MATRIXSYNTH: Cirklon (very) basic worklow

Friday, November 29, 2013

Cirklon (very) basic worklow

Published on Nov 29, 2013 WilyEPeyote·20 videos

"Starts with loading my own default song (which I now notice I need to save my favourite fill mode in), starting from the workscene and saving a few scenes as if I was starting a song. Tried to keep video fairly short so it doesn't get boring, quite hard as I had the camera in front of my face so it could see the screen and keys, well most of them. Hope it helps explain how easy it is to start from nothing and build the bones of a song, even if this isn't a song I spent too long thinking about. :) You'll also hear the difference between the wild abandon of me recording notes into P3 patterns and the pattern playback. Hope it's useful to someone."



Published on Nov 30, 2013 WilyEPeyote·21 videos

"Some aux events and track values. The aux events used in Cirklons step (P3) patterns, here a couple of the simpler ones and some other messing about. The drums are from the Tanzbar again."

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