MATRIXSYNTH: Korg Poly-AtomaHawk-800 Demo

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Korg Poly-AtomaHawk-800 Demo

Published on Sep 26, 2012 by JAkoGreyshire
"A little demo showing a small part of the AtomaHawk-800's sound capabilities. Also, how it handles small amounts of MIDI CC messages. All patches are stock sounds from the library you can download specifically for the AtomaHawk-800 upgrade Modification.
As soon as I program some sweet sounds I'll make another video with better keyboard skills. This video is for people who are thinking about doing the upgrade. With a little soldering, and direction following skills you will enjoy a synth with a second life.

A BIG shout out to the Creator, Michael Hawkins!!! Thanks Brother. His page is here:

Order the AtomaHawk-800 kit here:

My Derelict Myspace page.....

Free the Human Soul!"

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