MATRIXSYNTH: Merry Synthmas!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Synthmas!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful season filled with synthful cheer! :) Here are some pics I hope you enjoy followed by my holiday message further below. Don't forget to click on the pics for some great wallpaper.

As this year's message is a little bit more lengthy than previous years, I decided to post it below the pics in order to not distract from them (the pics do look better alone with the black background). That said, as always, Christmas is the one day of the year I take it easy on the site. Non holiday posts will resume tomorrow. Until then, click on the holidays label, relax, and and enjoy everything that has gone up for the season this year. You'll find plenty to bring in that Synthmas cheer. Or catch up on posts you may have missed. The Featured label will bring up some highlights.

As for the pics above,  I wanted to feature some of my new items for the year.   As you know, I paid a visit to George Mattson's last week. Well, it turns out he had a little surprise for me to play with over the holidays. A prototype Division 6 eurorack format Mattson SQ816 Sequencer! You can see it pictured above.

Over the year, I picked up Tiptop Audio's 808 drum modules, a Moog Minitaur which I reviewed here, and a Subconscious Communications Model 15 Complex VCO & Model 37 ELF LFO/Utility VCO, featured in my Halloween post here.

I also picked up quite a few iOS apps. Too many to list, so I thought I'd feature those I received promo codes for as a thank you to those that sent them in. Running the site takes a massive amount of work and time, so these little gifts are always appreciated. Thank you! BTW, if I missed anyone, let me know. Here's the list: Musix Pro, Werkbench, Werkbench for iPhone, uPhase+, Soundbeam, Reactable Huntemann, Reactable Gui Boratto, iYM2151, NLogSynth Pro & MIDI Synth, Samplr, Lis10er, Octavian, Drum Machine Legends, Changeling Sequencer, Orphion, Koushion, and TB MIDI Stuff.

This year I also received the new Synth T-Shirt, an 808 Synth T from The Dole Shirt, CustomSynth cable stickers, and the brilliant Telemark "Rejoice!" Christmas Card from Analogue Solutions pictured above.

The best gift of course is being able to share this site with all of you.

Thank you, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!!


  1. Merry Synthmas Matrix! As always this is the first and last site I visit during the day and I love it to bits, all the best, have a good one!

  2. Merry Synthmas one and all!


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