in this sketch."

Monday, April 30, 2012

ArdCore Output Expander Example #1 - Alternating Triggers

YouTube Published on Apr 30, 2012 by 20Objects

"This is an example video for the ArdCore Output Expander. It generates a clock signal, and provides a number of alternating triggers for the output. In this case, different triggers are used for two sequences, a sample and hold module and an amplitude envelope. NOTE: this ArdCore is equipped with the optional switch on the A3 input for turning the clock on and off."

Update: ArdCore stands for Arduino Core. You can find info on it at 20Objects here. SnazzyFX produces a eurorack version.

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