MATRIXSYNTH: Synthrotek DIRT Filter Now Available

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Synthrotek DIRT Filter Now Available

Completed & kit form available from

video posted here.

"DIRT is our new 4HP low-pass filter / effect for the Eurorack modular synth platform.

Inspired by one of our favorite 'noisy' filters, the DIRT is an unapologetic filter / effect that produces interesting and unique effects via the Bias knob, accessible from the front panel.

It's not a traditional filter; it's an effects module with filtering, ring mod effects, wave shaping and even outright brutal harmonic distortion.

DIRT likes to square things up a bit, so throw in a triangle, sawtooth, sine or other wave forms for different style effects. Even plugging a guitar (using an external amplification module) into the DIRT produces some great sounds and heavy distortion.

- CUTOFF = Cutoff Frequency
- RESONANCE = Increase the Q!
- BIAS = Set the bias correctly or not, the choice is yours

- CUTOFF CV IN = Voltage range changes depending on where CUTOFF knob is positioned. External attenuation will be needed for fine modulation.
- AUDIO IN = Audio Input
- AUDIO OUT = Audio Output

Other info:
- 4HP
- Power consumption: >1mA"

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