MATRIXSYNTH: Elby Designs AVR Synth 16 Review on

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Elby Designs AVR Synth 16 Review on

via Dimitry on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

"Yet another Elby Designs module reviewed: this time it is 16-bit version of well-known AVR Synth. It is available since 2005, but I didn't find any really detailed review, so I decided to translate my Russian article about DIY-kit, history of the instrument and some projects-successors."

"The AVRSYN project was started by Polish experimentalist Jaroslaw Ziembicki in the year 2002 as the experiment of making a complete synth on single chip. I’d like to say that slavic people are talented with low-level programming and can get 250% efficiency from obsolete technologies. Initially, the synthesizer was built around 16-bit Atmel AT90S8535 MCU. In 2005—2006 project was continued by Paul Maddox and Laurie Biddulph. Eventually, they developed the PCB, the program code was ported to modern ATMEGA16-8 and the comments were translated to English. At the same time, Biddulph started to sell synthesizer as the Elby Designs product that is still available today.

The project was developed to number of forks like 32-version made by Daniel Kruszina. His version has extended functionality, partial MIDI-control and even the wavetables. This version is also available at Elby Designs. In 2010, James Grahame with a few friends and also, supported by the original developers, made a completely new project, that is called MeeBlip..."

Check out the full review on here.

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