Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MATRIXSYNTH NAMM 2014: Buchla Booth Pics

NAMM 2014: Buchla Booth

This was definitely one of the biggest surprises for me this year at NAMM. The largest problem with any hardware modular system is the inability to save patches. Once you create something, you have to give it up to the ether to move onto the next patch.  The Buchla 200e introduced the ability to store knob settings, but not patched cable points. The card you see pictured on the Music Easel allows you to save both knob settings and patch points. It stores 10 presets. You can then create and save as many patches as you like on a dedicated iPad app and then load any patch you want to the card over wireless. You can watch a video overview by Todd Barton in this post. The technology, minus the software of course, existed with the original Music Easel back in 1973, but then you had to literally solder the patch settings in a card. You can see one of the cards pictured here has "Figure 21 Variation" written on it. That's actually a Buchla patch by Allen Strange who wrote the manual for the original Buchla Music Easel as well as Electronic Music: Systems, Techniques, and Controls.

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