MATRIXSYNTH: Trogotronic 333 vs Serge Creature

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Trogotronic 333 vs Serge Creature

YouTube Published on Jun 15, 2012 by DJjondent

"This is primarily a test of the Trogotronic M Series 333 Eurorack module.
It's an envelope follower with an 9 "step" event sequencer.

An envelope follower takes an audio input and converts it into a control voltage.
This control voltage will rise and fall with the overall volume of the input signal.
The louder the input, the bigger the output of the envelope follower.

The trog works pretty well I think. I used the snazzy fx (Arduino based) ArdCore to supply the tune. The audio signals from the Ardcore weren't loud enough on their own to
trigger the 333 so I boosted the volume with a Circuit Abbey Gozinta

The setting for attack - uppermost right dial on the trog is pretty important to
get it to trigger well. If set too far clockwise the 333 may not respond.

Thanks to Matt from RhythmActive for the Trog 333, the ArdCore and the Gozinta"

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