MATRIXSYNTH: Prosoniq Orange Vocoder Disneyland Electrical Parade (Vocoder Intro # 4)mpg

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Prosoniq Orange Vocoder Disneyland Electrical Parade (Vocoder Intro # 4)mpg

Published on Feb 3, 2013 intromix·90 videos

"Here it is, the sounds of the virtual Prosoniq Orange Vocoder. I'm an Analog guy and I've owned all the great Vocoders including EMS, Sennheiser, Bode, Roland, Korg, and Electroharmonix. I must say the sounds of the Prosoniq are very impressive and will work fine with any audio recording in the Dance Music industry"

Little bits of synth history captured:
Michael Iceberg In Concert - Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade
Disneyland's Michael Iceberg 1977 Moog Minimoog up for Auction?
A Little Disney History
Main Street Electrical Parade 1973

1 comment:

  1. Could I ask what your settings are on the Prosoniq?


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